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Mr. Gibson Classes Defining & Utilizing Action Words in Contextual Settings Week 18: Feb 21 – Feb 24 Two-thousand & twelve.

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Presentation on theme: "Mr. Gibson Classes Defining & Utilizing Action Words in Contextual Settings Week 18: Feb 21 – Feb 24 Two-thousand & twelve."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mr. Gibson Classes Defining & Utilizing Action Words in Contextual Settings Week 18: Feb 21 – Feb 24 Two-thousand & twelve

2 SY: 2011-2012 PSAE/ACT Action Words Good morning! Good morning ladies & gentlemen! Week 18: Feb. 21 – Feb. 24 (Tue – Fri)

3 Please open your PSAE Vocabulary Journals provided to you this morning by your Advisory Teacher. SY: 2011-2012 PSAE/ACT Action Words Week 18: Feb. 21 – Feb. 24 (Tue – Fri)

4 The PSAE/ACT “action” words to the left are to be entered into your journal. SY: 2011-2012 PSAE/ACT Action Words Precocious Pretentious Procrastinate Prosaic Week 18: Feb. 21 – Feb. 24 (Tue – Fri)

5 SY: 2011-2012 PSAE/ACT Action Words Precocious – characterized by an exceptionally early development or maturity in mental aptitude or capabilities in childhood. Pretentious – making claim to or creating an appearance of often undeserved importance or distinction. Procrastinate – Needlessly postponing doing until later what one should be doing now; especially out of habitual carelessness or laziness. Prosaic – non-fanciful, lacking imagination, dull. Week 18: Feb. 21 – Feb. 24 (Tue – Fri)

6 characterized by an exceptionally early development or maturity in mental aptitude or capabilities in childhood. Precocious SY: 2011-2012 PSAE/ACT Action Words pre-COH-shus “Excuse me, how old are you? As a five year-old your decision to factor out the prime numbers while practicing your addition and subtraction flash cards so you won’t get bored is a bit precocious don’t you think?” Week 18: Feb. 21 – Feb. 24 (Tue – Fri)

7 Precocious SY: 2011-2012 PSAE/ACT Action Words Precocity (n) – The boy's precocity led the queen to call him her 'little Lord Keeper. A History of English Literature by Fletcher, Robert HuntingtonA History of English LiteratureFletcher, Robert Huntington Precociously (adv) He stands precociously possessed of centuries of owlish wisdom. Bleak House by Dickens, Charles Bleak HouseDickens, Charles Precociousness (n) She's pretty - not beautiful - with alive, bright brown eyes, and she's articulate with a bit of precociousness in the way she can drop the names of arthouse filmmakers like French New Wave director Jean-Luc Godard into the conversation. Grey could be just another Hollywood actress by Daily News (Los Angeles, CA)Grey could be just another Hollywood actressDaily News (Los Angeles, CA) Url web-site source for use of word variants: Week 18: Feb. 21 – Feb. 24 (Tue – Fri) characterized by an exceptionally early development or maturity in mental aptitude or capabilities in childhood. pre-COH-shus

8 making claim to or creating an appearance of often undeserved importance or distinction. Pretentious SY: 2011-2012 PSAE/ACT Action Words pre-TEN-shus Week 18: Feb. 21 – Feb. 24 (Tue – Fri) She sold all her property excepting the farms of Toucques and Geffosses, the income of which amounted to 5,000 francs; then she left her house in Saint- Melaine, and moved into a less pretentious one belonging to her ancestors. A Simple Soul by Flaubert, GustaveA Simple Soul Flaubert, Gustave

9 Pretentious SY: 2011-2012 PSAE/ACT Action Words Pretentiously (adv) The room had a blue wall-paper, and was well, almost pretentiously, furnished, with its round table, its divan, and its bronze clock under a glass shade. The Idiot by Dostoyevsky, FyodorThe IdiotDostoyevsky, Fyodor Pretentiousness (n) In his literary and personal essays, all his immense reading did not suffice to produce sympathetic and sensitive judgments; there is often more pretentiousness of style in his writings than significance of interpretation. A History of English Literature by Fletcher, Robert HuntingtonA History of English LiteratureFletcher, Robert Huntington Url web-site source for use of word variants: Week 18: Feb. 21 – Feb. 24 (Tue – Fri) making claim to or creating an appearance of often undeserved importance or distinction. pre-TEN-shus

10 Needlessly postponing doing until later what one should be doing now; especially out of habitual carelessness or laziness. Procrastinate SY: 2011-2012 PSAE/ACT Action Words The hope of a still further increase in military pay afforded an inducement to those who were disposed to procrastinate their enlistment, and disinclined them from engaging for any considerable periods. Federalist Papers Authored by Alexander Hamilton by Hamilton, AlexanderFederalist Papers Authored by Alexander HamiltonHamilton, Alexander pro-CRASS-tin-ate Week 18: Feb. 21 – Feb. 24 (Tue – Fri)

11 Procrastinate SY: 2011-2012 PSAE/ACT Action Words Procastination (n) In large letters was the name of a firm well-known to Londoners; and below, in type smaller but still of some magnitude, was the dogmatic statement: Procrastination is the Thief of Time. Of Human Bondage by Maugham, W. SomersetOf Human BondageMaugham, W. Somerset Procrastinator (n) This procrastinator Kutuzov, whose motto was "Patience and Time," the enemy of decisive action, gave battle at Borodino, an unparalleled solemnity due to lack of preparations. War and Peace by Tolstoy, LeoWar and PeaceTolstoy, Leo Url web-site source for use of word variants: Week 18: Feb. 21 – Feb. 24 (Tue – Fri) Needlessly postponing doing until later what one should be doing now; especially out of habitual carelessness or laziness. pro-CRASS-tin-ate

12 Prosaic SY: 2011-2012 PSAE/ACT Action Words In speaking thus, Michel made his prosaic companions, dullards and commoners alike, shrug their shoulders. Round The Moon by Verne, JulesRound The MoonVerne, Jules pro-ZAY-ik Week 18: Feb. 21 – Feb. 24 (Tue – Fri) Non-fanciful or unimaginative. Matter-of- fact, straightforward, dull, lacking excitement.

13 Prosaic SY: 2011-2012 PSAE/ACT Action Words Prosaical (adj) - The citizen has certain expectations of the state, not only in prosaical matters as taxes, but also idealistic expectations of the state as an upholder of moral values and human rights. Teaching bad faith and broken promises: the erosion of the covenant... by Zbikowski, KristenTeaching bad faith and broken promises: the erosion of the covenant...Zbikowski, Kristen Prosaically (n) Having not once updated her lecture on personal grooming for over thirty years, she once again prosaically delivered it to yet another class. Prosaicism (n) Churning out the same oil on canvas of the same flowers in pots, the prosaicism of his artwork was a waste of artistic materials and supplies. Prosaicness(n)- The prosaicness of his home’s decorum spoke volumes toward his personality. Url web-site source for use of word variants: Week 18: Feb. 21 – Feb. 24 (Tue – Fri) Non-fanciful or unimaginative. Matter-of- fact, straightforward, dull, lacking excitement. pro-ZAY-ik

14 “The fate of mankind hangs in the balance Dr. Milano. The Grigori have arisen. Why do you ______________ in your decision making?” Charon demanded to know. “The fate of mankind? Really? Aren’t you a bit ___________ in your implication that the Grigori have that amount of power to destroy the human race?” Milano retorted. “For the last six hours since you’ve first appeared here you have _________ally repeated the same monotonous diatribe of how powerful you and the Grigori are, but as I recall - the lot of you were buried in pits covered with sharp stones for oh… say… the last six eons?!” “And yet we’ve here.” Charon whispered. “As you say, I am six thousand years old, but given your age human, I’d say it is you who would seem to be the _____________ child.” pretentious prosaic precociousprocrastinate

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