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The 2012 Ofsted inspection framework SCHOOLS North East 14 th October 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "The 2012 Ofsted inspection framework SCHOOLS North East 14 th October 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 The 2012 Ofsted inspection framework SCHOOLS North East 14 th October 2011

2 The new inspection framework Outcome based: impact Raising expectations Professional dialogue and judgement Evidence: what is typical? Self-evaluation

3 The new inspection framework The changes are designed to Raise expectations especially for teaching and pupil achievement Give greater priority to early reading and literacy Focus in more depth on the quality of teaching and pupils’ behaviour and safety Give greater priority to the impact of school leadership on improving teaching and achievement Focus inspection more on schools that need to improve most

4 The inspection focus Since schools are to be judged on a smaller number of core aspects than before, these will be examined in greater depth These changes should result in more streamlined inspections There are to be fewer judgements and grades, leading to sharper reports on the quality of education provided and the most important aspects of a school’s performance

5 Achievement There will be a single judgement on achievement. Inspectors will consider current pupils’ progress together with attainment, and trends in attainment and progress, in recent years.

6 The quality of teaching The most important role of teaching is to raise pupils’ achievement. It is also important in promoting their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. Teaching includes teachers’ planning and implementing of learning activities across the whole curriculum, as well as marking, assessment and feedback. It comprises activities within and outside the classroom, such as support and intervention.

7 Behaviour and safety Central to the new judgement is collecting evidence that provides a picture of what behaviour is typically like, not just that observed in lesson during the inspection. The views of parents, pupils and staff are important sources of evidence to consider when assessing pupils behaviour and safety over time.

8 Leadership and management Inspectors should focus on how effectively leaders and managers at all levels enable pupils to overcome specific barriers to learning and promote improvements for all pupils and groups of pupils in the context of the individual school.

9 Rigorous self-evaluation is at the heart of effective school improvement. Schools can provide the findings of their self- evaluation in any format they choose. Inspectors should judge the quality of the school’s self-evaluation and its impact on school improvement. Self evaluation

10 The new inspection framework Outcome based: impact Raising expectations Professional dialogue and judgement Evidence: what is typical? Self-evaluation

11 bso/a0065140/british-schools-overseas-an-overview

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