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Rocks & Minerals. 1.Sit in pairs, back to back. 2.Person “A” has a picture and person “B” a pencil and paper. 3.Person “A” describes the picture without.

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Presentation on theme: "Rocks & Minerals. 1.Sit in pairs, back to back. 2.Person “A” has a picture and person “B” a pencil and paper. 3.Person “A” describes the picture without."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rocks & Minerals

2 1.Sit in pairs, back to back. 2.Person “A” has a picture and person “B” a pencil and paper. 3.Person “A” describes the picture without naming any parts. B 2 B 4.Person “B” draws the picture. 5.Compare the drawing to the picture.

3 Igneous Rock These are made by molten rock deep within the Earth is allowed to cool.. A pumice stone used to remove hard skin is a great example.

4 Sedimentary Rock These are made from rocks that have been eroded. The sediment flows, settles and is then squeezed into solid rock. Could they have fossils in them?

5 Metamorphic Rock These are made from rocks that have been changed into something new by heat and pressure. The marble Lincoln Memorial in the National Mall, Washington D.C. is a great example.

6 Igneous Rocks Sedimentary Rocks Metamorphic Rocks Rock Cycle

7 What materials can you see?

8 The glass is made out of sandstone, limestone and salt The contact is made out of metals tin (Sn) or lead (Pb) The cap is made out of the metal aluminium (Al) The fuses are made out of the metal copper (Cu) The filament is made out of the metal tungsten (W) Gases like argon (Ar) and nitrogen (N 2 ) are inside the bulb The thin wires are made out of metals iron (Fe) and lead (Pb) The filament support is made out of the metal molybdenum (Mo)

9 Ask your learning buddy where do most of these materials come from? The rocks inside the Earth’s crust

10 Cluster Buster Read your card to make sure you understand what it means. Then compare your card with someone else. Decide if there is a link and make a cluster buster. Watch as there maybe more than one link

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