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R basics workshop J. Sebastián Tello Iván Jiménez Center for Conservation and Sustainable Development Missouri Botanical Garden.

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Presentation on theme: "R basics workshop J. Sebastián Tello Iván Jiménez Center for Conservation and Sustainable Development Missouri Botanical Garden."— Presentation transcript:

1 R basics workshop J. Sebastián Tello Iván Jiménez Center for Conservation and Sustainable Development Missouri Botanical Garden

2 We: instructors and TA J. Sebastián Tello Missouri Botanical Garden – Assistant Scientist Iván Jiménez Missouri Botanical Garden – Associate Scientist John Hodge University of Missouri, St. Louis – Graduate student

3 You: Participants Eli Baskir - Saint Louis Zoo - Research Technician Rachel Becknell - University of Missouri – St. Louis, REU student Natalie Breakfield - NewLeaf Symbiotics – Senior Research Scientist Victoria Brown - Kennerly - Webster University – Assistant Professor Monica Carlsen - University of Missouri – St. Louis – PostDoc Sharina Carter - Washington University – Post-bachelor, part-time student Amy Clippinger - Washington University – Graduate Student Nicolás Correa-Pascuas - University of Puerto Rico at Río Piedras – REU student Rachel DiDonato Tinsley - NewLeaf Symbiotics – Researcher Benjamin Durrington - Hillsdale College – REU student Kerstin Edberg - Saint Louis University – Graduate Student Cassandra Kitchen - Saint Louis University – REU student Heritiana Ranarivelo - University of Missouri – St. Louis – Graduate Student Carol Iskiwitch - Washington University – Research Assistant Katryna M. Kibler - Antioch University new England - Graduate Student Jason Knouft - Saint Louis University - Associate Professor Camile Lugarini - University of Missouri – St. Louis - Graduate student Richard Mayden - Saint Louis University – Professor Qian Nie - Saint Louis University – Graduate Student

4 You: Participants Rosa del C. Ortiz - Missouri Botanical Garden – Researcher Anni Poetzl - Arizona State University – REU student Jill Preston - University of Vermont - Assistant Professor Chelsea Pretz - Harris-Stowe State University – REU student Mary Lai Preuss - Webster University - Assistant Professor Robert E. Ricklefs – University of Missouri – St. Louis – Curators' Professor of Biology Renée Rioux - NewLeaf Symbiotics - Senior Research Scientist Megan Ruffley - Miami University – REU student Kristina Sakers - Washington University - Graduate Student Chris Shaffer - Washington University - Instructor Craig Smith - Washington University - Biology Lecturer Joel Swift - University of Central Missouri – REU student Dilys Vela - Washington University – Graduate Student Daniel Warren - Saint Louis University - Assistant Professor Richard Zander - Missouri Botanical Garden - Research Associate Xingguo Zheng - Washington University - Graduate Student

5 To teach the basic knowledge necessary to use R independently, thus helping participants initiate their own process of learning the specific tools needed for their research. Objective

6 3 days, 2 sessions each day: 8:00 am to noon and 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm Limited Wifi access (if any…), no internet cable connections Website: Logistics

7 Day 1 1. Introduction – Iván 2. Functions and arguments – Sebastián 3. Objects – Sebastián 4. Opening and saving files – Sebastián Day 2 5. Data generation – Iván 6. Operators – Iván 7. Manipulating data and objects in R – Iván 8. Graphics in R – Iván Day 3 9. Flow control – loops and conditionals – Sebastián 10. Vectorization – Sebastián 11. Writing your own functions – Iván General contents

8 1. Introduction

9 What is R? R is a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. Environment = planned and coherent system of flexible tools (“An Introduction to R” by R Core Team). R can be used for: data manipulation, data analysis, creating graphs, designing and running computer simulations. R is extended by thousands of packages described in CRAN Task Views at:

10 How to get R From R is a GNU

11 Three windows in R ConsoleEditor Graphics

12 Exersice 1: a first session in R Objective: experiencing R

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