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Summer Service Capital District Circle K International Membership Development & Education Committee June 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Summer Service Capital District Circle K International Membership Development & Education Committee June 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Summer Service Capital District Circle K International Membership Development & Education Committee June 2014

2 Over the Summer… You want to relax and enjoy your much deserved break from classes. But you also have some great opportunities to find new ways to serve your local community!

3 Seeking out Service Sometimes service opportunities can be hard to find over the summer because you are away from your club and the resources it offers in helping you find service projects. But that does mean you should give up! There are plenty of ways and resources available to you.

4 Ask your local Kiwanis One of the easiest ways to find service opportunities is to reach out to your local Kiwanis club, wherever you are spending your summer break. Attend a meeting and get to know your Kiwanians while also finding out what they are up to and how you can help. If you are unsure of where your local Kiwanis is, you can check here to research it Try reaching out to other members of the K Family in your area as well!

5 Explore your Community Seek out agencies within your community that do service regularly: Free clinics Churches Soup Kitchens/Shelters SPCA Libraries At the end of the day, it really can’t hurt to ask. You never know where you might find a fun, meaningful way to serve others.

6 Preferred Charities and Service Partners Check out our preferred charities and service partners to see if there are groups within your local area you could work with: BetterWorldBooks UNICEF March of Dimes Students Teaming Up to Fight Hunger (STUFH)

7 The Eliminate Project Your hometown community might be a great place to raise money for The Eliminate Project. You could host an awareness event or contact local businesses for donations. It is our district project this year and we are coming into the last year of fundraising so we are really excited about reaching our goal of $110 million raised by the entire Kiwanis Family. Check here for more information about the project and our progress so far!here

8 Don’t Forget! In order for your hours to count towards your club’s service hours total, you have to open up the service opportunities to the entire club. Contact your club president and/or secretary with the details of the service project so that they can share the information with the rest of your club. It might give you a chance to share your service opportunities with fellow club members nearby!

9 CDCKI Service Guide The CDCKI Service Committee is currently working on creating a Service Guide for the District to provide resources and ideas for finding service in the different divisions. Keep your eye out for this resource as we start the next school year and contact our Service Committee Chair, Kelly Griffith, if you have any ideas or input.Kelly Griffith

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