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Training Center for Young Girls. Programmes: healthcare related, educational, psychological Activities: sewing, knitting, pottery.

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Presentation on theme: "Training Center for Young Girls. Programmes: healthcare related, educational, psychological Activities: sewing, knitting, pottery."— Presentation transcript:

1 Training Center for Young Girls

2 Programmes: healthcare related, educational, psychological Activities: sewing, knitting, pottery

3 Introduction: The location of the project will be Reyhanli, Hatay, where reside a large number of Syrian young women as refugees and which is strategically located close to the Syrian borders

4 Description: To create a training center for Syrian young women aged between 14 and 20 who are out of school and unemployed. The purpose is to provide them with a three-month courses at the end of which they will obtain certificates from the Center.

5 The Challenge: 40% of Syrian young women in the Reyhanli area are out of school and unemployed. The challenge is to improve the social and economic situation of these young women by providing them with the necessary courses and training that will allow them to have positive roles in society.

6 The Process: 1- To offer Syrian young women with the necessary courses and training that is required by the local market: sewing, knitting, various handcraft and art craft work, pottery 2- To include a compulsory healthcare section consisting of first aid, psychological support for teenagers, and social psychology 3- To develop the project and have a feasibility study to include language courses: Turkish, English and IT

7 Expected Results: The participants will: Obtain a certificate that will facilitate employment Improve their self-esteem Achieve economic autonomy and be positive models for others For the Center: To develop it into a specialized center for professional and academic courses

8 The Financing: Initially, will rely on external financing from interested associations and organizations. At a second stage, the Center activities will generate the necessary income.

9 The Team: For handcrafts: Marwa Sabsabi, ceramics Ramla Idriss, knitting Ghoufran, Marwa Hmaidan, art craft For social work: Haifaa Koraj Haifaa al Omar Jihane Al Bakour Zainab al Oamr

10 The Beneficiaries: Charity associations and organizations in addition to Turkish and Syrian markets

11 Networking Strategy: Through online social networks and the distribution of brochures to local Syrian schools, associations and organizations

12 Budget Study: Fixed costs 4910 Turkish Liras (details in Arabic)

13 Budget Study: Running costs 1250 Turkish Liras per month (details in Arabic)

14 Budget Study: Total cost: 4910 TL (fixed) + 1250 x 6 TL (running) = 12 400 TL

15 Expected Benefit: Income: Initially, by selling our products to local associations and organizations to the Turkish and Syrian markets. At a second stage, monthly fee for the courses (30 TL per participant) Expenses: fixed and running costs, excluding salalries

16 The expected net benefit will be spent as follows: 1- 70% to cover the salaries 2- 30% miscellaneous At a later stage, 20% of the net benefit will be allocated to the participants

17 Expected Results: 1- Social and professional integration of the participants 2- Better financial situation 3- Improved healthcare awareness

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