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LEAPT / GAPP “Caregiver Safety” September 25, 2014 Jean Allred, GHA WS Project Lead Nancy Curdy, DeKalb Medical Center (CO LEAD) Teri Newsome, Habersham.

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Presentation on theme: "LEAPT / GAPP “Caregiver Safety” September 25, 2014 Jean Allred, GHA WS Project Lead Nancy Curdy, DeKalb Medical Center (CO LEAD) Teri Newsome, Habersham."— Presentation transcript:

1 LEAPT / GAPP “Caregiver Safety” September 25, 2014 Jean Allred, GHA WS Project Lead Nancy Curdy, DeKalb Medical Center (CO LEAD) Teri Newsome, Habersham Medical Center (CO LEAD)


3 June results trending up above target for Total Case Incident Rate (TCIR). We are attributing this to increased education and overall awareness of reporting injuries. These figures represent 5 Hospital Systems > 7000 Hospital Employees 2014 Monthly GA LEAPT Worker Injury Total Case Incident Rate (TCIR) Slide 3

4 Slide 4 4 Those Injuries requiring Days Away, Restricted or Transferred (DART) saw another uptick in June, still well below the National DART rate, but above our target of 1.14. In late July GHA hosted a patient handling / ergonomic workshop focused on “Train the Trainer” approach. Hospitals have identified increased needs for patient mobility / handling equipment and are currently in the budgeting process for 2015. 2014 Monthly Ga LEAPT Worker Safety Days Away, Restricted or Transferred (DART) Rate

5 Slide 5 5 Employee Turnover rates trended an all-time high for June. Human Resource professionals attribute this to expected seasonal changes and unrelated to Worker Safety. We will continue to trend this indicator as a contributing factor to Employee Safety and overall Patient Safety. 2014 Monthly GA LEAPT Employee Turnover Rate (All Hospital Employees)

6 “CAREGIVER SAFETY” Where to Start? 1. Establish - a Team of “stakeholders” Suggest representatives from Occupational / Employee Health, Human Resources, Risk Management, Nursing, Quality, …. 2. Complete - OSHA’s Self –Assessment Tool: “How Safe is my Hospital?” 3. Evaluate - Employee Turnover, and Culture of Safety Survey Results 4. First Step Suggestions - Hospital Governing Board review of Worker Injury data Safe Patient Handling / Use of Low Tech Devices 6

7 WORKER SAFETY DATA COLLECTION 2013 Benchmark and Monthly Reporting LINK TO DATA SUBMISSION: TGAPP/LEAPTGAPPDataSubmission.aspx 7

8 2013 OSHA and MONTHLY DATA REPORTING (GHA Website Survey) 1.TCIR RATE: NUMERATOR: Total number of OSHA recordable incidents occurring for time period (2013 or Monthly) = ____ DENOMINATOR: Total number of hours worked by all employees for time period (2013 or Monthly) = ____ 2. DART RATE: NUMERATOR: Total number of OSHA recordable incidents resulted in days away, restricted or transferred for time period (2013 or Monthly) = ___ DENOMINATOR: Total number of hours by all employees in the for time period (2013 or Monthly) = ____ 8

9 Slide 9 9

10 EMPLOYEE TURNOVER REPORTING (GHA Website Survey) TURNOVER NUMERATOR: Total Number of Employees who left in 2013 and for each Month = ____ TURNOVER DENOMINATOR: (Total Number of Employees in the beginning of the Year / Month = __) + (Total Number of Employees at the end of the Year / Month = __) Divided by 2 for an average # of employees

11 Slide 11 11

12 12 LEAPT GAPP Updates Mandatory Meeting Attendance – Coaching Calls of Each “SPREAD TOPIC” and Sepsis Discussion Second Thursday of month. Must complete an evaluation. – If you miss a call you can listen to the recording within 1 week. Complete evaluation if applicable, and notify topic lead that you listened to get credit. Data Submission: – Due 3 rd or each month – send to Lynne Hall ( TOC (1 for sepsis and 1 for additional topic area) Checklist (1 per hospital) – Worker Safety Data (if in WS group) Send to Jean Allred ( due 15 th of month (about 45 days after end of reporting month). Next Coaching Call CDI Working Session October 2, 2014 1 -2 pm Worker Safety Future Topics: OSHA Compliance for Hospitals (OCTOBER) 12

13 Slide 13 13

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