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 Prokaryote=Bacteria ◦ No nucleus to house the genetic material ◦ Smaller and Simpler  Eukaryotes=Plants, Animals, Fungi and Protists ◦ Nucleus to house.

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Presentation on theme: " Prokaryote=Bacteria ◦ No nucleus to house the genetic material ◦ Smaller and Simpler  Eukaryotes=Plants, Animals, Fungi and Protists ◦ Nucleus to house."— Presentation transcript:


2  Prokaryote=Bacteria ◦ No nucleus to house the genetic material ◦ Smaller and Simpler  Eukaryotes=Plants, Animals, Fungi and Protists ◦ Nucleus to house genetic material ◦ Larger and more complex

3  Regulates what enters and leaves the cell  Protects and Supports  Made of a lipid bilayer  All cells have a membrane

4  Found in plants, bacteria, fungi, and some protists  Main function is protection and support  Found outside the cell membrane

5  Liquid Portion of cell outside the Nucleus  All cells have cytoplasm  Allows for movement of materials within the cell itself

6  Contains nearly all the cells DNA  Surrounded by Nuclear Envelope ◦ Contains pores to let materials in and out  Chromatin: DNA unwound and bound to protein ◦ Condenses to divide=Chromosomes  Nucleolus: Small dense region for assembly of ribosomes

7  Convert chemical energy in food to useable energy for the cell  Outer and inner membrane  Inherited from mother  Generates ATP (energy) for the cell

8  Composed of microtubules  Aids in cell division by dividing and organizing chromosomes  ONLY found in animal cells  ONLY active during cell division

9  Modify, sort and package materials from Endoplasmic Reticulum  Materials may be for storage in cell or export  View Animation 1 View Animation 1  View Animation 2 View Animation 2

10 Chloroplast  Capture energy from sunlight and convert CO 2 to SUGARS (Photosynthesis)  Found in Plants and some Protists

11  Site of synthesizing materials ◦ Proteins (Rough) ◦ Lipids (Smooth) ◦ Other materials and detox  Smooth ER ◦ No ribosomes present  Rough ER ◦ Ribosomes present on surface

12  Made of RNA (no membrane)  Produce proteins by following coded instructions from the Nucleus  Found in ALL CELLS

13  Breaking down of molecules  Contain ENZYMES ◦ Remember the chicken liver lab?  Can also break down old, unusable organelles  View another animationanimation

14  Storage ◦ H2O, salts, protein and carbohydrates  Important for plant cells ◦ Why would this be?  Support structure of plant

15  Support of the cell  Microfilaments ◦ Thread like structure, made of the protein Actin ◦ Form extensive networks ◦ Help the cell move  Microtubules ◦ Hollow structures, made of protein Tubulins ◦ Maintaining cell shape ◦ Centrioles: located near cell nucleus, help organize cell division

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