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Water on Earth Where does Earth’s water come from? Hydrogen (from the Big Bang – formation of the Universe) + Oxygen (supernovae “aka Exploding Star”)

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Presentation on theme: "Water on Earth Where does Earth’s water come from? Hydrogen (from the Big Bang – formation of the Universe) + Oxygen (supernovae “aka Exploding Star”)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Water on Earth Where does Earth’s water come from? Hydrogen (from the Big Bang – formation of the Universe) + Oxygen (supernovae “aka Exploding Star”) = Water Molecule = +


3 Water Cycle What drives the water cycle? Thermal energy from the sun causes phase changes in the water cycle

4 Water Cycle

5 Water Cycle Evaporation Heat energy from sun evaporates (liquid to gas) of both oceans and lakes

6 Water Cycle Condensation Water vapor (gas) cools to a liquid and attaches onto particulate matter (dust, pollution) and generates clouds

7 Water Cycle Precipitation Clouds contain liquid. When it is too heavy to carry, it falls to the ground as precipitation. Forms of precipitation: Snow, sleet, freezing rain, rain, hail.

8 Water Cycle Runoff Runoff is the result of gravity causing water to return to lakes and ocean

9 Water Cycle

10 Use the Water Cycle diagram to draw the water cycle
Use the Water Cycle diagram to draw the water cycle. Include only the parts needed on your drawing.

11 Use the Water Cycle Diagram and label the letters on your page.
At the bottom of the page, complete the Quick Review.

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