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Chapter 28 - Protists. Important vocabulary pitfall.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 28 - Protists. Important vocabulary pitfall."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 28 - Protists

2 Important vocabulary pitfall

3 Chapter 28 - Protists Important vocabulary pitfall protist ≠ prokaryote

4 Chapter 28 - Protists Important vocabulary pitfall protist ≠ prokaryote A prokaryote is a simple cell, like a bacterium, with no nucleus

5 Chapter 28 - Protists Important vocabulary pitfall protist ≠ prokaryote A prokaryote is a simple cell, like a bacterium, with no nucleus Protists are eukaryotes.

6 Chapter 28 - Protists Protists are… Very diverse Not a single kingdom Paraphyletic

7 Chapter 28 - Protists Protists are… Very diverse Not a single kingdom Paraphyletic DEGHJK C F I B A

8 Chapter 28 - Protists Protists are… Very diverse Not a single kingdom Paraphyletic DEGHJK C F I B A Monophyletic: One ancestor and all its descendents.

9 Chapter 28 - Protists Protists are… Very diverse Not a single kingdom Paraphyletic DEGHJK C F I B A Polyphyletic: Descended from different ancestors.

10 Chapter 28 - Protists Protists are… Very diverse Not a single kingdom Paraphyletic DEGHJK C F I B A Paraphyletic: An ancestor and some, but not all, of its descendents.

11 Chapter 28 - Protists Protists are… Very diverse Not a single kingdom Paraphyletic Unicellular, colonial, or multicellular Photoautotrophs, heterotrophs, or mixotrophs Mostly aquatic, but some not Sexually or asexually reproducing.

12 Chapter 28 - Protists Endosymbiosis: Mitochondria and plastids (including chloroplasts) developed when eukaryotic cells ingested bacteria.

13 Chapter 28 - Protists Kinds of protists: Diplomonads Flagella Two nucleii Very simple mitochondria.

14 Chapter 28 - Protists Kinds of protists: Diplomonads Giardia intestinalis

15 Chapter 28 - Protists Kinds of protists: Parabasalids Flagella Undulating plasma membrane.

16 Chapter 28 - Protists Kinds of protists: Parabasalids Trichomonas vaginalis

17 Chapter 28 - Protists Kinds of protists: Euglenazoans Flagella with unique crystalline rods Autotrophic, but can switch to heterotrophic when there is no light.

18 Chapter 28 - Protists Kinds of protists: Euglenazoans Tripanosoma (sleeping sickness)

19 Chapter 28 - Protists Kinds of protists: Dinoflagelates Alveoli (sacs beneath the plasma membrane) Flagella

20 Chapter 28 - Protists Kinds of protists: Dinoflagelates

21 Chapter 28 - Protists Kinds of protists: Dinoflagelates bioluminescence

22 Chapter 28 - Protists Kinds of protists: Dinoflagelates red tide

23 Chapter 28 - Protists Kinds of protists: Apicomplexans Parasites Apex of the cell has a complex of organelles specialized to penetrate host cells and tissues.

24 Chapter 28 - Protists Kinds of protists: Apicomplexans plasmodium (malaria)

25 Chapter 28 - Protists Kinds of protists: Ciliates Have cilia Reproduce sexually or asexually

26 Chapter 28 - Protists Kinds of protists: Ciliates paramecium

27 Chapter 28 - Protists Kinds of protists: Stramenopiles Water molds Diatoms Golden algae Brown algae

28 Chapter 28 - Protists Kinds of protists: Water molds

29 Chapter 28 - Protists Kinds of protists: Diatoms

30 Chapter 28 - Protists Kinds of protists: Golden algae

31 Chapter 28 - Protists Kinds of protists: Brown algae

32 Chapter 28 - Protists Kinds of protists: Foraminiferans and radiolarians Hard shells called “tests” Abundant in fossil record

33 Chapter 28 - Protists Kinds of protists: Foraminiferans and radiolarians

34 Chapter 28 - Protists Kinds of protists: Amoebozoans Lobe-shaped pseudopods Gymnamoebas, entamoebas, and slime molds

35 Chapter 28 - Protists Kinds of protists: Amoebozoans Gymnamoeba (free-living heterotroph)

36 Chapter 28 - Protists Kinds of protists: Amoebozoans Entamoeba (amoebic dysentery)

37 Chapter 28 - Protists Kinds of protists: Amoebozoans slime mold

38 Chapter 28 - Protists

39 Kinds of protists: Red algae One kind of seaweed

40 Chapter 28 - Protists Kinds of protists: Red algae One kind of seaweed

41 Chapter 28 - Protists Kinds of protists: Green algae Ancestor to land plants Complex life cycles Unicellular and multicellular

42 Chapter 28 - Protists Kinds of protists: Green algae Volvox (colonial)

43 Chapter 28 - Protists Kinds of protists: Green algae Caulerpa (one huge “supercell”)

44 Chapter 28 - Protists Kinds of protists: Green algae Ulva (multicellular)

45 Chapter 28 - Protists The most important things from this chapter: Disease-causing organisms Life cycle of the slime mold Endosymbiosis Green algae (ancestor to multicellular land plants)

46 Chapter 28 - Protists The most important things from this chapter: Disease-causing organisms Giardia (a diplomonad) Trichomonas (a parabasalid) Sleeping sickness (a kineplastid) Red tide (dinoflagellates) Malaria (an apicomplexan)

47 Chapter 28 - Protists The most important things from this chapter: Life cycle of the slime mold

48 Chapter 28 - Protists The most important things from this chapter: Life cycle of the slime mold spore amoeba aggregate fruiting body syngamy zygote diploid haploid

49 Chapter 28 - Protists The most important things from this chapter: Endosymbiosis

50 Chapter 28 - Protists The most important things from this chapter: Endosymbiosis early heterotrophic eukaryote cyanobacterium

51 Chapter 28 - Protists The most important things from this chapter: Endosymbiosis primary endosymbiosis

52 Chapter 28 - Protists The most important things from this chapter: Endosymbiosis

53 Chapter 28 - Protists The most important things from this chapter: Endosymbiosis red algae green algae

54 Chapter 28 - Protists The most important things from this chapter: Endosymbiosis green algae

55 Chapter 28 - Protists The most important things from this chapter: Endosymbiosis

56 Chapter 28 - Protists The most important things from this chapter: Endosymbiosis secondary endosymbiosis

57 Chapter 28 - Protists The most important things from this chapter: Endosymbiosis secondary endosymbiosis

58 Chapter 28 - Protists The most important things from this chapter: Endosymbiosis

59 Chapter 28 - Protists The most important things from this chapter: Endosymbiosis cloroplast

60 Chapter 28 - Protists The most important things from this chapter: Green algae (ancestor to multicellular land plants)

61 Chapter 28 - Protists The most important things from this chapter: Green algae (ancestor to multicellular land plants) volvoxulva.

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