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The Four Styles Director Influencer Supporter Critical Analyst
Three Graphs Graph 1 – Mask, Public Self Graph 2 – Core, Private Self
Everyone acts according to how they think other people expect them to act….has the most potential for change Graph 2 – Core, Private Self Learned responses from the past; behaviors that the person accepts about himself/herself - under pressure these traits become prominent …..this is the least likely to change they are the natural and ingrained traits Graph 3 – Mirror, Perceived Self Vision one has of himself/herself - the self image…combines the learned behavior and the current expected behavior from the environment…..very gradual change in this area
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Director Winning isn’t everything: It’s the only thing
D’s are bottom line people – -Competitive -Determined -Direct -Demanding -Decisive -Positive -Self Sufficient -Responsible -Blunt -Ambitious -Skeptical -Forgiving -Pioneering -Adventurous -Logical -Strong Willed -Independent -Driving
Directors are Motivated By…
New challenges and problems to solve Power and authority to take risks and make decisions Freedom from routine and mundane tasks Changing environments in which to work and play The ability to Lead
D’s - Do’s Stress Team Concepts Let them know that you know
their time is valuable Help them move from point A to point B quickly Stress Results and the Outcome Get to the Point – Just the Facts
D’s - Don'ts Appear Indecisive Be problem oriented Be overly friendly
Make non-supportive statements Make decisions for them Waste their time Tell Stories
How to Identify Directors
They talk fast and loud Dress Solid Colors – Traditional Hand Shake is firm and strong Can be Impatient & Insensitive They Play to Win Feedback is Like water off a Duck Car – Mercedes, BMW (status cars) Say things like: Just give me the bottom line Just get it done Let’s cut to the chase
D’s Possible Weaknesses
Oversteps Authority Argumentative Attitude Dislikes Routine Attempts too much at once
D’s Possible Strengths
Bottom-line Organizer Places high value on time Challenges the status quo Innovative Problem Solver Risk-Taker Self Starter
Being Taken Advantage Of
D’s Biggest Fear Being Taken Advantage Of
Influencer Most Important is Themselves - Motto Never Waste a Crowd
I’s - They Just Want to Be Loved-Life of the Party -Emotional -Sociable -Warm -Optimistic -Poised -Mobile -Polished -Trusting -Popular -Enthusiastic -Persuasive -Independent -Talkative -Outgoing -People Person -Misjudges -Fashionable -Name Dropper -Natural Salesperson -Self Starter
I’s Are Motivated By… Flattery, praise, popularity and acceptance
A friendly environment relations w/others Freedom from many rules and regulations Other people available to handle details Acceptance Being on Stage – Center of Attention
I’s – Do’s Stress testimonies Impress Them With Who You Know
Be Fun and Enthusiastic Talk of Friends Parties, Sports Spend Time Developing A Relationship Recognize, Acknowledge and Notice Them
I – Don’ts Let Them Take You To Far Off Track Do All The Talking
Ignore Social Boundaries Make Them Feel Unimportant Forget to Recognize them Upstage Them
How to Identify Influencers
They talk fast and loud Dress Wild or Bright Colors – Patterns Hand Shake is pumping two handed Can be Persuasive and Talkative They Play For Applause Feedback has to be Casual & Lighthearted Car – Porsche, Corvette (Look at me Car) Say things like: OHH –here’s an idea Are We having Fun Yet Let’s all do it together
I’s Possible Weaknesses
More Concerned with Popularity than Tangible Results Inattentive to Detail Overuses Gestures and Facial Expressions Tends to Listen Only When Convenient
I’s Possible Strengths
Creative Problem Solver Great Encourager Motivates others to Achieve Positive Sense of Humor Negotiates Conflicts; Peace Maker Trusting Optimistic Easy to Start Conversations
I’s Biggest Fear Rejection
Supporter Most Important is Harmony – Motto is don’t rock the boat
-Conservative -Loyal -Passive -Patient -Cooperative -Steady -Possessive -Predictable -Consistent -Deliberate -Reflective -Systematic -Nurturer -Serve others -Security -Conforming -Protective -Supportive -Resistant to change -Please others
S’s Are Motivated By… Recognition for Loyalty and Dependability
Safety and Security No Sudden Changes in Procedure or Lifestyle Activities They can Start and Finish Opportunities to Help Others Low Risk and Long Term Stability
S’s - Do’s Spend time developing relationships
Give plenty of time to make a decision Let them know you care Make them feel secure Allow time to complete tasks Allow them to Help
S’s Don’ts Be too Direct Push to Aggressively Move to Fast Be Abrupt
Interrupt in the middle of tasks Compromise their safety
How to Identify Supporters
They talk slow and quiet Dress Conservative – Not provocative at all Hand Shake is guarded – may touch top of hand Can be Protective and Supportive They Play to be with people Feedback can be damaging – be supportive Car – Camry, Van, Volvo (Safe, Secure, Predictable) Say things like: Are you sure that is Safe Why do we keep changing it Whatever you think is best is ok with me
S’s Possible Weaknesses
Resists Change Takes a long time to adjust to change Holds a grudge Sensitive to criticism Difficulty establishing priorities Always giving in on their needs for others
S’s Possible Strengths
Reliable & Dependable Loyal Team Worker Compliant toward Authority Good Listener Patient & Empathetic Good at Reconciling Conflicts Team Player Predictable
S’s Biggest Fear Loss of Security
Critical Analyst Most Important is Details – Would rather not make a decision than make an uneducated one -Conservative -Traditional -Calculating -Neat -Low-keyed -Systematic -Stable -Accurate -Dependent -Tactful -Cautious -Diplomatic -Perfectionist -Orderly -Informed -Analytical -Inflexible -Critical -Gets Things Done Right
C’s Are Motivated By… Standards of High Quality
Limited Social Interactive Detailed Tasks Logical Organization of Information Process Order
C’s Do’s Use Comparative Data Appeal to Logic Be Prepared
Statistics are always helpful Allow them time to Explain the Reason Why Allow sufficient time to complete projects
C’s Don’ts Be Vague Appeal to Emotion Pat on the Back
Tell jokes or otherwise be to familiar Rush Them Talk Really Fast to Them – Slow Down
How to Identify C’s They talk slowly and quiet
Dress Very Conservative – Black, Grey, Dark Blue Hand Shake is limp/wimpy – can be wet Can be Protective and Supportive They Don’t Play – They Plan Feedback – matter of fact and thorough, or it’s not valid Car – Honda, Saturn (Economical, Priced Well) Say things like: Proper preparation prevents poor performance I need more information before I can make a decision What are the statistics
C’s Possible Weaknesses
Needs Clear-cut Boundaries for Actions/Relationships Bound by Procedures and Methods Gets Bogged Down in Details Prefers not to Verbalize Feelings Will Give in Rather than Argue Inflexible
Strengths Perspective “The Anchor of Reality”
Conscientious and Even Tempered Thorough in All Activities Defines Situation: Gathers, Criticizes and Tests Information Accurate High Standards - Systematic
C’s Biggest Fear Criticism
The Use of DISC in Real Estate
By learning how to identify your client’s personality traits and you will have better communication with your clients. This can save a lot of time and energy by having an understanding of why your client is making the choices he/she is making
Voice Indicators D’s and I’s tend to talk quickly and loud
S’s and C’s tend to talk slow and quiet I’s and S’s tend to show more emotion D’s and C’s are unemotional So if you had someone call in and spoke slowly and unemotional what would they be? It would be a C personality Someone called in and spoke quick and with lots of inflection in their voice? It would be a I personality
Ask for the Contract with a D
They will make decisions quickly Negotiations are important they need to feel as if they have won Don’t waste their time Give them bottom line information-facts Bullet Point Information - easy reference Be direct with a D – Use Dialogues like…..
This house has all that you wanted at a price you can live with.
Why not just get it done today so you can move on. If you don’t buy it someone else will – and quickly
Ask for the Contract with an I
They can be quick decision makers Focus on their hot buttons Don’t smother them with details Use color and graphics when possible Make you material attractive and fun When dealing with an I use phrases like…
This house will be perfect for entertaining
All the neighbors get together and have block parties and BBQ’s This neighborhood is popular and it is selling fast You could be proud to have your friends come here
Ask for the Contract with an S
They need ample time to make a decision Don’t rush them – But don’t ignore them either they need to know you are there for them Once you have their trust Honor it! Use testimonials Materials should be warm and personalized You may say to an S…………………
I know how important it is to move your whole family together to your new job
The safest thing we could do is price it to sell You won’t be able to buy the home you want when you find it because you run the risk of two house payments.
Asking for the contract with a C
They can not be rushed Don’t be vague with them Do not guess be sure you give accurate information Materials need to be neat, well organized, accurate and thorough – reference resources You may say to a C………..
This is all the information that is currently available
What additional questions might you have that are preventing you from being able to reach a decision at this time Let me run the statistics for you
D I D I S C S C D I S C D I S C Influencing-Inspiring
Dominant - Driver General Characteristics Direct: Decisive High Ego: Strength Problem Solver Risk Taker - Self Starter Value to Team Bottom Line Organizer Places high value on time Challenges the status quo Innovative Possible Weaknesses Oversteps authority Argumentative attitude Dislikes Routine Attempts too much at once Greatest Fear Being Taken Advantage of D Influencing-Inspiring General Characteristics Enthusiastic Trusting: Optimistic Persuasive: Talkative Impulsive: Emotional Value to Team Creative problem Solver Great Encourager Motivates others to achieve Positive sense of humor Negotiates conflicts: peace maker Possible Weakness More concerned with popularity than tangible results Inattentive to detail Overuses gestures & facial expressions Greatest Fear Rejection I Dominant - Driver General Characteristics Direct: Decisive High Ego: Strength Problem Solver Risk Taker - Self Starter Value to Team Bottom Line Organizer Places high value on time Challenges the status quo Innovative Possible Weaknesses Oversteps authority Argumentative attitude Dislikes Routine Attempts too much at once Greatest Fear Being Taken Advantage of Influencing-Inspiring General Characteristics Enthusiastic Trusting: Optimistic Persuasive: Talkative Impulsive: Emotional Value to Team Creative problem Solver Great Encourager Motivates others to achieve Positive sense of humor Negotiates conflicts: peace maker Possible Weakness More concerned with popularity than tangible results Inattentive to detail Overuses gestures & facial expressions Greatest Fear Rejection S C Stable - Steady General Characteristics Good Listener Possessive Steady, Predictable Understanding: Friendly Value to Team Reliable & Dependable Loyal Team worker Compliant towards authority Possible Weaknesses Resists change Takes a long time to adjust to change Holds a grudge: Sensitive to Criticism Difficulty establishing priorities Greatest Fear Loss of Security S Compliant - Correct General Characteristics Accurate: Analytical Conscientious: Careful Fact-finder: Precise High Standards; Systematic Value to Team Perspective: “The anchor of reality” Conscientious and even tempered Thorough in all activities Defines situation: Gathers Criticizes & tests information Possible Weaknesses Needs clear-cut boundaries for actions/ relationships Bound by procedures and methods Gets bogged down in details Prefers not to verbalize feelings Will give in rather than argue Greatest Fear Being Taken Advantage of C Stable - Steady General Characteristics Good Listener Possessive Steady, Predictable Understanding: Friendly Value to Team Reliable & Dependable Loyal Team worker Compliant towards authority Possible Weaknesses Resists change Takes a long time to adjust to change Holds a grudge: Sensitive to Criticism Difficulty establishing priorities Greatest Fear Loss of Security Compliant - Correct General Characteristics Accurate: Analytical Conscientious: Careful Fact-finder: Precise High Standards; Systematic Value to Team Perspective: “The anchor of reality” Conscientious and even tempered Thorough in all activities Defines situation: Gathers Criticizes & tests information Possible Weaknesses Needs clear-cut boundaries for actions/ relationships Bound by procedures and methods Gets bogged down in details Prefers not to verbalize feelings Will give in rather than argue Greatest Fear Being Taken Advantage of
Any Questions Go and Practice
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