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Crossbeam Systems. Crossbeam Systems Paolo Della Pietra Product Manager e-Security COMPUTERLINKS

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Presentation on theme: "Crossbeam Systems. Crossbeam Systems Paolo Della Pietra Product Manager e-Security COMPUTERLINKS"— Presentation transcript:

1 Crossbeam Systems Paolo Della Pietra Product Manager e-Security COMPUTERLINKS

2 Crossbeam Systems


4 Securing Blue Chip Networks

5 The Data Center Before Crossbeam
Internet Routers LAN switches Load-balancers Firewalls Intranet

6 The Data Center Before Crossbeam with the different security applications
Internet “Complexity is the enemy of security.” Bruce Schneier, noted security expert Routers LAN switches Load-balancers Firewalls Intranet IDS Content filering Anti-virus

7 Data Center after Crossbeam
Firewall VPN Intrusion Detection Anti-Virus URL Filtering More to come… Applications Internet Routers Runs multiple best-in-breed security applications concurrently At multi-gigabit throughputs And “five nines” availability Features Less equipment to buy Less equipment to manage Simpler data center topology Easier adds, moves, changes Lower capital and operating expense Benefits Intranet

8 Crossbeam X-Series Scales application performance up to Gigabits per second Scales application availability up to “five nines” (99.999%) Runs multiple network security applications concurrently Multi-Gigabit Flow Classification & Distribution Scaleable Multi-Processing Integrated Control The first product developed on Crossbeam’s X-Series platform is the X40, a high performance “security services switch.” The X40 is a high performance, high availability, easy-to-manage security services switch designed to secure large and medium-sized data centers. The system decouples network and security service processing to allow customers to effectively ride price/performance and innovation curves within each technology independently. The system offers huge consolidation of security equipment while preserving security policies with the end result a safer and simpler network. The X40 is a modular chassis architecture consisting of 14 slots in a 14 RU carrier-class enclosure. In the system, 2 slots are reserved for Network Processing Modules (NPMs) – which can support Gigabit (LX and SX fiber), 10/100 Copper, and VLAN tagged interfaces. The NPMs are designed with highly intelligent network processing silicon which perform “deep packet inspection” and classifies packets into flows that are switched through the system through a set of branded security engines. The flow switching mechanism is based on Crossbeam’s patentpending load distribution algorithm and Flow Sequencing technology. Together, these technologies give the user the ultimate power and control to design a security infrastructure that matches their business processes and security policies. 10 slots are reserved for the system Application Processing Modules (APMs). The APMs are designed to run the branded security engines that are applied to the flows that are switched through the system. These branded security engines include: Check Point Firewall-1, Check Point VPN-1, Check Point VSX (virtual firewalls), Enterasys Dragon Network Intrusion Detection Sensor, ISS RealSecure Intrusion Detection, SNORT Intrusion Detection, Trend Micro InterScan VirusWall Anti-virus, F-Secure Anti-virus, and Websense Employee Internet Content Management. Crossbeam works with leading best of breed security vendors to incorporate their technologies into the system, thereby continually expanding the user’s choice for these branded security engines. With Crossbeam’s Flow Sequencing technology, users can easily configure the exact sequence in which these branded security engines are applied to flows entering or exiting the system. This configurability includes the ability to serialize and to parallelize application processing, resulting in the ultimate control to match any business’s processes and security infrastructure policy. The patent-pending architecture also delivers the industry’s first system capable of either single-box or dual-box High Availability. Single box High Availability (SBHA) includes redundant data switching fabrics (2), redundant control switching fabrics (2), redundant control processors with mirrored hard drives (2), redundant network processors with port-by-port stateful failover (2), redundant stateful application module failover (from 1 to 10), standby application modules (from 1 to 10), redundant power supplies with separate power feeds (up to 4), and much more. The X40’s carrier-class architecture was designed and built by the same team that built the frame relay switches at the core of MCI’s Hyperstream global data network. Unlike Telco products, however, the X40 achieves its high capacity capabilities at prices equivalent to existing enterprise firewall solutions. The X40 combines the flexibility of servers with the performance, reliability and simplicity of appliances in a single device. Simple to install, integrate and operate, the X40 today delivers FW-1, Check Point’s best-of-breed firewall application, at speeds up to 10 times faster than any competing products. It dramatically improves security while reducing the volume and complexity of firewall infrastructure equipment. While a typical high-performance firewall infrastructure requires 10 devices and 26 ports, a typical Crossbeam implementation requires just two X40 appliances and four ports, all the while significantly enhancing firewall performance and scalability. With enterprises and service providers under unprecedented pressure to improve security, the Crossbeam X40 is of critical importance across multiple industries, including financial services, Internet exchange carriers, transportation, retail and manufacturing. By enabling 10X faster firewall performance, the Crossbeam X40 delivers the significant price/performance improvements that these organizations need today. The X40 is the only platform that allows real integration of multiple applications such as firewall, intrusion detection, anti-virus, content checking, URL filtering, authentication, and VPN. Carrier-Class Architecture High Availability

9 Network Processor Modules (NPMs)
(switch and Load Balancer) GigE and 10/100 Intelligent load balancing to APMs High performance, Network Processor and RISC based design Interface redundancy Crossbeam Systems has a patent pending architecture that integrates the network with the application in a way that provides high scaling, high availability and lots of flexibility. Figure 3 shows the four main components and how network traffic comes into the box and is processed by blades that actually run the applications right inside the box. There are four major components in the box and the following sections will detail each one: Traffic comes in on the Network Processing Modules or NPMs. The NPMs distribute and load balance the traffic to the Application Processing Modules, or APMs. The APMs actually run the various best-of-breed security applications like firewall, anti-virus, URL filtering or intrusion detection systems. They can run one or multiple applications and even combine them into groups that act as one virtual application or group of applications. The whole system is managed on an out-of-band network by the Control Processing Modules. These perform functions like analyzing the health of the system and its components, sending log traffic off-box to syslog and other servers, and providing High Availability functions. The backplane is passive and serves to interconnect all the modules. The box uses a carrier-class switching fabric that consists of dual redundant switched data paths that provide two 1.6G links to each APM from the NPMs for a total per-blade throughput of 3.2Gbps. There are also redundant switched control paths that provide a total of 200Mbps of management throughput to each APM and the NPMs. The NPM embeds high speed Generic purpose CPU (MIPS) and Network Processors that allow wire-speed forwarding of the traffic with very advanced classification and load balancing functions. There are today two versions of NPM: a dual Gigabit Ethernet or an octal 10/100BT with a Gigabit Ethernet por When the traffic comes in the NPM from the un-trusted network, it is classified based on different criteria, src/dst IP address, src/dst udp/tcp port, protocol Id or VLAN id. Based on this classification the traffic will be load balanced on the APMs in a same group or will be forwarded to a specific virtual application processor. The NPMs use an intelligent scheduling algorithm based on vital signs coming from the APMs such as CPU usage, memory usage, number of flows, traffic counters, etc. This intimate knowledge of the APM utilization allows for truly effective load distribution across all application processors.

10 Application Processor Modules (APMs)
Linux-on-Intel based processor blades 1-2 Pentium III CPUs at 1.26 GHz Up to 4 GB DRAM per blade High performance board design Up to 10 APMs per X40 chassis Network security applications run on the APMs PCI bus for HW accelerator or other Ifs Local disk The APMs run a hardened version of the Linux OS on Pentium based CPU(s). The APM comes in a mono or dual Pentium CPU configuration with up to 4GB of memory. The chassis allows up to 10 APMs to achieve the highest throughput for multi security applications. The APM is fully hot-swappable: in case of hot-swap the new module will come up with the exact same configuration as the previous module. This mode generates huge cost savings in terms of operation of the network. The APM allows the integration of PMC (PCI Mezzanine Card) compatible card. Crossbeam Systems has developed a VPN accelerator (ACE-S2) module to forward multiple Gigabit/second of encrypted/decrypted traffic. Optionally, the user can opt to have an IDE-based hard drive on the APM. The hard drive allows for the APM to run certain application such as anti-virus engines or IDS engines that require local temporary “scratch” storage.

11 Application Areas Firewall and Virtual Private Networking
Firewall-1 (4.1, NG, VSX, GX) VPN-1 Intrusion Detection & Prevention Dragon Snort (Opensource and SourceFire) ISS Anti-Virus Trend Micro Aladdin URL Filtering Websense / (W-Washer) Distributed Denial of Service Captus Authentication RSA SecurId Log Events Correlation Micromuse Omnicool Net Forensics Arc Sight SSL-VPN Permeo

12 Control Processor Module (CPMs)
Control Processor Modules (CPMs) PIII 1GHz, 256MB memory Management network interfaces System management, monitoring and control software High Availability system features RAID-1 mirrored hard disks Active/standby operation Two CPMs can be inserted in the chassis. The CPMs control the initialization of the chassis and provide different interfaces for out-of-band management, syslog, control bus extension, console and modem ports. In the redundant configuration the second CPM is a live backup to the primary CPM. All executable files and configuration databases are mirrored between the primary and backup CPMs. If a failure of the primary CPM occurs, the management of the X40 system is switched over to the backup CPM without any effect to the user traffic passing through the X40. 10/100 port Out of band Management port Gigabit Ethernet Syslog port 100 port HA Link Serial/Modem port

13 Backplane The backplane allows a 40+ Gbps of data traffic allowing evolution of the scalability of the chassis as we increase the power of the APMs or NPMs. Each NPM has a 1.6Gbps full duplex point to point connection to all APMs, CPMs and the 2nd NPM. Each APM can receive up to 3.2Gbps of traffic. The signaling information (heart beat, health poll, flow states, etc…) goes through a dedicated control path that consists of two Fast Ethernet switch. Each module is connected to those two switches.

14 Internal Architecture – Data Plane
1-10 APMs Redundant, non-blocking switch fabrics 1.6 Gb/s link speed 3.2 Gb/s data plane bandwidth available to each APM 40+ Gb/s (full duplex) data plane capacity Switch based, carrier-class internal architecture NPMs CPMs

15 Internal Architecture – Control Plane
1-10 APMs Redundant Fast Ethernet control bus Two control path switches One on each CPM 100M each NPMs CPMs

16 Architecture Overview
APM Application Processor Module VPN FW URL IDS Applications VPN URL IDS FW Internet NPM Network Processor Module Switch and Load balancer CPM Control Processor Module OA&M

17 Load Balancing Modules report their health to CPM
Ingress Classification: src/dst IP, src/dst udp/tcp port, protocol ID, VLAN id 1 4 FW 2 3 6 5 IDS Scheduling Vector to NPM 1 4 2 3 6 5

18 Running the Applications

19 Application Modules Management
System Manager defines groups of virtual appliances Applications are load balanced per group Virtual appliances are “mapped” onto physical APMs In case of failure, a simple hot-swap is enough Huge operational savings Standby Modules IDS Firewall IDS / AV Triple scanned Service Selection Applications flow Several scenarios are possible to enable the traffic to flow through multiple applications. The flow can be serialized through applications such as Checkpoint Firewall-1 and Websense Enterprise URL filtering. In this case the traffic goes to the firewall application that detects HTTP protocol, forwards the packet information to the Websense Enterprise application that informs Firewall-1 to forward or drop the packets. The flow can also be parallelized in the case of a Firewall-1 and IDS application like Dragon. In this scenario, the packet will be multicast to both applications.

20 Serialization Example
X40S NPM Applications Active DDoS, Firewall, Anti-Virus DDoS Active DDoS Check Point Firewall-1 Firewall Trend Micro InterScan VirusWall Anti-Virus NPM

21 Parallelization Example
Applications X40S NPM Firewall, Passive IDS Check Point Firewall-1 Active Passive IDS NPM

22 Serialization AND Parallelization
X40S NPM Applications Firewall, Passive IDS, Anti-Virus Check Point Firewall-1 Firewall Passive IDS IDS Trend Micro InterScan VirusWall Anti-Virus NPM

23 Trend Micro InterScan VirusWall (TM ISVW), Traffic Splitting
FTP Traffic HTTP Traffic Crossbeam X40S NPM SMTP Traffic When customers experience real performance issues on some critical “real-time” applications, the unique architecture of the X40 allows the system to load balance the traffic on multiple VAP groups based on wire speed classification. In the example shown in Figure 14, four blades have been allocated to the HTTP traffic that from the users’ perspective has more real-time constraints than a FTP or SMTP traffic. Separate VAP groups for HTTP, FTP, SMTP traffic VAP groups can be sized independently based on throughput requirements of each traffic type Can apply more processing power to interactive traffic types like HTTP, FTP

24 X-Stream Flow Sequencing

25 High Availability

26 Single Box HA Hardware Element Redundancy
1:1 Redundant CPM with mirrored hard drives 1:1 Redundant Fan Trays Redundant Backplanes: 1:1 Redundant Control Plane 1:1 Redundant Data Plane 1:N Redundant Power Supplies with individual feeds

27 Single Box HA Interface redundancy (NPMs)
Master and backup ports can belong to different NPMs Failed IP interfaces are re-mapped onto backup port Optionally backup port assumes MAC address of failed port In addition to its own MAC Gratuitous ARP sent to update L2 switches tables Ports can be active/standby or active/active Multiple IP and MAC addresses Intranet 1/1 2/1 Router NPM redundancy In a single box high availability scenario multiple L2 or L3 switches can be dual homed back into 2 different (or same) NPMs. Then if any failures of switches, links, modules occur, the traffic will be instantaneously switched over to a backup module/port. The backup port instantiates immediately all the IP circuits that were defined on the failed master port. NPM1 NPM2

28 Single Box HA CPM redundancy
CPM provide physical resources, data, and services to other modules Continuous operation of the box in the presence of CP failures CP redundancy implemented as an “Active/Standby” or “Primary/Secondary” scheme CPM redundancy The Control Processor Module is the central point of the boot system, controls the health of the chassis, provides all the system services (SNMP, Web, Telnet, FTP, SSH) through the out-of-band management port, manages the syslog information using the log port and allows the continuation of the control backplane using the HA link. A partition of the disk is mirrored between the primary and secondary CPM. The CPM redundancy works in Active/Standby mode. When the primary CPM fails, the backup CPM will take over all the control and management functions. The forwarding of traffic through the APMs continues during this failover. CPM CPM

29 Single Box HA Service Availability
APMs Service remains available Flows fail over backup VAP Very fast failover The architecture provides a Single-box HA solution for full Active-Active protection at the best possible price. Elements of this HA include: Dual redundant data path switch fabric Dual redundant control path switch fabric Up to 4 power supplies (2 standard) on separate power feeds and internal power buses Active : Active Redundant NPMs Active : Standby Redundant CPMs with mirrored hard drives VAP groups for clustered FW-1 + VPN-1 gateway engines with full stateful failover VAP prioritization (configurable) so that specific VAPs can be dynamically pre-empted to run as higher priority services in the case of a service or VAP failure. In case of failure of an APM different scenarios are possible: 1. Traffic will be load balanced over the left modules of the VAP group (Figure 17.a). 2. Traffic will be backed up on a specific VAP. By using simultaneous fw-1 state synchronization, this mode guarantees an ultra fast, with no packet loss failover (Figure 17.b). 3. Standby VAP: When multiple VAP groups have been configured in the chassis, the standby VAP is a cost effective solution that allows any failed VAP regardless of the group utilize the standby VAP. In the standby VAP scenario, multiple blades can fail and the X40 recovers with no human intervention except hot swapping the failed blades. This demonstrates the world’s only service pre-emption capability. In the example shown below, the firewall service has been given a cost that is more important than the IDS service. This means if the high priority service can’t get the resources it is supposed to have, it can force a blade running with lower priority to relinquish its services.

30 Single Box HA Standby APMs, preemption mode
FW IDS Standby VAP

31 Dual box redundancy Main Site A Main Site B SP Core Network
HA link SP Core Network Branch Office

32 Dual box redundancy Concept
Intranet /24 Interfaces within the same L2 network have the same IP address on both X40s Only one is active at a time VRRP is run over HA link If interface on the master X40 fails, the other box’s interface takes over X40a VRRP master X40b VRRP backup HA Link Very often large customers implement a disaster recovery site several kilometers away from the main site, to provide carrier-class 5x9s (or 99,999) service level agreement. Usually high speed fiber interconnects both sites. In most of the cases the network implements an active/standby architecture where the secondary site backs up the primary. With the X40 network administrators can implement an automatic failover dual box scenario as active/standby or active/active scenarios as described by the example below. VRRP Sync state sent across HA Link Active flow state are synchronized

33 The X80 Up to 32 GE Ports Up to 64 FE Ports
Up to 8 Gbps FD Firewall Throughput All of the Features/Benefits of XOS Works as either X40 or X80

34 The X45 X45-AC New 7-slot chassis – smaller form factor for Enterprise customers and smaller service provider installations Same features/benefits of X40 All of the same modules Supports the following NPM:APM:CPM 2 : 3 : 2 1 : 5 : 1 1 : 4 : 2 2 : 4 : 1

35 Product Overview C - Series

36 1 or 2 Pentium III processors 2 Fiber/Copper GigE Ports
C30 Quick Facts 1 or 2 Pentium III processors 256MB~2GB of memory Hardened Linux OS 16 10/100 Ethernet Ports 2 Fiber/Copper GigE Ports Craft Port The C30 is a 2U rackable or table top mountable device. It consists of the following components: • 16 10/100 Ethernet and 2 fiber/copper Gigabit Ethernet interfaces. • Network Interface Module (NIM) powered by a high speed network processor with 512MB of memory. • Host Module The Host module is a best-in-class Intel® high-density motherboard specifically designed to deliver outstanding reliability for security and VPN applications. The Host module has ample expansion: • 2 seats for CPUs (1 Pentium III 1.26GHz included in base system) • 6 slots for memory modules (2x256 MB included in base system) • 5 PCI slots on two 4 Gbps buses (64-bit x 66MHz) for adding acceleration cards (specific cards to be certified by Crossbeam) • 2 out-of-band 10/100 Ethernet management ports for remote management and synchronization between two C30s • USB ports for external HD or other storage devices (specific devices to be certified by Crossbeam) • VPN acceleration module (optional) • High speed backplane between the NIM and the Host module • 40GB high speed disk enhanced IDE (ultra ATA at 7200 rpm) • Serial port (RS232) • 2 redundant hot-swappable power supplies • 3 fans 5 PCI expansion slots 2 Redundant Power Supplies

37 C30 X-Stream Technology Application-intensive: Network-intensive:
FW flow processing Traffic mirroring, aggregation Application-intensive: FW policy lookup/update IDS, Anti-Virus/SPAM scanning X-Stream Firewall acceleration using the Check Point SecureXL API The C30 enables extensive segmentation of the network using either physical ports or VLAN logical interfaces. When a packet enters the chassis it is classified at wire speed by X-Stream running on the network processor. X-Stream then executes one of two actions: 1) sends it to the firewall module because there is a flow state change or 2) switches it out an egress interface if it matches an existing firewall security rule or rules. The performance achieved is above 2Gbps of firewalled traffic. X-STREAM SECURE FLOW PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY The network processor implemented in the NIM allows high speed flow management and acceleration and provides high flexibility for new security best-in-class applications. The C10 uses software-based X-Stream mechanisms to run multiple applications with high scalability. It also implements the “virtual Tap” function for multi-segment monitoring. X-Stream is the key Crossbeam intellectual property that enables high performance and multi-function integration. Two key portions of X-Stream are implemented in the C-Series: Figure 5: X-Stream Secure Flow Processing Technology on the C30 X-Stream Multi-port traffic aggregation via internal Tap to one IDS sensor Simultaneously with the acceleration decision, X-Stream on the network processor can forward all the traffic on one or multiple physical ports to a virtual tap interface on the application module. The IDS/IDP application running on the application module receives the traffic through the tap interface as it aggregates mirrored traffic from multiple physical ports. This model not only removes the burden of deploying fiber taps or configuring switches to mirror the traffic on a spam port, but it also provides a unique approach for cost reduction by using 1 application license to monitor up to 18 segments. X-Stream Multi-port traffic aggregation via internal Tap to one IDS sensor Simultaneously with the acceleration decision, X-Stream on the network processor can forward all the traffic on one or multiple physical ports to a virtual tap interface on the application module. The IDS/IDP application running on the application module receives the traffic through the tap interface as it aggregates mirrored traffic from multiple physical ports. This model not only removes the burden of deploying fiber taps or configuring switches to mirror the traffic on a spam port, but it also provides a unique approach for cost reduction by using 1 application license to monitor up to 18 segments.

38 C30 Specifications Security Engines (running simultaneously):
Check Point FW-1/VPN-1 NG (2 Gbps FW, 300 Mbps VPN) ISS RealSecure, Enterasys Dragon or Snort IDS Sensor (max 700 Mbps) Trend Micro InterScan VirusWall and eManager Interfaces 16 10/100, 2 GE fiber/copper, VLAN Redundancy Dual-box high availability, VRRP, firewall sync, 2 power supplies Safe upgrade and rollback High Capacity 1 GB of RAM, Network Processor, Pentium III CPU, 40 GB HD

39 C30 Redundancy Dual-box High Availability:
Management port for application synchronization (firewall) VRRP for interface redundancy Single-box Reliability: 2 hot-swappable, dual-feed power supplies High reliability Intel motherboard as Application Host USB port for external backup storage VRRP for interface failover 10/100 Management ports in the back for application synchronization Company Confidential

40 The C10 Security Services Switch
High Port Density Branch / Remote Offices Up to 6 GE Copper or 2 GE Fiber Integrated Multi-Application FW/VPN + IDS FW/VPN + AV Best-in-class Security Services Check Point, ISS, SecureComputing, Aladdin, Trend Micro, Websense X-Stream™ Secure Flow Processing 2 Gbps* (FW-1) VirtualTap for pre and post FW IDS processing Expandable Optional PCI Expansion (VPN Card) The C10 From Crossbeam is part of the C-Series of Security Services Switches. Target Market Specifically the C10 is designed to meet the needs of small to medium enterprises or remote/branch offices of large enterprises and for small/medium businesses. Positioning The C10 combines multiple best-in-class applications for complete protection with six 10/100/1000 Mbps copper interfaces (on the C10-6C) or two 1000 Mbps fiber interfaces (on the C10-2C*). Availability of the C10-2C is still TBD. COS and Applications The C10 will ship with the C-Series Operating System (COS) version and the Application Development Framework (ADF) version ADF contains the following Security Solution partner applications that have been tested specifically with the C10: • Check Point FireWall-1 NG Feature Pack 3 (with Performance Pack and Policy Server RPMs) and VPN-1. • Check Point FireWall-1 NG AI R55. • Internet Security Systems RealSecure Network Version 7.0. • Secure Computing SmartFilter • Aladdin eSafe (CVP) Version 4.0. In addition, the following applications are also available with ADF These applications are verified by Crossbeam SQA but we do not provide specific performance testing data or detailed testing. • Enterasys Dragon IDS Software (Dragon) Version • Trend Micro Anti-Virus VirusWall Version 3.8, eManager 3.7, and IMSS Version 5.1. • Websense Enterprise URL Filtering (OPSEC certified) Version • Squid Web Proxy Cache Software Version 2.5. • Snort X-Stream VirtualTap feature allows customers to create logical “tap” interfaces to pipe flows to an IDS application at the same time flows are being sent to the firewall. The Firewall Acceleration Module (FAM) is software that is used to accelerate firewall flows using Check Point’s SecureXL API. The FAM will not be supported in COS but will be added in a future software release. The C-Series VPN Acceleration Engine (CS-ACE-S1) is available as an add-on module for higher throughput VPN performance (estimated performance ~ 300 Mbps 3DES). Models C10-6C 6 Copper 10/100/1000 (RJ-45) + 1 Mgmt Port C10-2F** 2 Fiber 1000 (SX) + 1 Mgmt Port

41 Number of Applications
C-Series Overview C30 Larger Remote Offices / Small Data Center FW Perf: 2-3 Gbps 16 10/100 Mbps –PLUS Mbps Fiber 3-4 Apps (based on throughput req’s) Hardware-based X-Stream™ C10 Branch/Remote Offices or SMB FW Perf: 2 Gbps* 6 10/100/1000 Mbps -OR Mbps Fiber FW/VPN + IDS –OR- FW/VPN + AV Software-based X-Stream™ Number of Applications This slide shows the positioning of the C10 and the C30, the two products in the C-Series family. The C10 is good for smaller branch offices or environments where 2 applications are needed. The C30 is good for larger offices where 3-4 applications are necessary High 10/100 port density is required Redundant Power Supplies are required While the C10 provides excellent price/performance value for smaller offices, the C30 excels at multi-application deployments due to the hardware-based dual stage processing using Network Processors. $24,000 USD $9,995 (Copper) USD $11,995 (Fiber) USD Price and Port Density

Complete solution support including applications – deal only with 1 vendor! In country specialists 22 support engineers 200 global partners WORLDCLASS ACCESS 7 x 24 Global Coverage Toll-free and International Phone Access Web-based Self-service ticketing and tracking Searchable Knowledge Base with 100’s of entries

43 Weather Channel Before Crossbeam

44 Weather Channel With Crossbeam


46 How To Think About Crossbeam
$10 Switches, HA, etc. $4 $5 Others Crossbeam $14 $5

47 uestions?

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