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Sandringham School Computer Science Faculty Year 7 Virtual Tour – Lesson 3.

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Presentation on theme: "Sandringham School Computer Science Faculty Year 7 Virtual Tour – Lesson 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sandringham School Computer Science Faculty Year 7 Virtual Tour – Lesson 3

2 Sandringham School Computer Science Faculty Learning Objectives Understand the sources for digital images and copyright implications Learning Objective 1 Develop a plan to source images that are ‘fit for purpose’ Learning Objective 2 Use multimedia tools to capture and edit digital images Learning Objective 3

3 Sandringham School Computer Science Faculty Lesson Outcomes GOLD: I can explain different image sources and file types and capture or source images appropriate to my presentation SILVER: I can explain the implications of copyright for images BRONZE: I can use different multimedia tools to capture or download images and edit them

4 Sandringham School Computer Science Faculty Learning Objective 1 Starter ‘Think, Pair, Share’ What are the main sources for digital images? What file formats might they be in? What are some advantages and disadvantages for each source?

5 Sandringham School Computer Science Faculty Learning Objective 1 File Types Below is a table that examines some of the common image file types Which are suitable for photos in a presentation? Which is suitable for clip art or logos? TypeAdvantageDisadvantage BitmapKeeps all the detailVery large file size GifVery small file size, can be animated Only 256 colours JpegCompresses the photo for a small file size Can lose some of the detail

6 Sandringham School Computer Science Faculty Learning Objective 2 We cannot just take images without permission – why? Planning your images

7 Sandringham School Computer Science Faculty Learning Objective 2 Download the document ‘Virtual Tour image planning’ from Realsmart Think about the image for each slide and where you will source it from Complete the sheet Planning your images

8 Sandringham School Computer Science Faculty Learning Objective 3 You now have 20 minutes to source the images that you need You can use the digital camera on the iPads – check out the links on Realsmart if you are unsure how to use the iPad camera You can go around the school to take pictures BUT YOU MUST NOT DISTURB LESSONS – be quiet and calm! Be back on time otherwise consequences will be given Sourcing your images

9 Sandringham School Computer Science Faculty Learning Objective 3 The simplest way is to email them to your school email account Otherwise you can use a USB cable Downloading images from the iPad

10 Sandringham School Computer Science Faculty Learning Objective 3 Complete the gathering of images for your Virtual Tour Make sure that they are on your account for next lesson (either by emailing them to your school account, or bring them in on a USB memory stick) Home Learning

11 Sandringham School Computer Science Faculty Review Learning Objectives Record what you learned, any feedback that you had and a target for next time in your Learning Blog Understand the sources for digital images and copyright implications Learning Objective 1 Develop a plan to source images that are ‘fit for purpose’ Learning Objective 2 Use multimedia tools to capture and edit digital images Learning Objective 3

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