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Clones and GMOs Genetic Engineering. How to Make an Artificial Clone  Cloning Animals: A nucleus of a body cell is removed from the animal is placed.

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Presentation on theme: "Clones and GMOs Genetic Engineering. How to Make an Artificial Clone  Cloning Animals: A nucleus of a body cell is removed from the animal is placed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Clones and GMOs Genetic Engineering

2 How to Make an Artificial Clone  Cloning Animals: A nucleus of a body cell is removed from the animal is placed into an egg with it’s nucleus removed (called nuclear transfer)  Cloning Organs/Tissues: Stem cells are extracted from an embryo to make a organ or tissue for a sick person. The pre-embryo dies in the process. New techniques may allow scientists to get stem cells from the body, rather than reproductive cells.

3 Cloning “Dolly” Picture

4 What is a GMO?  GMO= genetically modified organism  GMOs have genes from another organism added to their own DNA.  Example: BT-corn which has an insect- killing gene from a bacteria added to the corn’s DNA.

5 Advantages to GMOs  New medicines can be made by bacteria, like insulin.  Crops can be grown in new areas (drought tolerant) or with bigger fruits, or resistant to chemicals.

6 Disadvantages to GMOs  “Genetic Drift”: genes added to one crop can accidentally be added to another crop by cross-pollination, or to the insects eating or pollinating the crop.  GMO crops can be patented making it illegal to possess them without a license.  Many countries have outlawed GMO foods making exports not possible.

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