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Factorial design – this is the experimental procedure you used to set up your lab. Factoring is also a math procedure. In your experiment you factored.

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Presentation on theme: "Factorial design – this is the experimental procedure you used to set up your lab. Factoring is also a math procedure. In your experiment you factored."— Presentation transcript:

1 Factorial design – this is the experimental procedure you used to set up your lab. Factoring is also a math procedure. In your experiment you factored out each variable for every situation.

2 Factorial design – this is the experimental procedure you used to set up your lab. Factoring is also a math procedure. It is an experimental procedure where you factored out each variable for every situation.

3 Factorial design – this is the experimental procedure you used to set up your lab. Factoring is also a math procedure. It is an experimental procedure where you factored out each variable for every situation. Example:

4 Factorial design – new circumstance..... Instead of watching the breakdown of a dead organism and testing factors that may effect it here is a new set-up....

5 Factorial design – new circumstance..... Instead of watching the breakdown of a dead organism and testing factors that may effect it here is a new set-up.... Write the set-up “answer” on a separate sheet of paper... Then we’ll going to share!

6 A student is so tired at the end of the day they can’t find the energy to do his/her homework. This student hypothesizes that there could be 3 possible contributing factors to his/her low energy level. 1- he/she now sleeps 7 hours a night instead of 10 (summertime)

7 A student is so tired at the end of the day they can’t find the energy to do his/her homework. This student hypothesizes that there could be 3 possible contributing factors to his/her low energy level. 1- he/she now sleeps 7 hours a night instead of 10 (summertime)

8 A student is so tired at the end of the day they can’t find the energy to do his/her homework. This student hypothesizes that there could be 3 possible contributing factors to his/her low energy level. 1- he/she now sleeps 7 hours a night instead of 10 (summertime)

9 A student is so tired at the end of the day they can’t find the energy to do his/her homework. This student hypothesizes that there could be 3 possible contributing factors to his/her low energy level. 2- he/she wanted to get in as many credits as possible no lunch hour = no lunch

10 A student is so tired at the end of the day they can’t find the energy to do his/her homework. This student hypothesizes that there could be 3 possible contributing factors to his/her low energy level. 3- he/she went from ZERO exercise in the summer to lifting weights and running bleachers in PE

11 Set up a factorial design experiment to test the student’s 3 possible answers (hypotheses. You aren’t putting your student in a Petri dish so no this time 1- 10 hours sleep vs. 7 hours now 2- lunch everyday – no lunch now 3- exercise now – before none Write your factorial experimental design on your paper!

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