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WHAT Can You Expect From Us? Discuss branding your quiz Outline your Assessment Intro & Statements Draft your Thank You Page & Auto-Responders.

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Presentation on theme: "WHAT Can You Expect From Us? Discuss branding your quiz Outline your Assessment Intro & Statements Draft your Thank You Page & Auto-Responders."— Presentation transcript:

1 WHAT Can You Expect From Us? Discuss branding your quiz Outline your Assessment Intro & Statements Draft your Thank You Page & Auto-Responders

2 DFY Live Boot Camp Jane Deuber Alex MandossianSherri Coffelt

3 WHY Are You Here Today? You’re Awesome!

4 WHO Is Here Today? “Amasssing” group of new DFY clients Your DFY Value Quiz Support team

5 WHAT Are Our Assumptions? You are clear on… Your target market The transformation you create Your process to create it

6 WHEN To Sense “Little Voice” Necessity of doing it all at once Need for perfection Negative self talk

7 WHAT Are We Requesting? Act in the spirit of MENTORSHIP Look for solutions, not irritations Take responsibility for yourself Act in the spirit of COLLABORATION Understand you have support when we move on Act in the spirit of FOCUS Eliminate distractions and interruptions

8 HOW Does It Work? Hands on, DFY (Done-For-You) approach Laser training segment It’s your turn Q & A & feedback

9 Some Housekeeping Mute for noise reduction Get Help With Learning Center Jacquie McConnell (214) 434-1092 Log in… Click on the Value Quiz tab … or go to:

10 Jump Start Resource Center You’ll need to be logged in! Orientation Leveraged Business Assessment Client Discovery Survey You can ethically “cheat” if you need to

11 Let’s Get Started!

12 STEP 1: Select ASSESSMENT Name Your Assessment Name should: Communicate what you measure 2 to 3 words…Easy to remember Link to your brand

13 Sample Assessment Names Business Name Living Well with Linda Allred Speak and Get Results Value Quiz Amy Lewis – Radiant Health and Success Expert Assessment Name Living Well Assessment Speakers Assessment Assessment Marketing Quiz My Wellness Quiz

14 STEP 2: Identify Your Domain Purchase & Re-Direct Your Domain or other registrars for auto-responders Provide access to complete re-direct/email set up

15 WARNING: It Can’t Be an Extension Your domain MUST be a stand alone URL, not sub-domain of your website NOT

16 STEP 3: Design Your Banner

17 Brand Consistency Is The Key! Must be 780 X 160 pixels.jpeg or.png file

18 Getting Design Assistance Is Easy! Resources… Your graphics designer Banners for $5.00

19 It’s Your Turn: Branding Q/As?

20 Let’s Write Your “INTRO” Copy!

21 Helps “dis-qualify” prospects Encourages completion Explains WHY it’s so important Tells them what to expect next Our “DONE-FOR-YOU” Template...

22 Intro VIDEO Pros/Cons? Creates an instant connection and rapport Inspires direct and immediate ACTION Check out Alex at

23 It’s Your Turn: INTRO Q/As?

24 How Many Assessment Categories? We recommend 4 – 5 categories Related to the transformation you want Mirror steps in your unique system Make certain you’re not “pioneering”

25 Your Assessment “Statements” 3 – 5 statements, describe ideal state Should be difficult to score at a “10” Create distinction/awareness of the gap

26 WARNING: Watch Out For … Statements must “go the same direction” Watch for measuring more than one thing Keep word count to no more than 17

27 Your DFY Resources Available The VALUE QUIZ Master Statement list Quiz example in your Action Guide Audio training editing statements The Happy Clients page (“Case Studies”) at

28 Your COMMITMENT Section The score not included in total quiz score Identify highly committed prospects Tailor auto-responders for high versus low commitment score (no relation to “competency”) Strategy session is a privilege

29 NOW … It’s Your Turn Take Action (30 minutes, or less)! Email your STATEMENTS to

30 “Done-For-You” REVIEW: Q/As?

31 Design Your “THANKS” Page Involves… Details on what candidates can expect next Offers your Strategy Session (if applicable) An image of YOU or your “THANKS” video You choose either or both options!

32 It’s Your Turn: “Thanks” Page Q/As?

33 VQ Competitive Advantages Customizes your online communications Vets WHO are “highly committed” Streamlines sales conversation funnels Boosts conversions for more premium clients … faster, better and easier!!!

34 The “COMMITMENT” Score

35 Treat HIGHLY COMMITTED Differently Commitment Level HIGH low Offer Offer LIVE Strategy Session Set date in the future Can be “solo” or “group” Automated Follow-Up Offer Evergreen webinar / training series Link to a sales page with “trip wire” offer or “Funnel Overview” video

36 Aptitude = Competency = Skills Inserts High Aptitude Copy Inserts Med Aptitude Copy Inserts Low Aptitude Copy

37 The VQ “REPORT OF FINDINGS” Makes your prospects feel more seen, understood and inspired That’s OK, Everyone starts somewhere

38 NOW … It’s Your Turn Again Take Action (25 minutes, or less)!

39 Time For DFY “Review” Q/A’s

40 On Scale of 1 to 10... How Much More CLARITY Did We Bring You?

41 On Scale of 1 to 10... How Likely Is It You’ll RECOMMEND to Friends?

42 WHAT Can You EXPECT Next? Continue the greatness you started here… Continue to IMPROVE and COMPLETE … Branding Basics Worksheet/Banner Assessment Template Assessment TY Page & Auto-Responders Office Hours – 1 – 3 pm PST, August 12 th It’s YOUR Turn Go LIVE ASAP!

43 NOW It’s Time To CELEBRATE!

44 Thank You For Joining Us Today We look forward to working with you to complete your Value Quiz Assessment Contact us at: with any questions/comments about what’s

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