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1 WARM-UP Imperialism--Policy in which stronger nations extend their political, economic, or military control over weaker territories List examples of.

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Presentation on theme: "1 WARM-UP Imperialism--Policy in which stronger nations extend their political, economic, or military control over weaker territories List examples of."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 WARM-UP Imperialism--Policy in which stronger nations extend their political, economic, or military control over weaker territories List examples of imperialism throughout history. Do you think the United States has the right and/or duty to intervene in other nations?

2 2 Book Study Read your textbooks from p.548-551 on Imperialism and America. Take 10 bullet point notes on the reading.

3 Causes of Imperialism Objective 6.01

4 Background  After Civil War Americans interested in Reconstructing the South Reconstructing the South Settling the West Settling the West Building up industry Building up industry  Not wanting to expand

5 Change of Course  Opinion on expansion begins to shift in 1880s  Desire to make U.S. a world power

6 What is imperialism?  Economic and political domination of a strong nation over weaker nations

7 Reasons for Imperialism  Desire for New Markets  Feelings of Superiority  Need for More Room  Assertion of National Power

8 1—Desire for New Markets  When U.S. was focusing inward, European nations began expanding  High tariffs in European nations caused them to start expanding their trade to other countries

9  U.S. took notice and decided that the nation had to follow the trend to keep the economy strong

10 2—Feelings of Superiority  Applied Social Darwinism— with nations competing with each other, only the strongest and fittest would survive  This was justification for the expansion of power

11  Anglo-Saxon Superiority developed– belief that English-speaking nations had superior character, ideas, and systems of government  Therefore destined to dominate the planet

12  Popular in U.S. and Britain  Seen as a part of the idea of Manifest Destiny  Was destiny of U.S. to expand overseas and spread its civilization to others Anglo-Saxon Superiority

13 Josiah Strong  Popular American minister  Anglo-Saxonism should be linked to Christian Missionary ideas  Christians were their “brother’s keeper”  Caused American support of imperialism to grow

14 White Man’s Burden  Poem by Rudyard Kipling  Response to U.S. involvement in Philippines  Burden, or responsibility, of the “white man” to spread ideas and beliefs  Can be interpreted as support or a warning

15 3—Need for More Room  Frederick Jackson Turner Wrote “The Significance of the American Frontier” Wrote “The Significance of the American Frontier” With frontier closed, America will need a wider field of influence With frontier closed, America will need a wider field of influence Caused more acceptance Caused more acceptance

16 4—Assertion of National Power  America wanted to be seen as a world power—especially in Europe  This would happen through economic gain Began to practice mercantilism— theory that a country should sell more than it purchases Began to practice mercantilism— theory that a country should sell more than it purchases

17 Modern Navy  Capt. Alfred Mahan stated that in order for a country to protect its trading and interests overseas, a strong navy was needed to protect merchant ships  He also believed that  navy bases should be  set up overseas

18 18 CLOSURE  READ the 3 primary sources talking about causes of American imperialism, then answer the questions on your conversation calendars. 18

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