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SENIOR STUDENT STAFF LIFE HACKS Campus Housing University of Illinois at Chicago Resident Assistant and Peer Mentor Online Training.

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Presentation on theme: "SENIOR STUDENT STAFF LIFE HACKS Campus Housing University of Illinois at Chicago Resident Assistant and Peer Mentor Online Training."— Presentation transcript:

1 SENIOR STUDENT STAFF LIFE HACKS Campus Housing University of Illinois at Chicago Resident Assistant and Peer Mentor Online Training

2 THE SPM ROLE  General Terms  Support Resident Director with supervisor of Peer Mentors (PMs)  Coordinate Special Interest Areas (SIAs)  Work on special projects  Assist with scheduling and support of the Learning Resource Center (LRC)  Serve as an academic support and role model for PMs.

3 SPECIFICS  You are expected to work an average of 20 hours per week  Provide oversight and supervisory support of PMs  Make sure academic programming is completed  You will be asked to create and distribute occasional reports  Communicate effectively with residents, staff, and faculty

4 RESPONSIBILITIES  Participate and co-facilitate training and development sessions for PMs  Be visible in your particular area of campus  Attend regular meetings and one-on-ones with RD  Assist in the creation of staff team agendas and facilitation of staff meetings  Monitor, track, and assess all facets of the PM position (bulletin boards, visibility, academic and FYE programs, MAP, etc.)  Assist with operations of the Learning Resource Center

5 GOING ABOVE AND BEYOND  Think critically!  Be proactive-if you see an issue or foresee a problem coming up, let your RD know or address the issue.  Check-in with your RD frequently to see if they need assistance  Manage up! Get to know your RD to the point where you understand their style so you can support them

6 TIPS FOR SUCCESS  Schedule time for you! Make time to thrive by working out, watching your favorite Netflix show, etc.  Have consistent office hours so that your team and RD know where and when they can find you if they need you-establishing a regular routine is encouraged!  Stay on top of academic tutor logs and follow up with PMs that are late/do not attend their tutor hours and let your RD know  Identify with your PM team your expectations and let them know how they can manage up for you  Plan out your week in advance to reflect your academic tasks as well as your SPM duties

7 TIPS FOR SUCCESS  Set SMART goals  Get to know your team and fellow SPMs!  It’s important to know your individual teammates  You can share success stories and get new ideas for academic initiatives, recognition ideas, etc.  Recognize your team!  Continuously seek out feedback from your team and RD

8 WHAT ARE SMART GOALS?  Specific-Well defined, clear to anyone that has a basic knowledge of the tasks.  Measurable-know if the goal is obtainable and how far away completion is, know when the goal has been achieved.  Attainable-not impossible  Realistic-within the availability of resources, knowledge, and time  Timely-enough time to achieve the goal, not too much time, which can affect task performance "Many people fail in life, not for lack of ability or brains or even courage, but simply because they have never organized their energies around a goal.“ -Elbert Hubbard-

9 GET TO KNOW YOUR TEAM Ask these questions of your team:  Is your team recognizing the need for physical activity, diet, sleep?  Are they developing a sense of connection, belonging, and support?  Are they coping effectively with life and creating satisfying relationships?  Are they recognizing their creative abilities and looking to expand their knowledge and skills?  Are they satisfied with the work that they are doing?  Are they expanding upon their sense of purpose and meaning in life? The Dimensions of Wellness

10 HOW TO MANAGE UP  What is it?-a method of career development that’s based on consciously working for the mutual benefit of yourself and your RD. It’s an understanding of your RD’s position, requirements, and then exceeding their expectations and needs  What isn’t it?-avoiding work, rebelling, kissing up, or trying to turn the tables.

11 HOW TO MANAGE UP  Do:  Get to know your RD  Anticipate and jump in-offer help during a work emergency, make a habit of observing the normal rhythms of your team  Imagine the bigger picture  Don’t:  Try to manipulate-present things as they are, no sugar coating!  Attempt to cover anything up-own up to any mistakes. It’s easier to put out a small flame than to extinguish a forest fire  Get involved in office politics-avoid favoritism

12 RECOGNITION  Show your team that you care!  Look into Pinterest,,  Your staff will appreciate the effort that you put into any type of recognition!

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