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Advanced Psychometric Methods in Cognitive Aging Research Measuring and Modeling Early Cognitive Decline Friday Harbor Laboratory University of Washington.

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Presentation on theme: "Advanced Psychometric Methods in Cognitive Aging Research Measuring and Modeling Early Cognitive Decline Friday Harbor Laboratory University of Washington."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advanced Psychometric Methods in Cognitive Aging Research Measuring and Modeling Early Cognitive Decline Friday Harbor Laboratory University of Washington September , 2015 Friday Harbor Psychometrics Workshop 2015

2 Acknowledgements Funded in part by Grant R13AG from the National Institute on Aging The views expressed in written conference materials or publications and by speakers and moderators do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services; nor does mention by trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. Friday Harbor Psychometrics Workshop 2015

3 Meeting Structure Monday
Scientific symposium – Early cognitive decline and the aging brain Workgroup organization Tuesday- Thursday AM – workgroups Wednesday afternoon – Free (weather?) Thursday PM – Workgroup presentations, wrap up, planning Friday Harbor Psychometrics Workshop 2015

4 Meeting Goals Promote collaborative science
Build networks of collaborators Train and broaden skill sets of new and established investigators Promote advanced psychometric and statistical methods Methods in service of SCIENCE Friday Harbor Psychometrics Workshop 2015

5 Meeting Expectations Learn something new and have fun doing it
Conceptualize and develop collaborative projects in small workgroups Initiate literature review Plan and initiate data analysis Establish investigator teams and plan to complete projects and manuscripts Publish scientific findings Friday Harbor Psychometrics Workshop 2015

6 Datasets Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative
Framingham Heart Study Rush ADRC Religious Orders Study Memory and Aging Study Minority Aging Research Study Friday Harbor Psychometrics Workshop 2015

7 Workgroups Dynamic sequencing of disease related brain changes and cognition Differentiate normative and pathological aging cognitive trajectories Identify best cognitive predictors of brain changes associated with diseases of aging Examine how measurement methods and psychometric characteristics affect test validity Friday Harbor Psychometrics Workshop 2015

8 Acknowledgements Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI)
Mike Weiner and many, many others Rush ADRC David Bennett, Bryan James, and many, many others Framingham Heart Study Sudha Seshadri, Rhoda Au and many, many others Friday Harbor Psychometrics Workshop 2015

9 Acknowledgements UC Davis Alzheimer’s Disease Center
Charles DeCarli, Jayne Lagrande Friday Harbor Psychometrics Workshop 2015

10 Organizing Committee Paul Crane Laura Gibbons Maria Glymour
Alden Gross Rich Jones Jennifer Manly Dan Mungas Friday Harbor Psychometrics Workshop 2015

11 Logistics, Administration, Management
Shelly Allocco Pre and post-conference Pega Davoudzadeh Onsite Friday Harbor Psychometrics Workshop 2015

12 Dataset Creation and Dissemination, Software Installation
Laura Gibbons Elizabeth Sanders Friday Harbor Psychometrics Workshop 2015

13 Compliance Division Completion of Lecture and Conference Evaluations
Jennifer Manly Friday Harbor Psychometrics Workshop 2015

14 Introductions Friday Harbor Psychometrics Workshop 2015

15 Questions to Answer Introduce yourself Who are you Where are you from
What would you like people to know about you If all cell phones disappeared tomorrow Would your life be better or worse What would you miss the most Friday Harbor Psychometrics Workshop 2015

16 Conference Slogan Competition - 2010
Friday Harbor Psychometrics Workshop 2011

17 2010 Conference Slogan Contest
It’s the thought that counts Friday Harbor Psychometrics Workshop 2011

18 2010 Conference Slogan Contest
ICCs: The not so slippery slopes Friday Harbor Psychometrics Workshop 2011

19 2010 Conference Slogan Contest
I know it's only latent growth but I like it Friday Harbor Psychometrics Workshop 2011

20 2010 Conference Slogan Contest
Friday Harbor Psychometrics: . . . but we go to 11 Friday Harbor Psychometrics Workshop 2011

21 2010 Conference Slogan Contest
Friday Harbor Psychometrics: Theta is not a 4 letter word. Friday Harbor Psychometrics Workshop 2011

22 2011 Competition - Best Quote
Rules Must be something somebody actually said Can be related in some way to science, neuroimaging, genetics, Alzheimer’s disease, cognition, psychometric methods, data analysis Extra points if it has appeared on the Colbert Report Friday Harbor Psychometrics Workshop 2011

23 Examples (already taken)
Friday Harbor Psychometrics Workshop 2011

24 “What a waste it is to lose one’s mind,
or not to have a mind as being truly wasteful. How true that is.” --Dan Quayle Friday Harbor Psychometrics Workshop 2011

25 “Essentially, all models are wrong, but some are useful.”
--George Box Friday Harbor Psychometrics Workshop 2011

26 “The scientist is not a person who gives the right answers, he's one who asks the right questions.”
--Claude Lévi-Strauss Friday Harbor Psychometrics Workshop 2011

27 “Some scientists work so hard there is no time left for serious thinking.”
--Francis Crick Friday Harbor Psychometrics Workshop 2011

28 “If everything seems under control you’re just not going fast enough.”
--Mario Andretti Friday Harbor Psychometrics Workshop 2011

29 “Tact is taking time to think before saying nothing.”
--sign posted outside of a church Friday Harbor Psychometrics Workshop 2011

30 “When an idea is lacking, a word can always be found to take its place
--from W. E. Deming who attributed it to Goethe Friday Harbor Psychometrics Workshop 2011

31 “A professor is someone who talks in someone else’s sleep.”
--from W. H. Auden Friday Harbor Psychometrics Workshop 2011

32 “Confidence: The feeling you have just before you understand the situation.”
--from Our Daily Bread, July 10, 2010 Friday Harbor Psychometrics Workshop 2011

33 “… discreet cosines.” --from Charles DeCarli
What happens in Friday Harbor stays in Friday Harbor! Friday Harbor Psychometrics Workshop 2011

34 "The Alzheimer's Association is well-endowed thanks to the Weiner App
--undisclosed source, Friday Harbor, 6/7/11 Friday Harbor Psychometrics Workshop 2011

35 “If the model doesn't converge, you're toast.”
--Laurel Beckett Who says we’re not on the front line! Friday Harbor Psychometrics Workshop 2011

36 "It's a firehose of data." --Paul Crane
Definite first-responder theme! Friday Harbor Psychometrics Workshop 2011

37 “Ladies and gentlemen, start you engines."
--Indy 500 Starter Stay off the wall on the last lap! Friday Harbor Psychometrics Workshop 2011

38 “My legs are sore." --anonymous
Friday Harbor Psychometrics Workshop 2011

39 “We don’t need computers, we just need a rock.”
--Alden Gross Friday Harbor Psychometrics Workshop 2011

40 Friday Harbor Psychometrics Workshop 2011

41 “You don’t know Jack.” --folk saying
Friday Harbor Psychometrics Workshop 2011

42 “Don’t lose your head to gain a minute. You need your head
“Don’t lose your head to gain a minute. You need your head. Your brains are in it.” --Burma Shave sign Friday Harbor Psychometrics Workshop 2011

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