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EUROPEAN CULTURE STANDARD SS6G11 The student will describe the cultural characteristics of Europe. A. Explain the diversity of European languages as seen.

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Presentation on theme: "EUROPEAN CULTURE STANDARD SS6G11 The student will describe the cultural characteristics of Europe. A. Explain the diversity of European languages as seen."— Presentation transcript:

1 EUROPEAN CULTURE STANDARD SS6G11 The student will describe the cultural characteristics of Europe. A. Explain the diversity of European languages as seen in comparison of German, English, Russian, French, and Italian. B. Describe the major religions in Europe including Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.


3 In the United States, English is the one dominant language. In Europe, there are over two hundred native languages!!

4 Most languages of Europe can be categorized by their origin- or where and when they started.

5 Green- Germanic languages Beige- Romance languages Orange- Slavic languages

6 GERMANIC German and English Largest group of native speakers Northwest & Central Europe Germanic languages use the Roman alphabet. That’s the alphabet you learned in preschool.

7 Germanic Examples: German & English 100 million European native speakers use German 62 million European native speakers use English Guten Morgen goot-en mor-gen Good Morning Guten Tag goot-en tahk Hello/Good Day

8 German Clip videoId=KO9DAnw39do videoId=KO9DAnw39do

9 SLAVIC Russian is the most widely used uses Cyrillic alphabet (not Roman alphabet- doesn’t look like ours!) Central & Eastern Europe

10 SLAVIC 140 million European native speakers Example: Russian До свидания duh-svee-dah-nya Good Bye Нет Nyet No


12 ROMANCE Examples: French, Italian, and Spanish Comes from Latin (the language of the Ancient Roman Empire; is no longer spoken) South & West Europe Romance languages use the Roman alphabet.

13 ROMANCE 65-80 million European native speakers speak French 63 million speak Italian Bonjour Hello / Good day / Good morning Ciao Hi / Hello / Bye

14 What does it mean to be a native speaker of a language? A native speaker has spoken that language since early childhood.

15 For Europe, having so many languages can be a problem. It makes it difficult to: Work Trade Live with people who cannot communicate with each other.

16 Some of the things Europe is doing to try and solve the problem of having so many languages: 1. School children learn at least 2 languages. 2. The EU (European Union) has adopted 23 “official languages”. 3. There are special laws to protect all languages.

17 Write the letter of the correct answer on your paper: 1. How are the languages of French and Italian similar? A. The two countries are close to each other. B. Both languages are Romance Languages. C. They share roots of Germanic languages.

18 2. Which major European language origin has the largest number of speakers? A. Germanic B. Romance C. Slavic

19 3. What have Europeans done to solve the problems presented by so many different languages? A. They do not trade with people who do not speak the same language. B. Made laws that proclaim English is the only official language of the EU. C. Require students in school to learn at least two languages.

20 4. Which language(s) come from the ancient Roman Empire? A. English and Dutch B. Russian and Polish C. Latin D. French, Italian, Spanish

21 Major Religions in Europe: Christianity Judaism Islam

22 Judaism 15 million Followers Basic beliefs: Obey God's commandments; live ethically. Focus is more on this life than the next. Synagogue services on Saturdays. No pork or other non-kosher foods. Founder: Abraham (about 2000 BC) Holy book: Torah and Talmud House of Worship: Synagogue Holy Days: Rosh Hashanah Jewish New Year’s Day Yom Kippur Day of Atonement

23 Christianity 2.1 Billion Followers Basic beliefs: Based on the teachings of Jesus, love of God and neighbor, a regard for justice, and belief that Jesus is the Son of God, prayer, Bible study, communion, church attendance Founder: Jesus Christ (about 30 AD) Holy book: Bible House of Worship: Church Holy Days: Christmas Birth of Christ Easter Resurrection of Christ


25 Protestant Christianity Orthodox Christianity Catholic Christianity All three were founded by Jesus. All three use written book –Bible. All three believe in one God.

26 Islam 1.3 Billion Followers Basic beliefs: prayer, giving to charity, belief in and submission to Allah, fasting during Ramadan, a trip to Mecca once during your lifetime Founder: Muhammad (about 1610 AD) Holy book: Koran House of Worship: Mosque Holy Days: Eid ul Fitr Ends Ramadan (a month of fasting) Eid ul Adha Marks the end of the holy pilgrimage

27 Write the correct answer on your paper. 1. What is the oldest of the three main European religions? 2. Which religion is growing the fastest? 3. Name a way all three religions are similar. 4. Match the texts and the religions correctly: Religions= Judaism, Christianity, Islam Texts= Bible, Koran, Torah & Talmud

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