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Cross-border cooperation is our way to take responsibility for refugees Reception Conditions for Asylum Seekers in Europe materials for a better practice.

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Presentation on theme: "Cross-border cooperation is our way to take responsibility for refugees Reception Conditions for Asylum Seekers in Europe materials for a better practice."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cross-border cooperation is our way to take responsibility for refugees Reception Conditions for Asylum Seekers in Europe materials for a better practice The Information and Cooperation Forum (ICF) Presents: Cross-border asylum network

2 Cross-border cooperation is our way to take responsibility for refugees ICF: NGOs from Germany, Austria, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Slovenia Targets:  improvement of reception conditions in the Member States of the European Union  cooperation, qualification, lobbying Issues:  accommodation  social benefits (including withdrawal and Dublin II cases)  medical care and therapy  access to labour and education / training  social work and social counselling  freedom of movement  participation of refugees

3 Cross-border cooperation is our way to take responsibility for refugees The EU Council Directive 2003/9/EC of 27 January 2003 on Minimum Standards of Reception Conditons for Asylum Seekers  the implementation: harmonisation or downgrading?  why improvement of reception conditions?

4 Cross-border cooperation is our way to take responsibility for refugees 1. Medical Care and Therapy*  towards an accessible and human health care for asylum seekers  legal foundations and instruments  the EU Council Directive 2003/9/EC on access to health care *Under the ICF lead agency of

5 Cross-border cooperation is our way to take responsibility for refugees 1.2. Problems and Gaps – a Call for Action  information, language and understanding  employment and education  residence and accommodation  living conditions – housing and insecurity  traumatisation and vulnerable groups

6 Cross-border cooperation is our way to take responsibility for refugees 1.3. Information, Language, Culture  language barriers  cultural specific expressions  lacking data and knowledge  recommendations –translation and mediation services –qualification courses for asylum seekers for linguistic and social orientation –initial health examinations and information on health system

7 Cross-border cooperation is our way to take responsibility for refugees 1.4. Employment and Education  overcoming isolation and forced inactiveness  access to labour market instead of dependence on social benefits  recommendations –strengthen participatory activities of asylum seekers –promotion of employment in the health sector

8 Cross-border cooperation is our way to take responsibility for refugees 1.5. Living in a Camp: Housing and Insecurity  centralised centres – forced communities isolated from society  incapacitation  health problems as a result of accommodation  recommendations –private housing –access to social and legal assistance

9 Cross-border cooperation is our way to take responsibility for refugees 1.6. Traumatisation and Vulnerable Groups  from experienced violence to insecurity  needs and treatment for vulnerable groups  living conditions as barriers to a stable life  lack of knowledge and lack of therapy  recommendations –services for diagnosis and treatment of traumatisation –standards of legal recognition of traumatised people

10 Cross-border cooperation is our way to take responsibility for refugees For further information please contact liliane danso THANK YOU!

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