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1 Time Series tell stories and QuickStats about Thorndon Mathematics Activities and Key Competencies Resource Sharing for teachers of Years 7-13: Wellington.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Time Series tell stories and QuickStats about Thorndon Mathematics Activities and Key Competencies Resource Sharing for teachers of Years 7-13: Wellington."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Time Series tell stories and QuickStats about Thorndon Mathematics Activities and Key Competencies Resource Sharing for teachers of Years 7-13: Wellington Maths Association: 13 Aug 09 Statistics New Zealand:

2 Contents: 1 min: Hallo! 9 mins:Activity, in teams, on grape imports 5 mins:Results, key competencies, comments 0 mins: QuickStats about Thorndon The rest:Treasures for teachers on our new website This is experimental: it uses our new Infoshare with your new Key Competencies 2

3 Results from Grapes: Quantity, Cost: 3

4 Results from Grapes: Cost/Quantity: 4

5 The Curriculum’s key competencies: 5

6 Infoshare is new to us … It caused us heaps of: Thinking Using language, symbols, texts, graphs Managing selves Relating to each other Participating and contributing 6

7 Thinking At the start: Decide strategy: graph and look Recognise features (patterns) through the noise Relate these to the context: grapes and seasons Later: Decide strategies: refine the time series and graph them 7

8 Using language, symbols, texts including GRAPHS Essential and intuitive tools for: exploring the history communicating the findings Tufte: ‘Use words, numbers and graphs working together’ 8

9 Managing self Clarify goals Discuss team strategies Negotiate difficulties (esp for us in preparing this!!) Reflect on strategies for solving the difficulties Keep calm!! 9

10 Relating to others Participating and contributing Share ideas: essential in stats: no-one knows or sees it all Negotiate methods, findings, actions … Call on the communities of expertise: each other the teacher NZ’s Official Stats System Then: Use that information as a basis for action 10

11 QuickStats about Thorndon and Tinakori Rd Your students come from Area Units, of 2 000 people on average. Each Area Unit has a 14 pg profile. There’s a similar profile for: Their City or District Their Region. Where are we at? Where is Stats NZ?? 11

12 Best wishes! We’d like to: interact, share ideas, negotiate with teachers call on a range of communities for information, including the maths and stats education community and use that information as a basis for action. 12 Thanks!

13 Our New Website


15 Schools Corner 15

16 Activities by Level 16

17 SURF for Schools 17

18 Infoshare – Cows and Sheep How do I get the data?

19 Infoshare Provides time-series data about –Business –The economy –Population –Tourism –Work income and spending –Imports and Exports


21 Infoshare – A quick guide* * A much more comprehensive guide is available on the website Let’s find out how many sheep and cows there are in Canterbury


23 Make your selections for the variables: regions, observations and time. Be aware of the limits on table sizes when making your selections Choose the output option (Table on screen is the default but sometimes excel is better) Hit GO


25 Search option – useful if you don’t know where to look

26 Load Query allows you to save a query and re-enter it at a later date once more figures are released

27 Save your table as a Table Query (.tqx) Save your query in the dialogue window that appears.

28 Find any saved query (.tqx) on your computer and hit Go

29 Help and Glossary tabs Including a PDF version of the file. A much more comprehensive guide of the tool than we have given you here (1.9MB).

30 Table Builder 30

31 Selecting variables 31

32 Ages by sex for 1996, 2001 and 2006 32

33 Selecting variables 33

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