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1 openModeller Presentation Plan: Overview of openModeller OMWS: an open standard for distributed ecological niche modelling openModeller in relation to.

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Presentation on theme: "1 openModeller Presentation Plan: Overview of openModeller OMWS: an open standard for distributed ecological niche modelling openModeller in relation to."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 openModeller Presentation Plan: Overview of openModeller OMWS: an open standard for distributed ecological niche modelling openModeller in relation to TDWG

2 2 openModeller Overview Project started by CRIA, Brazil in 2003 An Open Source project hosted on sourceforge Written in C++ with SWIG language bindings Provides an environment for carrying out fundamental ecological niche modelling

3 3 openModeller Architecture libopenmodeller is the core component Provides data IO for gdal supported raster formats Seamlessly manages rasters in different formats Handles sampling of rasters at occurrence sites Writes model outputs to raster files Algorithm plugins Algorithm plugins extend the library with support for various ecological niche modelling implementations GARP, Bioclim, CSM etc are already implemented

4 4 openModeller Architecture openModeller Desktop A graphical user interface for openModeller Version 0 : A wizard based gui (stable version) Version 1: A traditional desktop application (unstable) openModeller console interface also available

5 5 openModeller, open architecture Client (e.g. openModeller Desktop) Modelling Engine (libopenmodeller) Modelling Algorithm (e.g. GARP)

6 6 openModeller, distributed, open architecture Client (e.g. openModeller Desktop) Modelling Engine (libopenmodeller) Modelling Algorithm (e.g. GARP) SOAP Client Layer SOAP Server Internet

7 7 Modelling Engine (libopenmodeller) Modelling Algorithm (e.g. GARP) Modelling Engine (libopenmodeller) Modelling Algorithm (e.g. GARP) openModeller, distributed, open architecture Client (e.g. openModeller Desktop) Modelling Engine (libopenmodeller) Modelling Algorithm (e.g. GARP) SOAP Client Layer SOAP Server Internet Condor Cluster

8 8 openModeller, distributed, open architecture Client (e.g. openModeller Desktop) Modelling Engine (MaxEnt) SOAP Client Layer SOAP Server Internet

9 9 openModeller WSI Using SOAP (Document / Literal) Separate XML Schema for types & elements API is very simple (few methods) Prototype implementation: gSOAP on server side, Perl with SOAP:Lite on client side (console) and gSOAP on client side (GUI). Protocol not specific to openModeller

10 10 getLayers() Used to determine what environmental layers are on the server.

11 11 getLayers() Presented to user as heirachical tree Layers have identifiers that could resolve files, database urls (WCS in the future)

12 12 getAlgorithms() Used to determine what modelling algorithms are on the server.

13 13 getAlgorithms() Presented to user as list Users can set parameter values Document includes descriptive data to aid user decision making

14 14 createModel() Uses locality, algorithm and layer data to invoke a model creation job on the server -> Job Ticket

15 15 createModel() Returns a serialised model definition document

16 16 projectModel() Used to render a probaility of occurence map

17 17 getMapAsUrl()

18 18 Additional Methods ping() getProgress() getLog() getMapAsUrl() getMapAsAttachment()

19 19 Integration With TDWG/OGC Automated resolution of taxonomy (GBIF Portal) Automated retrieval of occurrence data (WFS + GML) Metadata - Provenance of models (what species was used for this model, using which data from which institutions etc) (OGC) Access to environment data via WCS APIs for analysis (missing from TDWG)

20 20 Acknowledgements More Info CRIA, Brazil ( FAPESP, Brazil (

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