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Alabama Water Watch A Citizen Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring Program William Deutsch  Began 1992  EPA/ADEM Grants.

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Presentation on theme: "Alabama Water Watch A Citizen Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring Program William Deutsch  Began 1992  EPA/ADEM Grants."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alabama Water Watch A Citizen Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring Program William Deutsch []  Began 1992  EPA/ADEM Grants

2 Alabama Water Watch  EPA-approved QA  Custom Training  Online Database

3 A program dedicated to developing Citizen Volunteer Water Monitoring of Alabama's lakes, streams and coasts 1992  AWW Program begins 1993  1 st AWW Workshop conducted  AWW Association forms 1994  1,000 th chemistry record received  EPA approves chemistry protocols 1995  1 st Training of Trainers workshop 1996   E. coli testing introduced   BIOASSESS game developed 1997  1,000 th bacteria record received  AWWareness list serve launched 1998  AWW website premiered 1999  10,000 th chemistry record received  EPA approves bacteria protocols  1 st Reservoir Series report published 2000  1,160 sites on 465 waterbodies  AU Continuing Education Unites offered for AWW workshops 2001  Relational database premiered 2002  20,000 th chemistry record received  75 AWW active groups  Online data entry premiered 2003  5,000 th bacteria record received  40% of data entered online 2004  Macro Mania game developed  Five volumes of Citizen Guide to Alabama Rivers published 2005  10,000 th chemistry record received  80% of data entered online  40 Citizen Trainers  Cumulative 240 groups, 1,800 sites on 600 waterbodies The Flow of Alabama Water Watch

4 Data Forms vs. Active Groups by Fiscal Year

5 Oct 2004 – Sept 2005 548 people trained 68 Citizen Groups (7 new) 615 Active Monitors Cumulatively 1993-2005 1,800 Sites Monitored on 650 Waterbodies 34,000 water chemistry and 7,000 bacteriological data records Active Groups Oct 04 – Sept 05




9 Alabama Water Watch Data-to-Action Strategies  Environmental Education  Restoration  Advocacy  Spread

10 Internet Access to AWW Data GIS Mapping

11 Internet Access to AWW Data 2-parameter graphs

12 Internet Access to AWW Data statistical analyses

13 Recent visits to the AWW website

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