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Plate Tectonics Bob Leighty GLG 101 - Physical Geology.

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Presentation on theme: "Plate Tectonics Bob Leighty GLG 101 - Physical Geology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plate Tectonics Bob Leighty GLG Physical Geology

2 These notes and web links are your primary “lecture” content in this class. Additionally, various articles are assigned each week to supplement this “lecture” information. I believe you’ll have enough information to reference without having to purchase a costly textbook. These lecture notes are very similar to the ones I use in my traditional classes. You’ll find they are loaded with imagery and streamlined text that highlight the most essential terms and concepts. The notes provide a framework for learning and, by themselves, are not meant to be a comprehensive source of information. To take advantage of the global knowledge base known as the Internet, I have included numerous hyperlinks to external web sites (like the Wikipedia, USGS, NASA, etc.). Follow the links and scan them for relevant info. The information from linked web sites is meant to supplement and reinforce the lecture notes – you won’t be responsible for knowing everything contained in them. As a distance learning student, you need to explore and understand the content more independently than in a traditional class. As always, I will help guide you through this learning adventure. Remember, Dr. Bob if you have any questions about today’s lecture Leave no questions behind! Explore and have fun!

3 Plate Tectonics Tectonic Plates Seismic waves tell us about the Earth's tectonic plates

4 Plate Tectonics Tectonic Plates Tectonic plates interact with each other at their boundaries (and cause earthquakes and volcanoes) Earthquake foci help map geometry of tectonic plates

5 Plate Tectonics Tectonic Plates Earth’s outer layer is divided into many strong, moving lithospheric plates

6 Tectonic Plates Lithosphere = Crust + rigid upper mantle
Plate Tectonics Tectonic Plates Lithosphere = Crust + rigid upper mantle Asthenosphere = a weaker mantle layer beneath the lithosphere

7 Internal Heat & Gravity
Plate Tectonics Why Do the Plates Move? WWW Internal Heat & Gravity Mantle convection slab-pull & ridge-push

8 Convergent Plate Boundaries
Plate Tectonics WWW Plates collide

9 Convergent Plate Boundaries
Plate Tectonics Convergent Plate Boundaries Continent-Continent Shallow focus earthquakes Minimal volcanism Large mountain ranges

10 Convergent Plate Boundaries
Plate Tectonics Continent-Continent Shallow focus EQs Little volcanism Himalayas

11 Convergent Plate Boundaries
Plate Tectonics Ocean-Continent Shallow to deep focus earthquakes (subduction zone) Continental volcanic arc

12 Convergent Plate Boundaries
Plate Tectonics Convergent Plate Boundaries Ocean-Continent Cascades Andes

13 Convergent Plate Boundaries
Plate Tectonics Ocean-Ocean Shallow to deep focus earthquakes (subduction zone) Island volcanic arc

14 Convergent Plate Boundaries
Plate Tectonics Convergent Plate Boundaries Ocean-Ocean Aleutians Japan

15 Divergent Plate Boundaries
Plate Tectonics WWW Plates move apart

16 Divergent Plate Boundaries
Plate Tectonics WWW Mid-Ocean Ridge Mid-Atlantic Ridge Shallow focus earthquakes Basaltic rift volcanism

17 Divergent Plate Boundaries
Plate Tectonics WWW Continental Rift East Africa Rift

18 Transform Plate Boundaries
Plate Tectonics Transform Plate Boundaries WWW Plates slide by each other Shallow-focus earthquakes San Andreas Fault Minimal volcanism

19 Intraplate “Hotspots”
Plate Tectonics WWW Oceanic Plate moves over a mantle plume Shallow-focus earthquakes Basaltic volcanism Hawaiian Islands - Emperor Seamounts

20 Intraplate “Hotspots”
Plate Tectonics Continental Yellowstone

21 WWW Links in this Lecture
Plate Tectonics > Seismic waves - > Plate tectonics - > Tectonic plate boundaries - > Lithosphere - > Asthenosphere - > Mantle convection - > Driving forces of plate motion - > Convergent plate boundary - > Himalayas - > Subduction zone - > Volcanic arc - > Andes - > Cascades - > Japanese Islands - > Aleutian Islands -

22 WWW Links in this Lecture
Plate Tectonics WWW Links in this Lecture > Divergent boundary - > Mid-Atlantic ridge - > Continental rift - > East African Rift - > Transform boundary - > San Andreas fault - > Hot spot - > Mantle plume - > Yellowstone -

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