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GSE Materials and Methods

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Presentation on theme: "GSE Materials and Methods"— Presentation transcript:

1 GSE Materials and Methods

2 Welcome Quiz Audio Lingual Method Materials – Discussion and Activity
Audio-Lingual Activity Comparing Traditional Methods Alternative Methods Presentation

3 Quiz! 4 Multiple choice 1 short answer 1 bonus question

4 The Audio-Lingual Method
Oral based approach Vocabulary acquisition through modeling situations Grammar sentence patterns acquired through dialogue and techniques Over-learning – learn to answer without stopping to think

5 The Audio-Lingual Method
Charles Fries (1945) University of Michigan Principles from behavioral psychology used B. F. Skinner (1957) Conditioning – learners respond correctly to stimuli through shaping and reinforcement Skinner Box

6 Typical Classroom Activities
Repetition drill (read and repeat after teacher) Backwards build up Chain drill 2 students perform dialogue Picture cues Substitution drills / Transformation drill Does this remind you of any class you took (or taught) in the past?

7 Thinking about the Experience
Teacher uses only target language But does this always happen in Korea? Dialogues are repeated several times Habit formation Errors lead to bad habits The teacher uses positive reinforcement

8 Reviewing the Techniques
Dialogue memorization Question and answer drill Use of minimal pairs Thigh/thy Bin/bean Complete the dialogue Grammar Game Supermarket Alphabet Game p.41

9 Audio-Lingual Activity
Pimsleur Method (for Korean) Which A-L techniques does the CD use?

10 Pimsleur Language Learning System
Do you think I can learn how to speak Korean this way? Why or why not? What kind of materials do you recommend I get in addition to this CD?

11 Comparing major language trends of the 20th century

12 Alternative Methods

13 The birth of Alternative Approaches and Methods
major shift in language teaching Growing interest in communicative approaches shift from grammar to communication focus alternative methods include ones developed outside mainstream language teaching main methods discussed in second half of course (Part III of textbook)

14 Origins of Alternative Methods
Developed around particular theories of learners and learning Total Physical Response Silent Way Counseling Learning Suggestopedia Neurolinguistic programing Multiple Intelligences Based on alternative grammar model Lexical Approach From mainstream education Whole language Competency-based instruction

15 Alternative Approaches and Methods Project
Pretend you are a salesperson for the method. Individually or in groups of 2, pick one approach/ method and try to convince the class it’ll be great for our students! Presentations will be 5-7min Feel free to make a PPT, poster, make handouts, etc. Bonus points for creativity (make a skit, do an interview) You must cover The method’s background and theory Design Procedure Any special notes (including it’s popularity and use today)

16 Rubric Content 30 points Visual Aids 10 points Preparedness 5 points
Time (5-7 minutes) +5 points___ =50 points

17 Sign Up Sheet (10 students, 9 methods/approaches )
Approach/Method Student(s)’ names Total Physical Response The Silent Way Community Language Learning Suggestopedia Whole Language Multiple Intelligences Neurolingustic Programming The Lexical Approach Competency-Based L.T

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