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 Marcia Hopper, Kimberly Perry, Science African American Theme Games African American Theme Games ARTS Memorable Quotes Memorable Quotes QUIZ Did you.

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2  Marcia Hopper, Kimberly Perry, Science African American Theme Games African American Theme Games ARTS Memorable Quotes Memorable Quotes QUIZ Did you know

3 Student Full Name Kunta Kinte Grade Level Kunta Kinte Teacher Name Create User name Password Email Address Team Name Kunta Kinte

4  Username Username Main MenuMenu Password

5 Explorer You will learn about African American Scientists and Scholar Artist You will learn about African American Artists and Writers Exit Program ContinueBack Main MenuMenu

6  W.E.B. (William Edward Burghardt) Du Bois (1868-1963) Image Placement is freestyle If no previous or next slides, these buttons will be deleted. ” Exit Program ContinueBack Main MenuMenu

7 As you work your way through the explorer section, using your knowledge of African American history from each section, you will earn points along the way by reviewing each section and completing the quiz. Bonus points are available by visiting the ‘Did you Know?” and African American Theme games. There will be provided with helpful hints and/or clues to help you get solve games. Class credit points will be given for every 15 minutes spent on this program To begin your journey, type your name and click on the Main Menu icon below. Best Wishes! Student Name _______________________

8 As you work your way through the Artist section, using your knowledge of African American history from each section, you will earn points along the way by reviewing each section and completing the quiz. Bonus points are available by visiting the ‘Did you Know?” and African American Theme games. There will be provided with helpful hints and/or clues to help you get solve games. Class credit points will be given for every 15 minutes spent on this program To begin your journey, type your name and click on the Main Menu icon below. Best Wishes! Student Name _______________________

9 A world- renowned agricultural chemist whose advice was sought by scientists around the world Exit Program ContinueBack Main MenuMenu

10 300 hundred products from the peanut Among the products created by Carver from various foods are the following: Adhesives Axle Grease Bleach Buttermilk Chili Sauce Cream Instant Coffee Linoleum Mayonnaise Meat Tenderizer Metal Polish Paper Peanut Butter Rubbing Oils Shampoo Shaving Cream Shoe Polish Sugar Exit Program ContinueBack Main MenuMenu

11  Invented the crop rotation for farmers to grow peanuts, cotton and tobacco  Due to the surplus of peanut, over 300 products were derived from corn oil  Was denied admission to the Highland University  Graduate from Iowa State University and taught Agriculture at Tuskegee Watch to Learn more Exit Program ContinueBack Main MenuMenu

12  HangMan HelpfulHints Exit Program ContinueBack Main MenuMenu

13 Helpful Hints Memory Game W.E.B. DuBois W.E.B. DuBois Faith Ringgolld Faith Ringgolld George Washington Carver Otis Boykin Exit Program ContinueBack Main MenuMenu

14 Quotes From George Washington Carver It is not the style of clothes one wears, neither the kind of automobile one drives, nor the amount of money one has in the bank, that counts. These mean nothing. It is simply service that measures success. Look about you. Take hold of the things that are here. Let them talk to you. You learn to talk to them. Photo Courtesy NPS Quotes From George Washington Carver It is not the style of clothes one wears, neither the kind of automobile one drives, nor the amount of money one has in the bank, that counts. These mean nothing. It is simply service that measures success. Look about you. Take hold of the things that are here. Let them talk to you. You learn to talk to them. Photo Courtesy NPS Exit Program ContinueBack Main MenuMenu

15 Quotes From Faith Ringgold If One Can Anyone Can All you Gotta Do IS Try! Quotes From Faith Ringgold If One Can Anyone Can All you Gotta Do IS Try! Exit Program ContinueBack Main MenuMenu

16  Prompt user and reconfirm exit by asking “Are you sure that you want you exit?” Yes No Exit Program ContinueBack Main MenuMenu

17 Faith Ringgold The Flag is Bleeding (1967) Main MenuMenu Back ContinueExit Program

18 Ringgold is best known for her paintings as well as her painted quilts that depict American race relations and feminism in America. Main MenuMenu Back Continue Exit Program

19 Faith Ringgold’s most famous series, “The American People” chronicles race relations between Blacks and whites, as well as men and women in America during the Civil Rights Movement. #9 The American Dream (1967) Main MenuMenu BackContinue Exit Program

20 #17 Artist and His Model (1967) Ringgold’s paintings include a mixture of elements: African masks and European painting styles, creating a distinctive style she calls “African- American”. Main MenuMenu Back Continue Exit Program

21 Faith Ringgold also paints quilts. These quilts contain the same themes of race relations and women’s rights. She also uses these quilts to examine stereotypical images of Blacks. In this quilt Ringgold challenges our views of Black men. Main MenuMenu Back Exit Program Continue The Men: Mask Face Quilt #2

22 Main MenuMenuBack Continue Exit Program

23 Octavia E. Butler Main MenuMenu Back Continue Exit Program

24 Octavia E. Butler was one of the few African American women in the field of Science Fiction writing. She won both a Nebula and Hugo award for her writing. Main MenuMenu Back ContinueExit Program

25 Butler used her novels to critique society at large. She challenged the ideas of race, sex and gender as well as social progress. Octavia Butler proved with her success that African Americans as well as women; could not only write science-fiction but, but be an active part of the future. Main MenuMenu Back ContinueExit Program

26 Some of Octavia Butler’s Books Flash File here! Link to Amazon web page. Main MenuMenu Back ContinueExit Program

27 This is an essay written by Octavia Butler in Essence Magazine. Main MenuMenu Back Continue Exit Program

28 Main MenuMenuBack Continue Exit Program

29 Main MenuMenu Back Continue Exit Program

30 Otis Boykin Main MenuMenu Continue Exit Program Back

31 Otis Boykin was an inventor, research engineer and entrepreneur. Main MenuMenu Back Continue Exit Program

32 Boykin invented 25 electrical devices. He is noted for improving the electrical resistor. An electrical resistor slows the flow of electricity through a unit. This video will show how a resistor works. Main MenuMenu Back Continue Exit Program

33 The invention that Boykin is most noted for is inventing the control unit for the artificial pacemaker. A pacemaker is a medical device that uses electrical impulses that are delivered by electrodes that contract the heart muscles, and regulates beating of the heart. Main MenuMenu BackContinue Exit Program

34 Did you know that in 1958, Arne Larsson was the first person to have an artificial pacemaker installed? Main MenuMenu Back Continue Exit Program

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