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PowerShell for Developers GOPAS: | | Ing. Ondřej Ševeček | GOPAS a.s. | MCM: Directory Services |

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Presentation on theme: "PowerShell for Developers GOPAS: | | Ing. Ondřej Ševeček | GOPAS a.s. | MCM: Directory Services |"— Presentation transcript:

1 PowerShell for Developers GOPAS: info@gopas,cz | | Ing. Ondřej Ševeček | GOPAS a.s. | MCM: Directory Services | MVP: Enterprise Security | Certified Ethical Hacker | | |

2 Why the admins use PowerShell  Newer command line marketing older VBScript still supported but with limited functionality  Script from command line or textual.PS1 files extensive object oriented pipeline support for CMD, EXE, D/COM, NET (plus Win32API through PINVOKE)

3 Why developers might be interested  Provide Admins with familiar interface for custom applications own cmdlets in NET  Automate own tasks builds, file distribution, signing, packaging etc.  Develop installation tasks MSIEXEC custom actions - external  Test / validate / proof of concept which is non-compiled, quickly written

4 PowerShell versions  Version 1 download for Windows XP and 2003 and Vista built into Windows 2008  Version 2 download for Windows XP and 2003, Vista, 2008 built into Windows 7 and 2008 R2 NetFx 2.0 CLR  Version 3 download for Windows 7 and 2008 R2 built into Windows 8 and 2012 NetFx 4.0 CLR  Version 4 download for Windows 7 and 2008 R2, 8 and 2012 built into Windows 8.1 and 2012 R2 NetFx 4.5 CLR  Download as Windows Management Framework

5 Determine version  $psVersionTable  Get-Host  powershell -v 2, powershell -v 3

6 Script development environment  Notepad  PowerShell ISE  third-party free download not necessary anymore since Windows 8

7 Basic language elements  Variables, values and constants $true, $false, 0x38B, $null 'string', "string", {code} @(array), @{hash}, (1..30)  Types (objects vs. structs)  Operators -eq/-ceq, -ge/-gt, -le/-lt, -like, -clike, -match, -cmatch, -join, -split, -f, -is -and, -or, -not, !, -xor, -band, -bor, -not, -bxor *, /, %  Conditions  While, Do While, Foreach, break, continue  Switch  Functions

8 String and Date methods  [String] ToLower() ToUpper() Split() Trim()  [DateTime] AddDays() Parse()

9 Object wrappers (adapters)  Get-Member .psbase,.psadapted,.psextended,.psobject Get-Process, [XML]

10 Weird access to non-existing members .NonExistentProperty - no efect, empty .NonExistentMethod() - exception  $array[outsideIndex] - exception

11 Example: Object pipe Get-Process, Stop-Process New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher [System.Collections.ArrayList] [System.Collections.Hashtable]

12 Example: COM objects $word = New-Object -ComObject 'Word.Application' $doc = $word.Documents.Add() $range = $doc.Range() $range.Font.Size = 20 $range.Font.Name = 'Verdana' $range.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = 2 $range.Text = 'Hellow world' $docName = 'c:\public\hello.docx' $doc.SaveAs([ref] $docName) $word.Quit()

13 Example: Static methods and properties  [System.Text.ASCIIEncoding]::ASCII.GetBytes()  [System.Math]::PI, [Math]::Round()  [Convert]::ToBase64String(), [BitConverter]::ToString()

14 Type accelerators  [ADSI]  [WMICLASS]  [XML]

15 Custom objects  New-Object PSCustomObject  Add-Member

16 Weird array comparisons @(5, 3, 2, 8, 11) -gt 6 @(5, (Get-Date), $null, 2, $null, 11) -ne $null

17 Weir parameter parsing  Parsing in command mode everything is string except for variables and things in parenthesis watch out for array goes just with comma separator,  Parsing in expression mode  First token switches the mode: letter, &,.,. number, variable, quoted string

18 Weird default values and conversions  [string] $nothing = $null  [int] $noNumber = $null  [StringBuilder] $noStrBuilder = $null  [int] '55'  '38' * 3  '38' + '95'  95 + '11'  [string] (Get-Process)  Get-Process | fl * | Out-String

19 Weird collection member functions  PowerShell 3 and newer  If the member does not exist in the collection itself, it gets called on all members

20 Weird function return values  Whatever goes to pipe in function is returned in array  If you return single-item array it gets converted into a single object  If you return [ArrayList], it converts to [Object[]]

21 Example: SHA1 $name = 'zkusebni retezec' $nameBytes = [System.Text.ASCIIEncoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($name) $sha = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1CryptoServiceProvider $hashBytes = $sha.ComputeHash($nameBytes) # bytes array (20 bytes as SHA-1 is always 160bits) $hashBytes # the same in Base64 [Convert]::ToBase64String($hashBytes) # the same in Hex [BitConverter]::ToString($hashBytes)

22 C# from PowerShell  Here strings start @" at the end of a line end as the first character on an empty line "@ Add-Type -TypeDefinition $hereStringDef Add-Type -AssemblyName 'My.Assembly.Name' Add-Type -Path 'c:\projects\myassemblyname.dll' [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFile('…')

23 Example: Cookie-aware WebClient $typeCookieAwareWebClient = @" namespace Sevecek { public class CookieAwareWebClient : System.Net.WebClient { private System.Net.CookieContainer cookieContainer = new System.Net.CookieContainer(); protected override System.Net.WebRequest GetWebRequest(System.Uri address) { System.Net.WebRequest baseRequest = base.GetWebRequest(address); if (baseRequest is System.Net.HttpWebRequest) { (baseRequest as System.Net.HttpWebRequest).CookieContainer = cookieContainer; } return baseRequest; } "@ if (-not ('Sevecek.CookieAwareWebClient' -as [type])) { Add-Type -TypeDefinition $typeCookieAwareWebClient }

24 Weird struct assignment $structs = @" namespace Sevecek { public struct subStruct { public string name; public int age; } public struct parentStruct { public string id; public subStruct person; } "@ Add-Type -TypeDefinition $structs $onePerson = New-Object parentStruct $ = 'ondrej' $onePerson.person

25 Exception handling try { throw } catch [type] {} finally {} $error -ErrorAction $errorActionPreference throw 'some error' throw (Get-Process)[5]

26 Win32API with PINVOKE 

27 Custom CMDLETs in C#  using System.Management.Automation  Class for each cmdlet - decorated as cmdlet  Public properties as parameters - decorated again  Override void processing methods WriteObject() to pipeline  us/library/dd878294(v=vs.85).aspx us/library/dd878294(v=vs.85).aspx

28 NASHLEDANOU GOPAS: info@gopas,cz | | na kurzech v počítačové škole GOPAS, a.s.

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