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1 Enrico Rovida The Study Case of: The observatory on innovation capacities of SMEs a self-training experience (Enrico Rovida, Team Srl, North Western regions - IT)

2 Enrico Rovida 1. Where North-West: Liguria, Piemonte, Lombardia 40% of the national GDP is generated in these regions The ‘industrial triangle’: decline of heavy industries predominance of SMEs and tertiary sector (traditional and innovative) rooted craft industrial culture still existing Industrial clusters (a fifth of the 200 in Italy) are located here Centres of research and universities The labour market: from a heavy reduction of generic and skilled workers to an increase of technians and qualified employees

3 Enrico Rovida 2. Which target sector and why Innovative services and businesses Spin-offs ICT (But not only! ) Very small/micro companies High level of fragmentation Key sector for SMEs: creation of a favourable environment to innovation

4 Enrico Rovida 3. Which target group A group of 8/10 people of North West : entrepreneurs, managers, professionals of businesses strongly connected with own territorial/sectorial context Motivated in an auto-training experience on better understanding how innovation/competitiveness and knowledge are interconnected and affect SMEs

5 Enrico Rovida 4. The Observatory on-progress Growing confidence of the group in a non- traditional training experience with Action Learning Starting as an etero-direct group to become a auto-direct group Defying and respecting a workplan and its milestones (8 meetings, website,…)

6 Enrico Rovida 5. The Observatory just now Shared methodological approach based on: Audit procedure (tested twice) Target group: top level of SMEs (entrepreneurs and managers) Sample of 50 SMEs Deadline: January 2009 Output: data processing and final report, meeting

7 Enrico Rovida 6. And after SME ACTor? The North-West Observatory is a model of how to conceive a concrete methodological approach to innovation in SMEs, that is transferable in other regional contexts. The association AISCRIS (Confindustria - Technological and Innovative services) is already oriented to support this successful initiative Stakeholders (ministries, agencies) will be met quite soon.

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