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BA Clubs Members Forum 30 October 2014. Recent History Sale of the Concorde Club site completed in September 2014 Staff transferred in the same month.

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Presentation on theme: "BA Clubs Members Forum 30 October 2014. Recent History Sale of the Concorde Club site completed in September 2014 Staff transferred in the same month."— Presentation transcript:

1 BA Clubs Members Forum 30 October 2014

2 Recent History Sale of the Concorde Club site completed in September 2014 Staff transferred in the same month A licence to occupy formed part of the legal documentation A transition period until January 2016 was agreed All legalities were agreed by the Trustees

3 Finance The Club made a loss of £154k last year Offset by the sale of Club assets to Imperial College No longer have the running costs of the Club The future is brighter

4 Advisory Council The role of the Advisory Council is to listen to the members, try and assist them with the help of the BA Clubs team where necessary and propose new initiatives to the Trustees Recently attended by Alison Hartigan as a Trustee where numerous queries were answered The members of the Advisory Council are: – Sue Byrne (Chair) – Steve Kirby – Gill Johns – Christine Shepherd – Jas Jassal – Paul Foster-Mason

5 Operations Business as usual Events continue to run with the help of volunteers Improvement to the food offer No change in bar prices Positive feedback from the members QPR Academy still here for the foreseeable future

6 Sections Almost all sections have been accommodated either here or at Harlington Day-to-day queries are dealt with by the sports team The first formal review with Imperial will be before the end of the year We need to help the sections with attracting more members Junior and Senior football will merge as one section

7 Transition Runs until 1 January 2016 Use of hall for 8 events is free of hire charge (50% discount thereafter) We will continue to sell tickets for these events Membership fees remain the same during this period BA Clubs team will remain on site with a six month notice period on either side

8 Sections Booking committee will meet twice per year – Alison Hartigan, Keith Adams, Ray Pipe Some sections are struggling financially Sections will be continually consulted, particularly through transition Alison Hartigan will take on this role and act as the interface with Imperial Any change to storage facilities will form part of these discussions

9 Current Initiatives A new membership system will be installed by the end of the year (MRM is now out of date and unsupported) The receptionists will transfer to Imperial once their system is up and running – likely to be December 2014 Negotiations for an extended lease at Wraysbury begin in December, with a view to developing the site

10 Changes The Trustees have agreed to: – Abolish all section facility fees – these will be backdated to 1 April 2014 – Offer members half price tickets to entertainment evenings from January 2015 including the opportunity to buy a maximum of four tickets at the discounted price – Review the rules and byelaws and amend to fit the new situation – Review the membership structure

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