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Aircraft Build Project Proposal to build a Club aircraft.

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Presentation on theme: "Aircraft Build Project Proposal to build a Club aircraft."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aircraft Build Project Proposal to build a Club aircraft.

2 Why? Club membership is falling (slowly) ◦ Currently around 72 Desire to attract new members ◦ Preferably young(er) Club’s primary focus is building Looking for something to attract ◦ Younger people ◦ Interested in building an aircraft ◦ Not yet in position to build their own.

3 It will change the Club If it works, membership will be ◦ Bigger ◦ Younger The Club’s asset structure will change ◦ Liquid assets from $53,000 to $8,000 ◦ Fixed assets from $45,000 to $90,000 ◦ (less during build – saleable value) ◦ (more when complete – flying aircraft)

4 It will change the Club We will own an aircraft. Issues: ◦ Managing it ◦ Hangaring it (and losing commercial rent) ◦ Renting it out ◦ Maintaining it ◦ Insuring it

5 Financial risk We can afford to do it The Club’s assets will end up higher New income flows will be generated However, during the build phase… ◦ Income will be reduced (bank interest) ◦ Building costs will be incurred ◦ Insurance costs will be incurred Existing income flows won’t cover this.

6 Project benefits During the build phase, all working on it will gain experience This is what our Club is about When built, who will fly it? ◦ Existing aircraft owners? Maybe once or twice ◦ A handful of Club members don’t have access to an a/c. They may make more use of it ◦ New members involved in building it. A few? ◦ New members who just want to fly.

7 What could possibly go wrong? It draws no new members. ◦ Old members complete and sell aircraft. Club better off. ◦ If not completed, sell as is. Club loses money but not enough to endanger it. Build completed but not many fly it. ◦ Club bleeds, and finally sells it. Aircraft gets written off ◦ Grab insurance money and bank it. Club OK

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