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The Unification of Italy and Germany
Nationalism What is nationalism?
The belief that the greatest loyalty should be to a nation of people who share a common culture & history
Types of Nationalism Nationalism that unifies culturally similar lands and people Nationalism that unifies a country by its accomplishments
The Unification of Italy
Key Figures Giuseppe Mazzini—’the Heart’ Count Camillo di Cavour—’the Brain’ Giuseppe Garibaldi—’the Sword’ Victor Emmanuel II—’the King’
The Unification of Italy
Background Centuries of on and off foreign rule (pre-dates the Renaissance) 1815—Congress of Vienna -- divided Italy into large and small states --Austria ruled the northern half
The Unification of Italy
: Desire for independence from foreign domination 1848: Giuseppe Mazzini leads a revolt to push Austria out of Italy 1849: Austrians re-establish control
The Unification of Italy
Cavour Leads Northern Italian Unification 1852: Camillo di Cavour named Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Sardinia Uses diplomacy to reach his ultimate two-pronged goal -Unify Italy -Eliminate foreign domination -chooses allies carefully Chooses France as ally 1859:Provokes war with Austria French help win control of Austrian-controlled Italian land
The Unification of Italy
1859: Giuseppe Garibaldi Brings Unity Leads nationalists who conquer southern Italy Known as the “Red Shirts” for their attire during battle 1861:Cavour convinces Garibaldi to unite southern Italy and Sardinia Garibaldi steps aside, allowing King of Sardinia to rule
The Unification of Italy
Cavour Leads Northern Italian Unification 1859: Cavour maintained good relationships with GB, Prussia and Russia to isolate France 1861: Cavour dies
The Unification of Italy
1860: Cavour diplomatically destroys Garibaldi 1861, Victor Emmanuel II was crowned King of Italy Cavour dies Become allies with Prussia 1866 proclaim Italy a nation
The Unification of Italy
1870: Rome becomes the capital of a unified Italy Italy is physically unified Italy recognized as a country by other nations
The Unification of Germany
Key Figures Otto von Bismarck—’Iron and Blood’ King Wilhelm I
The Unification of Germany
Beginning in 1815: German Confederation Divided into 39 German states Austria controlled the Confederation Prussia lead the unification movement Prussian Advantage: Germans looked to Prussia for leadership
The Unification of Germany
Prussian Advantage Mainly a German population creating strong nationalism Very powerful army Created the zollverin (free-trade that excluded Austria) Absolute Monarch Wealthy middle-class had no political influence Lead the German Confederation in industrialization Effective railroad system
The Unification of Germany
Austrian Advantage: Considered natural leader Home of the Holy Roman Emperor Cultural center of the arts Austrian disadvantage Multi-national: many groups non-German and wanted there own national identity Lagged behind in industrial development
The Unification of Germany
1848-9: Germans looked to Prussia for leadership 1860: King Wilhelm I tried to enlarge Prussia
The Unification of Germany
1862: Otto von Bismarck appointed Prime Minister Member of the “Junker” class Conservative wealthy landowners (military officers) Used military force to achieve political gain—WAR Considered a master of realpolitik (based on practical matters rather than theory or ethics)
The Unification of Germany
1862: Otto von Bismarck appointed Prime Minister Understood the importance of national pride Targeted Austria as a major rival
The Unification of Germany
1864: Prussia Expands using war Prussia & Austria fight Denmark, gain two provinces Quick victory makes other German nations respect Prussia Used it efficient railroad system to move troops to battle 1866: Seven Weeks’ War Prussia defeated and humiliated Austria Gains Austrian territory East and West Prussia are united
The Unification of Germany
1867: Austria agrees to a dual monarchy To appease Hungarians Now Austrian-Hungarian Monarchy Created internal problems 1867: Southern Catholic Germans look to Prussia for help Felt threatened by France 1870: Franco-Prussian War
The Unification of Germany
1870: Prussia defeats France Final step in German unification United under Prussian dominance 1871: Wilhelm I of Prussia crowned Kaiser of the newly formed German Empire known as the Second Reich Bismarck appointed first prime minister of the new nation Bismarck creates a Germany united under Prussian dominance
Italian Unification Timeline
1860 – Garibaldi and the “Red Shirt” Land in Sicily 1859 – War With Austria, Italy gets Lombardy with help of Napoleon III 1866: 7 Weeks’ War, Italy sides with Prussia & receives Venice 1861- Victor Emmanuel II Proclaimed “King of Italy” Cavour dies Franco-Prussian War, Italy takes Rome ITALY UNIFIED 1871: Rome proclaimed capital of unified Italy Revolution of 1848 1852 – Cavour becomes Prime Minister of Sardinia
German Unification Timeline
1862 – William I Bismarck appointed Head of cabinet 1818 – Prussia eliminates tariffs Weeks’ War; German Confederation Dissolved; Prussia takes Schleswig & Holstein 1848 – Revolution & Frankfurt Parliament Franco-Prussian War; France loses Alsace- Lorraine 1864 – Austria & Germany defeat Denmark: Austria takes Schleswig, Prussia takes Holstein 1871: German Empire Proclaimed; Bismarck appointed Chancellor Carlsbad Decrees 1844 – Zollverein includes Almost all German states
Increase Prussian Power Decrease Austrian influence in Germany (drive them out of Germany) “blood and iron” – war, trickery, etc… (7 Weeks War, tricked Austria; Franco-Prussian War) Realpolitik – do whatever is necessary to achieve goals, not what is moral or right CAVOUR Unification of Italy Make Sardinia a model of progress and efficiency (liberalism) Did not favor war, but was willing to use it if necessary (got involved in Crimean War to have a place at the peace negotiations in order to bring up the Italian question; joined Prussia in 7 Weeks War to get Venetia) Used plebiscites and majority opinion to unify Let the “Red Shirts” and Garibaldi do work for him
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