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The Ark and The Temple. I. Reminders - something that causes us to remember something. A. A Sporting Event: usually begins with the singing of our national.

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Presentation on theme: "The Ark and The Temple. I. Reminders - something that causes us to remember something. A. A Sporting Event: usually begins with the singing of our national."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Ark and The Temple

2 I. Reminders - something that causes us to remember something. A. A Sporting Event: usually begins with the singing of our national anthem. B. School: usually begins with the pledge of allegiance.

3 C. Rituals or Ceremonies: remind us of and honor our unity and freedom as Americans. D. Church Rituals: helps us honor and prepare for God’s presence.

4 II. The Blessing of Water A. Old Testament 1. In the Old Testament, water is a sign of God’s power. a. The first creation story from Genesis, says that God’s Spirit moved over the oceans.

5 b. The Great Flood, book of Genesis, sent to destroy evil on Earth. c. Exodus: God parted the red Sea.

6 d. God giving the Israelites water in the desert, Book of Exodus. e. God also calmed the Jordan river so the Israelites could cross over to the promise land.

7 B. How water is used Today 1. Sacraments: Baptism, through water we are blessed with the Holy Spirit, we are cleansed of original sin, and given new life in Christ.

8 2. Easter Vigil: a priest blesses water that is to be used to baptize people. - Catholics worship is replete with symbols and ritual actions. * some of our sacraments and sacramentals developed out of Jewish customs that the first Christians adapted.

9 C. Signs of God 1. The Israelites in the Old Testament saw God work wonders through water. - they saw water’s power to bring purity and goodness. - in order to be in God’s presence, they washed their hands and feet.

10 2. The Israelites felt God’s presence near the ark of the covenant. - the ark of the covenant: holiest symbol for the Israelites. - God's presences surrounded the ark and led the Israelites on their journey through the desert to the Promise Land.

11 * eventually the ark was housed in the Temple of Solomon. -To honor God, they continually burned oil lamps outside the ark. * When the Israelites settled in Canaan, they needed a permanent holy place to keep the ark and worship God together.

12 3. Israel’s first two kings Saul and David wanted to build a magnificent Temple to gather for worship. * Temple: the first temple built on Mt. Zion, a hill in Jerusalem, during King Solomon’s rule. - the ark was kept in the temple, in a sacred space, called the Holy of Holies.

13 D. A Place of God’s Presence 1. Solomon an Israelite king, who built the first temple. 2. Jesus was the fulfillment of God’s covenant with the Israelites.

14 3. Jewish Rituals - early Christians adapted some of the rituals used by the Israelites to celebrate the presence of God. -ex. Baptism

15 4. Jesus -rituals received new meaning. -through Jesus, God could truly be present within us.

16 5. Baptism and other sacraments - fill us with God’s very life and presence, or grace. - they help us participate in God’s kingdom on earth - prepares us for everlasting life with God.

17 6. Sacramentals - something that reminds us of Jesus Christ and prepares us for God’s life in us. -blessed candles reminds us that God is the eternal light of the world.

18 7. Church -a special place of worship. -we attend church to be filled with Christ

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