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Exploratory Agriculture

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1 Exploratory Agriculture
Swine Unit Exploratory Agriculture

2 Fun Facts Largest pig ever known weighed 1,051 lbs. His name was Big Bill and stood 5’9 at the shoulder. An 11-year-old Alabama boy used a pistol to kill a wild hog

3 Fun Facts Pigs do not have sweat glands.
They are more tolerant of cold weather!

4 Fun Facts Pigs are very intelligent- they can pick up tricks faster than dogs! Pigs can run a 7 minute mile!

5 Fun Facts Pigs are very clean-they only roll in the mud to cool off!
They keep their toilet and bed in separate areas

6 Fun Facts Pigs have a very good sense of smell.
Pigs have excellent hearing.

7 Vocabulary Piglet-newborn pig Sow-female pig who has given birth
Gilt-female pig who has never given birth

8 Vocabulary Boar- male pig that is not castrated.
Barrow- castrated male pig Wean- separating a piglet from their mother

9 Vocabulary Gestation- Pregnancy Farrowing- Process of giving birth.
Farrowing house- house where sows go to give birth.

10 Vocabulary Farrowing Crate- enclosure used for farrowing. It helps protect the piglets from getting crushed.

11 Vocabulary Creep Feeding- Feeding piglets in addition to their mother’s milk. Done in an enclosure so that the mother can’t get to it. Introduces piglets to regular feed

12 Processing Piglets: At Birth
Cut their navels and dip in iodine to minimize infection. Count number of live and dead pigs born.

13 Processing Piglets: 3 Days Old
Sex the piglets Determine if boar or gilt Weigh

14 Processing Piglets: 3 Days Old
3. Give an iron shot Sow’s milk naturally low in iron Clip Needle Teeth So they don’t hurt sow or other piglets

15 Processing Piglets: 3 Days Old
5. Clip 1/3 of tail Cleaner pigs and visually appealing 6. Ear Notch Identification Purposes

16 Processing Piglets: 3 Days Old
Give Penicillin Shot Antibiotic to prevent infection

17 Processing Piglets: 7-10 Days Old
Piglets introduced to creep feeding

18 Processing Piglets: 10-14 Days Old
Castrate Boars Not all Boars are castrated Some kept for breeding or show purposes

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