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Ch. 10.1 Energy Transfer Kinetic Molecular Theory “Kinetic” = moving “Molecular” = all matter is made up of atoms and molecules So all matter is made up.

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Presentation on theme: "Ch. 10.1 Energy Transfer Kinetic Molecular Theory “Kinetic” = moving “Molecular” = all matter is made up of atoms and molecules So all matter is made up."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch. 10.1 Energy Transfer Kinetic Molecular Theory “Kinetic” = moving “Molecular” = all matter is made up of atoms and molecules So all matter is made up of tiny moving particles.

2 Solids, Liquids and Gases SOLIDS (e.g. ice) = particles are close together and don’t move fast (vibrate and don’t change position). LIQUIDS (e.g. water) = particles are farther apart than a solid, moving faster, and make a set volume. GAS (e.g. steam) = particles are far apart, move very quickly and take up all available space.

3 Temperature Temperature is an average measure of how much the particles are moving (how much kinetic energy they have). Measured in Celsius, Fahrenheit or Kelvin.

4 Thermal Energy Thermal Energy = Kinetic Energy + Potential Energy (energy of movement) (energy of position) So Thermal Energy is the total energy of all the particles in any substance.

5 Heat and Thermal Energy Transfer Heat = the amount of thermal energy that is transferred from a higher  lower area of thermal energy.

6 Conduction Conduction = transfer of heat by direct contact. Heat is transferred from higher temperature (higher kinetic energy) particles  lower temperature (lower kinetic energy) particles. Example: a cold spoon warms when placed in a cup of hot chocolate. Conductors = materials that transfer heat easily (e.g. metals) Insulators = materials that do not conduct heat easily (e.g. ceramics)

7 Convection Convection: a) the transfer of heat in liquids and gases b) the movement of heat from hot to cold within a fluid c) the movement of the hot liquid to an area of cold liquid. Hot  cold (low density) (high density) This is how convection currents form.

8 Radiation Radiation = the transfer of radiant energy by waves. What we feel as heat is called infrared radiation.

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