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Nutrition and Schools Rachel Bear Boise State University Writing Project Teacher Consultant.

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Presentation on theme: "Nutrition and Schools Rachel Bear Boise State University Writing Project Teacher Consultant."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nutrition and Schools Rachel Bear Boise State University Writing Project Teacher Consultant


3 Evidence Ranking

4 Anchor Chart: What Makes Good Evidence?

5 Stepping Back What did we just do? How will activities like this move students toward argumentative writing?

6 ❧ Identify evidence that you could use... ❧ And put a new spin on it (extending) ❧ As an example to support a claim (illustrating) ❧ To reference an “expert” (authorizing) ❧ To push back—disagree, challenge, interpret in a different way (countering) Using Evidence

7 ❧ Identify places where the author has used evidence... ❧ And put a new spin on it ❧ As an example to support a claim ❧ To reference an “expert” ❧ To push back—disagree, challenge, interpret in a different way Using Evidence

8 Where do you stand on the issue?

9 ❧ Identify evidence that you could use... ❧ And put a new spin on it (extending) ❧ As an example to support a claim (illustrating) ❧ To reference an “expert” (authorizing) ❧ To push back—disagree, challenge, interpret in a different way (countering) Mining A Text: USDA School Lunch Changes

10 Where do you stand on the issue?

11 ❧ Identify evidence that you could use... ❧ And put a new spin on it (extending) ❧ As an example to support a claim (illustrating) ❧ To reference an “expert” (authorizing) ❧ To push back—disagree, challenge, interpret in a different way (countering) Mining A Text: A Tale of Two Meals

12 Where do you stand on the issue?

13 ❧ Identify evidence that you could use... ❧ And put a new spin on it (extending) ❧ As an example to support a claim (illustrating) ❧ To reference an “expert” (authorizing) ❧ To push back—disagree, challenge, interpret in a different way (countering) Mining Texts: Mini-Jigsaw

14 Where do you stand on the issue?

15 Stepping Back What did we just do? How will activities like this move students toward argumentative writing?

16 ❧ ❧ Food Rank and Sort ❧ Tap Out Discussion ❧ 3-2-1 Exit Ticket ❧ 3 best pieces of evidence from discussion ❧ 2 things they learned during the discussion ❧ 1 question they still have Considering Other Perspectives

17 ❧ ❧ 1 sentence about where you stand on the issue ❧ 3-4 pieces of evidence ❧ Note about how you could use each: ❧ As an example to support your claim ❧ To reference an “expert” ❧ Put a new spin on it ❧ To push back—disagree, challenge, interpret in a different way Evidence Selection

18 ❧ ❧ Trade evidence list ❧ Rank from 1-4 ❧ 1 is most logical and relevant evidence to support claim ❧ 4 is least logical and relevant evidence to support claim ❧ Trade back and discuss Evidence Ranking

19 ❧ ❧ Take some time to compose a first draft of your argument on the issue of nutritional mandates in schools ❧ Be sure to include at least your strongest piece of evidence ❧ Frame evidence in a way that indicates how you are using the evidence—example, a new spin, expert, pushing back First Draft Composing

20 ❧ ❧ Silent discussion peer feedback ❧ Revision ❧ Process Analysis Subsequent Draft Composing

21 ❧ What? So What? Now What?

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