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Military Academic Forum 2012 Citizens in/at arms versus a civil society maintaining Armed Forces The geopolitical/strategic dimension - Implications on.

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Presentation on theme: "Military Academic Forum 2012 Citizens in/at arms versus a civil society maintaining Armed Forces The geopolitical/strategic dimension - Implications on."— Presentation transcript:

1 Military Academic Forum 2012 Citizens in/at arms versus a civil society maintaining Armed Forces The geopolitical/strategic dimension - Implications on a Common European Defence Culture 25-27sep12

2 Civil Society Armed Forces Civil Society Armed Forces Civil Society Armed Forces ???

3 Quelle: The World Value Survey Cultural Map 2005-2008

4 USA EURUCHINA Political / Social System „BUSH“ MODERN „OBAMA“ POST-MODERN MODERNPRE-MODERN Current Role - Profile of AF Intervention Chapter VII and beyond, seizure of vital resources Humanitarian reasons- motivated Crisis Intervention, Comprehensive Approach Humanitarian reasons- motivated Crisis Intervention, Comprehensive Approach „Fortress Europe“ Intervention - privilleged interests abroad, seizure of vital resources Mid/long term achievement of interevention capability Future Challenges for European AF Projection +Homeland Def. Collective Def. Assistance Contribution to Internal Sec.

5 Rationale behind the Identification of Challenges for European AF Offering a vacuum generates threat where there didn´t exist any before; Not the ethnic tensions alone are the virtual threat potential emerging from crises areas – there most often are power-players behind; Example ISAF;

6 Future Challenges for European AF Intervention, Chapter VII and beyond Follow-on-mission Chapter VI Homeland Security/Defence Internal unrest Collective Defence (new members) Assistance SIMULTANEITY

7 Intermediate Resumé SIMULTANEITY Professional soldiers maintained by society + Citizens in arms- component Citizen Professional soldiers maintained by society Citizens in arms- component Citizen Citizens in arms- component Professional soldiers maintained by society


9 Key-Finding The systemic incompatibility between „modern“ AF and „postmodern“ society, which they are supposed to protect is unavoidable/indispensable; It best can be mitigated by a „citizen in arms – component“;


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