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Data SnapShot Series 1.0 March 2015 DATA SNAPSHOT Perry County.

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1 Data SnapShot Series 1.0 March 2015 DATA SNAPSHOT Perry County

2 2 Hometown Collaboration Initiative This report has been produced by the Purdue Center for Regional Development as a part of the Indiana Hometown Collaboration Initiative (HCI). HCI is funded, in part, by the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs.

3 Table of contents Introduction 01 Demography 02 Economy 03 Labor Market 04

4 ​ Purpose ​ About Perry County 01 introduction

5 5 Purpose ​ This document provides information and data about Perry County that can be used to guide local decision- making activities. ​ The Data SnapShot showcases a variety of demographic, economic and labor market information that local leaders, community organizations and others can use to gain a better perspective on current conditions and opportunities in their county. ​ To strengthen the value and usability of the information, we showcase the data using a variety of visual tools such as charts, graphs and tables. In addition, we offer key points about the data as a way of assisting the user with the interpretation of the information presented. ​ Finally, short takeaway messages are offered at the end of each section in order to highlight some of the more salient findings. Introduction section 01

6 6 About Perry County Introduction section 01 County Background Established1814 County Seat Tell City Area386 sq. mi. Neighboring Counties Breckinridge, KY Crawford, IN Dubois, IN Hancock, KY Meade, KY Spencer, IN Hoosier National Forest

7 ​ Population change ​ Population pyramids ​ Race ​ Ethnicity ​ Educational attainment ​ Takeaways 02 demography

8 8 Population change Components of Population Change, 2000-2013 Total Change-67* Natural Increase343 International Migration 77 Domestic Migration-379 The total population is projected to decrease by 1 percent between 2013 and 2020. Demography ​ Sources: STATSIndiana, U.S. Census Bureau – 2000 Decennial Census, 2010 Decennial Census, 2013 Estimates, Estimates of the Components of Resident Population Change section 02 The county’s total population increased by 3 percent between 2000 and 2013. The major contributor to that expansion was natural increase (births minus deaths over that span of time) with a net growth of 343 persons. Data on domestic migration (the difference between the number of people moving into the county versus moving out) show that out-migration outpaced in-migration by nearly 380 people. On the other hand, international migration had a net increase of 77, indicating that the county experienced a minor influx of new people from outside the U.S. Total population projections 2000201020132020 *Total change in population differs from the sum of the components due to Census estimation techniques. Residuals (not reported here) make up the difference.

9 9 Population pyramids Population pyramids are visual representations of the age distribution of the population by gender. There are proportionately more males than females in Perry County. Approximately 51.7% of the population was male in 2000 (9,771 people), and that percent increased to 53.5% (10,467 people) in 2013. The distribution of people across the various age categories changed as well, with a larger share of people shifting into the higher age groupings over the 2000 to 2013 time period. Demography ​ Source: U.S. Census Bureau – 2000 Decennial Census and 2013 Annual Population Estimates section 02 In particular, people 50 and over swelled from 13.9% to 18.6% for males and from 16.8% to 19.5% for females between 2000 and 2013. Individuals of prime working age -- 20-49 years old -- slipped from 24.4% to 23.1% for males, and from 19.1% to 15.8% for females. The percent of residents under 20 years of age also declined over the same time period. Male Female 20132000 Male Female

10 10 Race The number of non-White residents in Perry County increased by 2 percentage points between 2000 and 2013. While every race experienced a numerical increase, the number of Blacks, Asians, or people of Two or More Races doubled since the 2000 population, helping to expand the population of Other Races from 2 percent to 4 percent of the total population by 2013. Demography ​ Race Data Source: U.S. Census Bureau – 2000 Decennial Census and 2013 Annual Population Estimates section 02 2000 2013

11 11 Ethnicity Hispanics are individuals of any race whose ancestry is from Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Spain, the Dominican Republic or any other Spanish- speaking Central or South American country. There were 133 Hispanics residing in Perry County in 2000. This figure expanded to 246 by 2013, an 85.0 percent increase. Despite this increase in the number of Hispanics, they still only represented 1 percent of the population in 2013. Demography ​ Source: U.S. Census Bureau – 2000 Decennial Census and 2013 Annual Population Estimates section 02 1%1% 1%1% Hispanics - 2000 Hispanics - 2013

12 12 Educational attainment Perry County had a 5 percentage point increase in the number of adults (25 and older) with an associates, bachelors, or graduate degree from 2000 to 2013. The proportion of adults 25 years of age and older with a high school education or more improved from 75 percent in 2000 to 84 percent by 2013. Residents with less than a high school education fell by 9 percentage points from 2000 to 2013; however, those with only a high school degree increased by 2 percentage points to 47 percent in the same time period. Adults with a college degree increased from 14 percent in 2000 to 19 percent in 2013. This was due to a 4 percentage point growth in residents with associate’s degrees (4% versus 8%), while adults with a bachelor's degree or more increased from 10 percent to 11 percent, a 1 percentage point growth.. Demography ​ Source: U.S. Census Bureau – 2000 Decennial Census and 2013 ACS section 02 2000 2013

13 13 Takeaways ​ The population of Perry County is expected to fall over the next few years, and if past trends hold, that decrease will be due mainly to domestic out- migration (more people moving out of the county for other U.S. locations than moving to the county from other U.S. places). The gender gap in the county varies across age groupings. For example, the gender imbalance is greatest among persons of prime working age (20- 49 years) with men representing a larger share of the population than women. But, females make up a larger percentage of the 70+ aged population. The population of Perry County is getting older, on average, with a larger percent of the population now being 60 years of age or older. Moreover, a sizable number of people in the 50-59 working age population is nearing retirement age. As such, the percent of men and women of prime working age (20-29, 30-39 and 40-49) continues to decline. ​ The educational attainment of adults 25 years old and over has improved since 2000, with an impressive decline in the percent of adults with less than a high school education. At the same time, the proportion of residents with a high school education only remains sizable (at 47%). Taking time to assess whether local economic development opportunities might be impeded by the presence of a sizable number of adults with a terminal high school degree may be worthy of attention. While nearly 1 in 5 adult residents in the county has an associates or a bachelors degree or more, this figure is about 14 percentage points lower than that of the state of Indiana for adults 25+ years of age. ​ Perry County may wish to assess the job skills of workers with a high school education only. Determining if such skills align with the needs of local businesses and industries – both now and in the future -- may be worth exploring. Demography section 02

14 ​ Establishments ​ Industries ​ Occupations ​ Income and poverty ​ Takeaways 03 economy

15 15 Establishments Components of Change for Establishments Total Change (2000-11) 449 Natural Change (births minus deaths) 435 Net Migration 14 The number of establishments in Perry County increased 55% from 2000 to 2011. The rapid growth of establishments was largely due to natural change. That is, 1,101 establishments were launched in the county between 2000-2011 while 666 closed, resulting in a net gain of 435 establishments. There was a gain of 14 establishments due to net migration. Economy ​ Source: National Establishment Time Series (NETS) – 2012 Database section 03 An establishment is a physical business location. Branches, standalones and headquarters are all considered types of establishments. Definition of Company Stages 0 1 2 3 4 Self- employed 2-9 employees 10-99 employees 100-499 employees 500+ employees Note: The 2011 figures use 2012 data to include all gains and losses over the entire year. Establishment information was calculated in-house and may differ slightly from publicly available data.

16 16 Number of establishments by stage/employment category Economy ​ Source: National Establishment Time Series (NETS) – 2012 Database section 03 20002011 StageEstablishmentsProportionEstablishmentsProportion Stage 0 23930%44935% Stage 1 46457%70356% Stage 2 10012%1008% Stage 3 111%111% Stage 4 ---*- Total 814100%1,263100% Note: The 2011 figures use 2012 data to include all gains and losses over the entire year. The NETS Database is derived from the Dun & Bradstreet archival national establishment data, a population of known establishments in the United States that is quality controlled and updated annually. Establishments include both private and public sector business units and range in size from one employee (i.e., sole-proprietors and self-employed) to several thousand employees. * ReferenceUSA indicates one Stage 4 company, however, NETS records this company as a Stage 3 establishment.

17 17 Number of jobs by stage/employment category Economy ​ Source: National Establishment Time Series (NETS) – 2012 Database section 03 20002011 StageJobs*ProportionJobs *Proportion Stage 0 2394%4497% Stage 1 1,72927%2,25432% Stage 2 2,37136%2,37634% Stage 3 2,14933%1,91227% Stage 4 ---- Total 6,488100%6,991100% Note: The 2011 figures use 2012 data to include all gains and losses over the entire year. * Includes both full-time and part-time jobs

18 18 Amount of sales (2011 dollars) by stage/employment category Economy ​ Source: National Establishment Time Series (NETS) – 2012 Database section 03 20002011 StageSalesProportionSalesProportion Stage 0 $26,873,0343%$28,190,2294% Stage 1 $189,127,25023%$161,337,48926% Stage 2 $240,740,60930%$211,595,24234% Stage 3 $353,733,62244%$222,337,60036% Stage 4 ---- Total $810,474,516100%$623,460,560100% Note: The 2011 figures use 2012 data to include all gains and losses over the entire year.

19 19 Top five industries in 2013 52.8 percent of jobs are tied to one of the top five industries in Perry County. Government is the largest industry sector (942 jobs), with Health Care and Social Assistance being of near equal size. Accommodation and Food Services is the smallest of the top industry sectors with 554 jobs. Four of these top five industries primarily serve the local population, suggesting that the county’s economy is focused on local services. Of the top five industries in Perry County, Health Care & Social Assistance (+17.5%) and Other Services (+7.4%) gained jobs between 2002 and 2013. The other three top five industries lost jobs over the same time period. Economy ​ Source: Economic Modeling Specialists International (EMSI) – 2014.3 – QCEW Employees, Non-QCEW Employees, Self-Employed, and Extended Proprietors section 03

20 20 Industry distribution and change NAICS Code Description Jobs 2002 Jobs 2013 Change (2002-2013) % Change (2002-2013) Average Total Earnings 2013 11Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting 549509-40 -7% $33,086 21Mining, Quarrying, & Oil & Gas Extraction 12474-50 -40% $46,128 22Utilities <10 --- 23Construction 402364-38 -9% $29,655 31-33Manufacturing 1,614507-1,107 -69% $65,620 42Wholesale Trade 54218164 304% $45,507 44-45Retail Trade 1,085820-265 -24% $24,830 48-49Transportation & Warehousing 204367163 80% $75,266 51Information 12879-49 -38% $58,291 52Finance & Insurance 346485139 40% $42,949 53Real Estate & Rental & Leasing 146260114 78% $26,218 54Professional, Scientific & Technical Services 224186-38 -17% $21,781 55Management of Companies and Enterprises 12<10- - - 56Administrative & Waste Management 173316143 83% $17,522 61Educational Services (Private) 5345-8 -15% $17,523 62Health Care & Social Assistance 796935139 17% $31,274 71Arts, Entertainment & Recreation 129102-27 -21% $8,573 72Accommodation and Food Services 593554-39 -7% $12,693 81Other Services (except Public Administration) 63868547 7% $16,011 90Government 1,206942-264 -22% $55,770 99Unclassified Industry 0<10- - - AllTotal 8,4827,459-1,023 -12% $35,658 Economy ​ Source: Economic Modeling Specialists International (EMSI) – 2014.3 – QCEW Employees, Non-QCEW Employees, Self-Employed, and Extended Proprietors section 03 Note: Industries and occupations with a value of <10 have insufficient data for change and earnings calculations. Average total earnings include wages, salaries, supplements and earnings from investments and proprietorships.

21 21 Industry distribution and change The largest percentage gains in employment in Perry County occurred in:  Wholesale Trade (+303.7 percent)  Administrative and Waste Management (+82.7 percent) The largest percentage losses in employment occurred in:  Manufacturing (-68.6 percent)  Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction (-40.3 percent)  Information (-38.3 percent) Economy ​ Source: Economic Modeling Specialists International (EMSI) – 2014.3 – QCEW Employees, Non-QCEW Employees, Self-Employed, and Extended Proprietors section 03 Employment Increase Employment Decrease Industries with the largest gains and losses in employment numbers between 2002 & 2013: Wholesale Trade (+164) Transportation & Warehousing (+163) Manufacturing (-1,107) Retail Trade (-265) Government (-264)

22 22 Top five occupations in 2013 The top five occupations in Perry County represent 55.5 percent of all jobs. Production (1,542 jobs) is the top occupation in Perry County. Food Preparation & Serving is the smallest of the top five occupations, with 641 jobs. Four of the top five occupations focus on providing local services, however, production occupations are the exception if their manufactured goods are exported to other counties, states, or countries. Of the five top occupations in Perry County, Production (+26.5%), Food Preparation (+19.1%), and Sales & Related (+13.0%) occupations had the largest percentage increase in jobs from 2002 to 2013. Office & Administrative Support (-12.7%) occupations lost the largest proportion of jobs. Economy ​ Source: Economic Modeling Specialists International (EMSI) – 2014.3 – QCEW Employees, Non-QCEW Employees, Self-Employed, and Extended Proprietors section 03 * Management occupations include farm managers, so changes in jobs may be related to changes in the number of farm proprietorships.

23 23 SOCDescription Jobs 2002 Jobs 2013 Change (2002-2013) % Change (2002-2013) Hourly Earnings 2013 11Management 794789-5-1%$20.76 13Business & Financial Operations 247268219%$28.30 15Computer & Mathematical 5048-2-4%$25.04 17Architecture & Engineering 152147-5-3%$32.06 19Life, Physical & Social Science 3330-3-9%$25.31 21Community & Social Service 11286-26-23%$18.92 23Legal 4336-7-16%$30.17 25Education, Training & Library 239487248104%$17.54 27Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports & Media 124108-16-13%$17.11 29Health Care Practitioners & Technical 391244-147-38%$26.80 31Health Care Support 223170-53-24%$11.59 33Protective Service 182140-42-23%$16.55 35Food Preparation & Serving Related 53864110319%$8.91 37Building & Grounds Cleaning Maintenance 2192927333%$9.54 39Personal Care & Service 316290-26-8%$9.26 41Sales & Related 8971,01411713%$13.46 43Office & Administrative Support 837731-106-13%$14.29 45Farming, Fishing & Forestry 41612049%$13.01 47Construction & Extraction 412393-19-5%$15.14 49Installation, Maintenance & Repair 315341268%$18.74 51Production 1,2191,54232326%$16.43 53Transportation & Material Moving 534555214%$14.74 55Military 62 00%$18.10 99Unclassified 2722-5-19%$15.76 AllTotal 8,0078,4964896%$16.24 Occupation distribution and change Economy ​ Source: Economic Modeling Specialists International (EMSI) – 2014.3 – QCEW Employees, Non-QCEW Employees, Self-Employed, and Extended Proprietors section 03

24 24 Occupation distribution and change Economy ​ Source: Economic Modeling Specialists International (EMSI) – 2014.3 – QCEW Employees, Non-QCEW Employees, Self-Employed, and Extended Proprietors section 03 The largest percentage gains in employment in Perry County occurred in:  Education, Training, and Library (+103.8 percent)  Farming, Fishing, and Forestry (+48.8 percent) The largest percentage losses in employment occurred in:  Healthcare Practitioners and Technical (-37.6 percent)  Healthcare Support (-23.8 percent) Occupations with the largest gains and losses in employment numbers between 2002 & 2013: Production (+323) Education, Training, & Library (+248) Healthcare Practitioners (-147) Office & Administrative (-106) Employment Increase Employment Decrease

25 25 Income and poverty 200020062013 Total Population in Poverty 8.8%12.3%14.2% Minors (up to age 17) in Poverty 10.8%16.4%19.4% Real Median Income (2013) $49,187 $47,309 $45,722 The median income in Perry County dipped by $3,500 between 2000 and 2013 in real dollars (that is, adjusted for inflation). The total population in poverty swelled from 8.8 percent to 14.2 percent between 2000 and 2013. The rate for minors was even higher, increasing by nearly 9 percentage points over the same period of time. Economy ​ Source: U.S. Census Bureau – Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates (SAIPE) section 03

26 26 Income and poverty Median income in Perry County has experienced significant fluctuation over time, showing some improvement since 2012. Poverty rates for adults and minors have gradually increased since 2000, and the 2013 rates remains high relative to the early 2000s. Economy ​ Source: U.S. Census Bureau – Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates (SAIPE) section 03

27 27 Takeaways ​ Growth in the number of establishments in Perry County occurred in businesses with fewer than 10 employees (the self- employed and Stage 1 enterprises), components of the local economy that are often overlooked but deserve closer attention by local leaders. ​ While growth in establishments and employment between 2000 and 2011 can be attributed to Stage 0 and Stage 1 enterprises, the number of establishments in Stages 2 and 3 remained unchanged. However, Stage 2 establishments comprise 34 percent of jobs but are only 8 percent of establishments. Perry County might consider focusing on economic development efforts that seek to strengthen high-growth Stage 1 and 2 establishments since they employ several people and capture sizable sales. Real median income has gradually decreased and poverty has increased in Perry County since 2000. As of 2013, poverty rates for minors and the total population had not yet stabilized, and they remain considerably higher than was the case in 2000. The fluctuations and decline in real median income experienced since 2000 may be tied to employment changes in various industries in the county during that time period. The largest employment loss occurred in the industry with the second highest earnings in the county. While other good paying industries did grow, they number of new jobs added paled in comparison to the major job losses in the manufacturing sector, which paid an average of nearly $66,000 per year. The largest job losses between 2000 and 2013 occurred in occupations paying over $25/hour, while the largest job gains over the same time period were in occupations paying less than $18/hour. The ability to capture good paying jobs will depend on the availability of a well-trained and educated workforce, something that may be challenging in light of the smaller percentage of adults in the county with an associates degree or higher. Economy section 03

28 ​ Labor force and unemployment ​ Commuteshed ​ Laborshed ​ Takeaways 04 labor market

29 29 Labor force and unemployment 20022013 Labor Force 9,4249,475 Unemployment Rate 5.2%7.3% The number of individuals in the labor force in Perry County has not changed between 2002 and 2013. The number of individuals in the county’s labor force has remained approximately the same, and with the population increase, the labor force participation rate decreased by 3 percentage points between 2000 and 2013 to 60 percent. In addition, the unemployment rose by two percentage points from 2002 to 2013, indicating that the individuals in the labor force are experiencing more difficulty finding jobs than they were in 2002. Labor market ​ Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics – Local Area Unemployment Statistics section 04

30 30 Unemployment rate Unemployment increased dramatically after 2007, peaking at 10.2% in 2009. Since that time, the rate has been on a slow but steady decline, dipping to 7.3% by 2013. Labor market ​ Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics – Local Area Unemployment Statistics section 04

31 31 Commuteshed A county’s commuteshed is the geographic area to which its resident labor force travels to work. Sixty-seven percent of employed residents in Perry County commute to jobs located outside of the county. Dubois County, Indiana, is the biggest destination for residents who work outside of the county. Twenty-two percent of out-commuters work in counties adjacent to Perry County; however, the second largest work destination outside Perry County is the Evansville metropolitan area (Vanderburgh County), and fifth largest is the Indianapolis metropolitan area (Marion County). Labor market ​ Source: U.S. Census Bureau – Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics (LEHD) section 04 6,189 Out-Commuters 3,044 Same Work/ Home CommutersProportion Dubois, IN 1,16812.7% Vanderburgh, IN 5495.9% Spencer, IN 4675.1% Hancock, KY 3784.1% Marion, IN 3043.3%

32 32 Commuteshed in 2011 Labor market section 04 ​ Source: U.S. Census Bureau, OTM, LEHD, PCRD Seventy percent of Perry County’s working residents are employed in Dubois, Marion, Perry, Posey, Spencer, or Vanderburgh Counties in Indiana or Daviess and Hancock Counties in Kentucky. Another five percent commute to Gibson, Warrick, or Knox County, Indiana. An additional five percent travel to jobs in Allen, Crawford, Daviess, Lake or Tippecanoe Counties in Indiana. Collectively, these 16 counties represent 80 percent of the commuteshed for Perry County.

33 33 Laborshed CommutersProportion Spencer, IN 4999.0% Hancock, IN 3115.6% Daviess, IN 2434.4% Dubois, IN 1572.8% Vanderburgh, IN 1422.6% Labor market ​ Source: U.S. Census Bureau – Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics (LEHD) section 04 2,515 In-Commuters 3,044 Same Work/ Home A county’s laborshed is the geographic area from which it draws employees. Forty-five percent of individuals working in Perry County commute from another county. Eighteen percent of in-commuters reside in counties adjacent to Perry County. Spencer County, Indiana, is the biggest source of outside labor for Perry County; however, the fifth largest residential source of laborers outside Perry County is the Evansville metropolitan area (Vanderburgh County).

34 34 Laborshed in 2011 Labor market section 04 ​ Source: U.S. Census Bureau, OTM, LEHD, PCRD The bulk (70 percent) of Perry County’s workforce is drawn from Hancock County, Kentucky, Spencer County, Indiana, and Perry County, Indiana. Another five percent is drawn from Dubois, Vanderburgh, or Warrick Counties in Indiana. An additional five percent comes from Daviess County, Kentucky. Combined, the seven counties represent 80 percent of Perry County’s laborshed.

35 35 Takeaways ​ The Great Recession that impacted the U.S. economy between 2007 and 2009 took a major toll on the Perry County’s unemployment rate. While the rate was quite low in 2000, it skyrocketed to over 10 percent by 2009. Recent figures make clear that the unemployment rate has steadily improved since 2009. ​ Despite the modest increase in the population of Perry County over the past decade or more, the number of individuals in the county’s labor force has remained the same since 2002. The decrease in the labor force participation rate and increase in the unemployment rate between 2002 and 2013 indicates that the Great Recession has likely made it more difficult to find a job in Perry County, leading to a larger proportion of discouraged workers (workers who have given up trying to find a job) in the county. ​ Approximately 70 percent of Perry County’s residents in the workforce are gainfully employed outside of the county. This represents a tremendous loss of human talent that is unavailable to contribute to the social and economic vitality of the county. It may be worthwhile for local leaders and industries to determine the human capital attributes of workers who commute to jobs outside the county. By so doing, they could be positioned to determine how best to reduce the leakage of educated and skilled workers to surrounding counties. Of course, this will require expansion in the number of good paying jobs that will help keep these workers in their home county. ​ The laborshed and commuteshed data offer solid evidence of the value of pursuing economic and workforce development on a regional (multi-county) basis. Labor market section 04

36 36 Report Contributors This report was prepared by the Purdue Center for Regional Development in partnership with Purdue University Extension. section 04 Data Analysis Indraneel Kumar, PhD Ayoung Kim Report Authors Elizabeth Dobis Bo Beaulieu, PhD Report Design Tyler Wright

37 ​ FOR MORE INFORMATION Purdue Center for Regional Development (PCRD)... seeks to pioneer new ideas and strategies that contribute to regional collaboration, innovation and prosperity. Purdue Extension Community Development (CD)... works to strengthen the capacity of local leaders, residents and organizations to work together to develop and sustain strong, vibrant communities. Please contact Sara Dzimianski County Extension Educator, Agriculture & Natural Resources 812-547-7084 PCRD Mann Hall, Suite 266 Purdue University 765-494-7273 OR

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