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REVIEW FOR CRCT RESEARCH SKILLS. DIRECTIONS FOR ACTIVITY Each group will get a research skills sheet. You will need your device so make sure someone in.

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2 DIRECTIONS FOR ACTIVITY Each group will get a research skills sheet. You will need your device so make sure someone in your group has one. You MUST use Cobb Digital Library. 1. Click on the CDL logo once you go to Durham’s website or go to http://www.mackinvia.com 2. Enter your User ID (student number) and the password: read. 3. Choose database (encyclopedia for example) and click open now.

3 RESEARCH DAY 2 Locate your partner and your handout from yesterday Organize your workspace Get a laptop( BYOD) and login Go to the DURHAM WEBPAGE Select COBB DIGITAL LIBRARY and login Wait for teacher instruction

4 EXPECTATIONS Answer each question with the knowledge you find from researching on the computer (BYOD). Use a Minimum of 3 sources for the assignment Cite your source. Example if you find the information from Cobb Digital Library and Encyclopedia Britannica.. Write Encyclopedia Britannica next to your answer. Ask questions if you are unsure what to do.

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