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1 Mobile: 9841 892281
Macroeconomics & The Global Economy -Term III Ace Institute of Management Session 10: The Mundell-Fleming Model and Exchange Rate Regime Instructor Sandeep Basnyat Mobile:

2 IS-LM and Mundell-Fleming Model
IS-LM: relationship between interest rate (r) and output (Y)- IS is the negative relationship where as LM is the positive relationship. Mundell-Fleming: relationship between nominal exchange rate (e) and output (Y). Argue that: an economy can not simultaneously maintain fixed exchange rate, free capital movement and independent monetary policy.

3 Mundell-Fleming Model: The IS* curve: Goods market eq’m
Equation for IS Curve: Y = C+I+G+NX (e) The IS* curve is drawn for a given value of r*. Intuition for the slope: Y e IS* CHAPTER 12 The Open Economy Revisited

4 The LM* curve: Money market eq’m
LM represents money supply by central bank, which is fixed for certain level of output. The LM* curve does not depend on e and is vertical to e. Y e LM* CHAPTER 12 The Open Economy Revisited

5 Equilibrium in the Mundell-Fleming model
Y e LM* IS* equilibrium exchange rate equilibrium level of income CHAPTER 12 The Open Economy Revisited

6 Floating & fixed exchange rates
In a system of floating exchange rates, e is allowed to fluctuate in response to changing economic conditions. In contrast, under fixed exchange rates, the central bank trades domestic for foreign currency at a predetermined price. Next, policy analysis – first, in a floating exchange rate system then, in a fixed exchange rate system CHAPTER 12 The Open Economy Revisited

7 Fiscal policy under floating exchange rates
At any given value of e, a fiscal expansion shifts IS* to the right, increasing e. Therefore, in Floating exchange rate system, fiscal policy is ineffective in increasing output Y e e2 e1 Notes: Increase in G, shifts IS curve to the right, Y increases. But, money supply is fixed, so, shortage of domestic currency reduces national savings and increases nominal exchange rate and reduces export which will decrease Y. Net effect is Y remain constant and e increases. Y1 CHAPTER 12 The Open Economy Revisited

8 Monetary policy under floating exchange rates
An increase in M shifts LM* right . Y increases and e decreases. Therefore, in Floating exchange rate system, monetary policy is effective in increasing output Y e Y1 e1 Notes for students: When money supply increases, e decreases as national saving increases. Similarly, decrease in e increases the export and increases value for Y e2 Y2 CHAPTER 12 The Open Economy Revisited

9 Fiscal policy under fixed exchange rates
Under floating rates, a fiscal expansion would raise e. Under floating rates, fiscal policy is ineffective at changing output. Under fixed rates, fiscal policy is very effective at changing output. Y e To keep e from rising, the central bank must sell domestic currency, which increases M and shifts LM* right. e1 Y1 Y2 CHAPTER 12 The Open Economy Revisited

10 Monetary policy under fixed exchange rates
An increase in M would shift LM* right and reduce e. Under floating rates, monetary policy is very effective at changing output. Under fixed rates, monetary policy cannot be used to affect output. Y e Y1 e1 To prevent the fall in e, the central bank must buy domestic currency, which reduces M and shifts LM* back left. Results: e = 0, Y = 0 CHAPTER 12 The Open Economy Revisited

11 Floating vs. fixed exchange rates
Argument for floating rates: allows monetary policy to be used to pursue other goals (stable growth, low inflation). Arguments for fixed rates: avoids uncertainty and volatility, making international transactions easier. disciplines monetary policy to prevent excessive money growth & hyperinflation. CHAPTER 12 The Open Economy Revisited

12 The Impossible Trinity
A nation cannot have free capital flows, independent monetary policy, and a fixed exchange rate simultaneously. A nation must choose one side of this triangle and give up the opposite corner. Free capital flows Independent monetary policy Fixed exchange rate Option 1 (U.S.) Option 2 (Nepal) Option 3 (China) CHAPTER 12 The Open Economy Revisited

13 Thank You

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