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Meet at the Mountain III

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1 Meet at the Mountain III
Using Community Involvement as a Strategy for Developing Jobs Meet at the Mountain III Bend, OR April 10, 2015

2 How did you get your first job?
Networking How did you get your first job? Have several people tell about where they got first job. Highlight that most people get their first job through a contact of family. Bring up topic of working with your participants families to help you network Of course this can be challenging since they think that that’s what you are paid to do! Story, Father pointing finger at me saying “So, YOU want me to help YOU do YOUR JOB!! YES!!!! WHY? Get a job faster. Easier to customize Get more support on the job

3 Advantages of Networking
People prefer to do business with someone they know Can get deeper information about the culture of the company… Who really makes the hiring decisions and what jobs are really open—The Hidden Job Market If several resumes have been received for a job it helps your candidate stand out If you know someone, it will be easier to request accommodations TRUST—This is why companies usually ask current employees for leads on new employees People you know. This is the very basis of chambers and service clubs Think about your own purchases. Ask the group for examples Me– roof from Perry. Contractor for Kitsap will be Bill’s brother. Inside information; Daryl asking what the guys are like at the golf course. Telling me it was OK for a long training time. Hidden Job Market Many jobs are not advertised. Retailers often just interview the top of the stack. Way around the kiosk, on line application or HR department Many jobs for people are carved, need to know people to get this opportunity. Trillium even has a referral bonus for our staff hiring.

4 Where do you network? Personal Connections Family Friends LinkedIn
Teachers Neighbors Past Employers Former co-workers Current co-workers Former and current classmates Five Degrees of Separation Just got hired—call everyone you know and tell them you work here! Put it on Facebook and Linked In Hand out and do the exercise.

5 Have people fill out this sheet and have them list at least ten people
Have them get in groups of 3 and talk about who they are going to contact and what they will say. Hand out industry sheet of Paulas

6 Where do you network? Organizational Connections Board of Directors
Contractors and Suppliers Other Vocational Service Providers Residential Service Providers Talk about Trillium Board engagement Part of the job description Board Training to role play talking about Trillium Specific staff contact to turn over to staff Board business cards Examples: Lynn City and Fire Department—Bill Insurance newsletter and job leads Steffanie Political contacts Talk about the importance of Executive Directors and Program Managers networking Contractors: get to know them. Sell them. Ex Copier company and Rotary Collaboration with other providers –example Petco and BMW dealer not allowed to hire your own participant but can hire someone elses. Residential--shredding

7 Where do you network? Community Connections Religious
Chamber of Commerce Clubs or Affiliations City Government Community events Local –where you shop or use services Partners for Work web site and story Talk about service clubs. Importance of giving back to your community. Protocol on selling in these situations—Get to know people first. My story about wanting people with DD to be involved in their community and I wasn't Janice—school board Trish city council. What are you r personal interests and how do you or can you pursue them? Story CSA at Mosby farm with Casey. Its OK to have this be something you enjoy too. Help the food bank Never a better time to talk then when you are buying something, Trillium staff drink a lot of coffee and eat lunch out Ask people to share how they might get involved more in the community.—have them talk to the person next to them and then some people share with the whole group

8 Local Networks Bend Chamber of Commerce: Bend Chamber Business Guide: Guide/index.htm#?page=16 Newspapers and media: Other: _economic_g.html Click on Bend Business Journal Page 4 Tim Casey “My Door is Open:” Page 8 Cascade Womens Expo Page 12 Sally Russell City Council and Women in Business Awards Who are the connectors in your community? Bend Source Sally Campbell bottom of page regarding people with disabilities

9 Elevator Speech What do you do? Who do you work for? What do they do?
Have people raise their hand s and present to the group They should give the circumstances for their speech since it may vary. Value of having an initial sentence that answers the above question and then have additional sentence providing more information depending on the audience Trish and Paula will role model their s Have each person write a 30 second speech Don’t open up the fire house! The curse of too much information Paula story about her coaching Make it interactive Paula information about unemployment rates.

10 It Doesn’t Stop There! Follow up is CRITICAL!

11 Sales Statistics - How many touches does it take?
48% of Sales people never follow up 25% make a second contact and stop 12% of Sales people only make three contacts and stop Only 10% make more than three contacts ********************************************** 2% of sales are made on the first contact 3% of sales are made on the second contact 5% of sales are made on the third contact 10% of sales are made on the fourth contact 80% of sales are made on the fifth contact!!!!!

12 Nurture Relationships
Promote businesses on appropriate social media Patronize employers and promote their business Write press releases when big things happen Recognize employers on your agency website Nominate the business for status awards that can be used in their reports and literature Provide opportunities for business staff to promote your organization and their company Invite elected officials to tour worksites Write HANDWRITTEN notes k

13 For More Information: Trish Borden, Executive Director Trillium Employment Services Paula Johnson, Program Specialist Project SEARCH Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center

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