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Sean Chambers.  Senior Developer at Flagler County Schools for 5 years  Owner Hybrid Software, Educational Software  Contributor to various open source.

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Presentation on theme: "Sean Chambers.  Senior Developer at Flagler County Schools for 5 years  Owner Hybrid Software, Educational Software  Contributor to various open source."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sean Chambers

2  Senior Developer at Flagler County Schools for 5 years  Owner Hybrid Software, Educational Software  Contributor to various open source projects (Castle Project, Nhibernate, NUnit, NBehave)  Practicing TDD,DDD,BDD for 2 years  Blog:  Twitter: schambers

3  Software package to integrate the development of software on a daily process  Everyone commits at least once a day Commit to SVN CI Server checks out code Tests/Reports Run Output packaged

4  Instant feedback of bugs  Executes tests, reports automatically  Like having another developer present to compile  Automates the build process

5  CI Server ◦ TeamCity ◦ CruiseControl.NET  Source Control software ◦ SVN ◦ VSS ◦ CVS  Build script ◦ Nant ◦ msbuild

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