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Mitosis Lesson Study Jennifer Holland Brad Durham Kayla Schultz Jay Meyers Cindi McMurtrey.

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1 Mitosis Lesson Study Jennifer Holland Brad Durham Kayla Schultz Jay Meyers Cindi McMurtrey

2 Learning Objectives  Students will develop evidence based explanations with what happens during mitosis (cells undergo specific, recognizable changes)  Big Idea (representation): Mitosis cells change to become specialized  Misconceptions:  Growth  “Cell Sex”  Exploding/popping

3 Engage/Explore  Engage  Time lapse videos, Sam’s Puppy formative assessment, Root tip growth  Note Misconception: Sam’s Puppy (linked cell growth to stretching or nutrition)  Explore  Onion root tip picture cut out and answered questions in science notebook (group work), Created CER posters sequencing cells then did a gallery walk  Note: No poster changes after they begin, also tell them the specific number of categories for poster

4 Explain/Elaborate  Explain  Show students Mitosis time lapse video to compare to their poster sequences, students read an excerpt about pmat and picked out terms that match visuals from earlier activities  Elaborate  Watch cancer video, students look at drugs used to combat cancer, explain how the drug works/benefits, Zebra fish embryo growth

5 Assessment  Sam’s Puppy  Onion root tip CER  Notebook questions  Gallery Walk  Vocabulary matching  Cancer and cancer drug application (elaborate)

6 Future Changes/Adaptations  Reduce the number of onion root tip slides (cut outs)  Narrow the focus of the cancer elaboration to make it more effective  Self evaluation areas of improvement (rubric scoring):  Elaborate: 1 (not structured or guided)  Technology: 3

7 Lesson Study 2012-2013  Macromolecules  3.2.B: b. * Relate the structure of organic compounds (e.g., proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, carbohydrates) to their role in living systems  Big Idea (representation): Life is built from chains of molecules

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