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NOTEBOOK: P. 8Waves of History8/19 P. 9World Religions:8/20 »Hinduism.

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Presentation on theme: "NOTEBOOK: P. 8Waves of History8/19 P. 9World Religions:8/20 »Hinduism."— Presentation transcript:

1 NOTEBOOK: P. 8Waves of History8/19 P. 9World Religions:8/20 »Hinduism

2 Waves of History What are the 4 eras and what made them each unique: 1 st : 2 nd : 3 rd : 4 th :

3 Advantages of Technology: Disadvantages of Technology

4 Learning Targets: I can explain how belief systems are defined and help to explain historical events and perspectives in the modern world. I can explain how religious differences have led to conflict throughout history. I can interpret how places and regions serve as meaningful symbols for individuals and societies.

5 Hindu

6 History Founded c. 3000 B.C. by Dravidians Aryans= nomadic invaders from Central Asia Caste System Priests Warriors/Rulers Merchants/Traders Farmers/Laborers Untouchables



9 Caste System Caste determines occupation and social status No marriage outside of caste No sharing of meals Outlawed since 1947, but still deeply ingrained in Indian society

10 Beliefs Brahma is the creator of the universe and the universal spirit, found in everything. Brahma created all other gods as helpers. 2 chief helpers: Shiva and Vishnu

11 The Four Aims All Hindus live with 4 goals: Dharma – righteousness (right behavior) Artha – success/prosperity Kama – satisfaction of desires Moksha – release from “samsara,” the life cycle

12 Atman= soul Every living thing has one The body is mortal, but the soul is immortal Reincarnation – soul is reborn in another form Dharma- your record Karma- law of consequences Samsara- transmigration & reincarnation Ultimate goal: moksha & nirvana Your atman blends with Brahman (the universal spirit) and becomes part of it.

13 Hindu and the Caste System Very closely tied Karma determines reincarnation

14 What is sacred: The Vedas The Cow Diwali: “Row of Lights” Based on Lunar calendar, celebration of “new year” Celebration of lights, fireworks, visiting people, gambling, eating certain foods

15 veR74gSo&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch% 3Fv%3Dj31veR74gSo&nomobile=1 Questions: How many million Untouchables? What similarities can you see in our own American history?

16 Article on College Quotas Questions: What is a quota or reservation? Why does India have these reservations? What is similar to it in the U.S.?

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