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Writing an Introduction Paragraph Mrs. Pelletier English 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Writing an Introduction Paragraph Mrs. Pelletier English 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing an Introduction Paragraph Mrs. Pelletier English 1

2 Purpose: To introduce the main idea of your essay (and any terms that need to be defined) To get the reader interested To show the reader you are THINKING

3 What does NOT work well Rearranging or parroting the prompt but not adding anything from your own thinking (“empty”) Beginning with –a broad, sweeping statement (i.e. “There have always been wars”) –a cliché (“A picture is worth a thousand words”) –a truism (i.e. “Everyone wants to be loved”) –A broad rhetorical question (i.e. “How would you define morality?”)

4 What DOES work well Weaving the key words of the prompt into the opening paragraph (and the whole essay) to show the reader you’re focused on answering the prompt. Write an opening sentence that gives insight into the over-arching idea of the piece or conveys an essential truth from it. Connecting the topic to something specific that captures the “spirit” of the piece and signals a direction for the essay.

5 Essay Visual #1 Top : 1) Connect topic to something specific such as a quote or idea from a credible author, a specific event from history or the present, movie, etc. 2) Discuss/analyze what the connection says about the topic in broader terms. 3) Transition to and state your thesis. Middle : Analysis of text in connection to thesis. Bottom : Conclusion provides insight or an enduring understanding of the topic as explored in the text.

6 Essay Visual #2 Top : Insight on the topic which leads to the thesis. Middle : Analysis of text in connection to thesis. Bottom : Conclusion expands on the insight provided in the introduction.

7 Example #1 (Weaker) H.P. Lovecraft, an American horror fiction writer, once said, “The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.” This idea is based on humanity’s most basic need: safety. People crave stability as is evident through our emphasis on constant planning for the future. Our fear deepens because the unknown can lead to a life of misery, and as pleasure-seeking beings, we will do almost anything to avoid this. The impact of facing the fear of the unknown is explored in “The Most Dangerous Game” by Richard Connell where he asserts that the evil within humanity is revealed when confronted with our biggest fear…[continue thesis]

8 Example #2 (Stronger) The fear of the unknown seems to be the strongest fear of all because we cannot react rationally to something we don’t know. This idea is based on humanity’s most basic need: safety. People crave stability as is evident through our emphasis on constant planning for the future. Our fear deepens because the unknown can lead to a life of misery, and as pleasure-seeking beings, we will do almost anything to avoid this. The impact of facing the fear of the unknown is explored in “The Most Dangerous Game” by Richard Connell where he asserts that the evil within humanity is revealed when confronted with our biggest fear…[continue thesis]

9 IGNORE SLIDE!!! H.P. Lovecraft, an American horror fiction writer, once said, “The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.” This idea is based on humanity’s most basic need: safety. People crave stability as is evident through our emphasis on constant planning for the future. Our fear deepens because the unknown can lead to a life of misery, and as pleasure-seeking beings, we will do almost anything to avoid this. This idea is evident in “The Most Dangerous Game” by Richard Connell where Rainsford maintains his moral character throughout the story because he, as most average American people, values safety above everything else.

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