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Date: 1/29 (A) & 1/30 (B) Outcome: Students will use evidence to model how water is transferred throughout the earth. Question: How is water cycled on.

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Presentation on theme: "Date: 1/29 (A) & 1/30 (B) Outcome: Students will use evidence to model how water is transferred throughout the earth. Question: How is water cycled on."— Presentation transcript:

1 Date: 1/29 (A) & 1/30 (B) Outcome: Students will use evidence to model how water is transferred throughout the earth. Question: How is water cycled on Earth? Activities: DO NOW! SJ entry E60 Changing States of Water Group Reading pages E-54 through E-56. Draw diagram from page E-55 Pass back assessments/reassessment deadlines set EXIT: E60 AQ #2 The amount of water on the earth today is the same as it was 100 years ago. Explain. Homework: Work on reassessment contracts.

2 Water vapor – Can you see it? water in a gaseous state. Humidity – the amount of water vapor in the air.

3 Clouds – a visible collection of water droplets in the atmosphere. Clouds usually form hundreds of meters above Earth’s surface but fog is a cloud formed near Earth’s surface.

4 Changes in State of Water melting = water goes from solid to liquid freezing = water goes from liquid to solid

5 Evaporation – The process of change in state from a liquid to a gas. Condensation – The process of change in state from gas to liquid, or the droplets of liquid formed from this process.


7 Water cycle – The movement of water from one state to another as it circulates through the earth’s crust, oceans, and atmosphere. Water evaporates from the surface, rises and cools at higher elevations, condenses as rain or snow, and falls to the surface where it collects in lakes, oceans, soil, and rocks underground.

8 EXIT E60 AQ 2 The amount of water on the earth today is the same as it was 100 years ago. Explain how this could be true.


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