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Acer davidii ‘Serpentine’ Small tree with attractively striated bark.

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1 Acer davidii ‘Serpentine’ Small tree with attractively striated bark

2 Acer griseum Paper bark maple Beautiful small tree Old bark flakes and peels back to reveal cinnamon coloured layers beneath Foliage turns scarlet red in autumn

3 Betula nigra River birch or red birch Fast growing tree with pinkish orange shaggy bark Grows well in damp ground

4 Betula utilis var. jacquemontii Himalayan Birch Noted for its white bark Leaves turn yellow in autumn

5 Prunus serrula Birch bark cherry Famous for its beautiful bark which begins to peel off in the autumn to reveal the shiny bark beneath The leaves are rather narrow and willow-like turn yellow in the autumn White flowers, borne in late April, are rather inconspicuous 10m tall and 10m spread

6 Salix babylonica var. pekinensis ‘Tortuosa’ Dragon’s Claw Willow Fast growing deciduous tree with curiously twisted shoots Yellow – green catkins in spring Invasive, water seeking roots, so plant well clear of drains

7 Corylus avellana ‘Contorta’ Corkscrew Hazel Well known for its twisted branches, autumn nuts and winter catkins Hardy and suitable for most soils

8 Cornus alba ‘Sibirica’ Red Barked Dogwood Form: shrub Foliage: deciduous Hardiness: UK - fully hardy Soil: moist fertile soil; tolerates clay Situation: full sun Height: 2.5m Spread: 2m Awards: RHS AGM

9 Cornus stolonifera ‘Flaviramea’ Vigorous, deciduous shrub Leaves turn red in autumn Cut back hard and feed each spring for a good display of winter stems Requires moist soil in full sun

10 Rubus thibetanus ‘Silver Fern’ Ghost bramble Summer flowering deciduous shrub grown for its white – bloomed prickly stems in winter Requires fertile soil in full sun or partial shade Cut back all flowered stems in spring leaving the previous season’s unflowered shoots unpruned

11 Celastrus orbiculatus Oriental bittersweet deciduous, twining and climbing woody vine dangling clusters of inconspicuous yellowish flowers producing green/yellow fruits which split in autumn to reveal showy bright red seeds

12 Sorbus ‘Joseph Rock’ Rowan Outstanding small tree up to 9m tall Autumn foliage in shades of red, orange an purple Berries creamy yellow at first deepening to amber as they mature, remaining on branches well after leaf fall Unfortunately very susceptible to fireblight

13 Ilex aquifolium ‘JC Van Tol’ Form: tree Foliage: evergreen Hardiness: UK - fully hardy; Soil: any soil other than totally waterlogged; tolerates clay Situation: full sun or partial shade Height: 7m Spread: 4m Awards: RHS AGM

14 Physalis alkekgengi Chinese Lanterns Herbaceous perennial White flowers followed by orange lanterns containing orange berries

15 Callicarpa bodinierii ‘Profusion’ Beauty bush Upright deciduous shrub bearing shiny bead like purple berries in autumn Prefers well drained fertile soil in full sun Cut back one in five stems to the base each year in early spring

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