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HTM 491 Midterm Theory in Action
Student Name: Jennie Kaplan Woodson Name of Movie: Remember the Titans Instructions: Fill in the template on the next three slides. Use 10 point font. Fill in every section for each of the 5 theories listed in the table. If your text extends the cells beyond the page, cut and paste to make additional slides. When finished, save the slides as PowerPoint file. Bring a hard copy of the Powerpoint slides to class on the due date. Grading: Based on clarity of ideas, being able to distinguish among the different theories based on the definitions/examples you provide. You must refer to at least 4 characters (total overall, not in each example) in your examples. Remember to be specific and refer to the lectures and articles throughout.
Theory Definition Scene Example Trait Based Theories
Character Example Trait Based Theories Trait based theories states that certain innate traits distinguish leaders from non-leaders. It stems from the great man theory, which shows examples of historical warriors and men born into nobility. Understanding the importance of these core personality traits that predict leader effectiveness can help organizations with leader selection and development practices. Coach Yoast takes a stand. After a racist comment was said towards coach Boone about Saturdays game, Coach Yoast stands up against the referee and starts to lead the team to victory. . Bill Yoast played by Will Patton is an American high school football coach. He was assistant coach to Herman Boone, a black man, during a time of racism in the south and had to make decisions based on right and wrong rather than the social norms. In this prior scene we see Yoast be offered the Head Coach job again if Boone loses more games this year then Herman Boone gets called a “monkey” by a rival coach. Next scene during Saturday nights game we are able to see Yoast as a trait based leader. He knows what he wants for himself but decides to make a decision based on who he is. In trait leadership its defining traits that show leaders from non leaders and one of those traits shown by Yoast is the ability to chose right from wrong. When the referee makes a bad call and won’t listen to Boone, Yoast goes out there and tells him off. He then takes that stride of power based on his self monitoring personality and adjusts his behaviors on external, situational factors like his daughter standing up in the stands saying it was wrong. Leadership Behavior -The Managerial Grid The managerial grid is a grid based on people production and task production. It was developed by Blake and Mouton in There are four categories you can fall in, low-high, high-high, high-low, and low-low, with the optimal leadership style to be based on Theory Y. The grid is used to assess leadership styles in the workplace and we can use it to base situational leadership off of. During a late night practice when the team can’t get a play right, Bertier gets in a teammates face, Ray, about his blocking and the coaches let the players work it out rather than intervening until he gets the play done very well. Gerry Bertier played by Ryan Hurst is the white team leader for the T.C. Williams High School football team that won the 1971 Virginia State Championship. He was a defensive player who lead the team during the racial tensions with Julius Campbell. In this scene we take a look at Bertier and realize he is an authentic leader who knows who he is and what he believes in. He acts on his values and beliefs openly candidly, and his teammates (followers) consider him an ethical person. He is on the higher end of the stability spectrum which leads us to see him as a team leader on the managerial grid. I would place him at probably a 8 on the people dimension and 8 on the task dimension which still places him on the high-high axis but leaves a little room for a dictorial dimension as well., (high-low). Seeing as he has a extraverted-gregarious, assertive but conscientious personality he could be considered a little lower on the people dimension but still has his need for achievement making him high on task dimension.
Theory Definition Scene Character Example
Leadership Styles (Autocratic, Democratic, etc.) Leadership styles are based on the decision making process. The three styles go on a spectrum from high control to low control. It is a leaders style of providing direction, implementing plans, and motivating people. When Boone wakes the team up at 3am to do a run in the woods he gets criticized that he is being too militant but its just what these boys need at that time for the cohesion of the team. Herman Boone played by Denzel Washington is a former high school football coach who built a cohesion between white and black football players due to his leadership styles. Boone has an autocratic leadership style because the team wasn’t ready to negotiate on a democratic level, they needed someone to put them in their place and open their eyes. This style of leadership shows one individual making all strategic decisions for their followers. In this scene we are able to see that authoritarian leader come out when he wakes the boys up at 3am for a run. He is making the decisions of what these boys need to become a successful, cohesive, working team together and without this leadership the team would not have been able to go 13-0. Situational Leadership Situational leadership is a leadership style developed by Blanchard and Hersey that states when the leader or manager of an organization must adjust their style to the developmental level of the followers they are trying to influence. The underpinning of the situational leadership theory is that there is no single “best” style of leadership. Effective leaders are task relevant and the most successful leaders adapt their leadership style to the maturity of the group they are leading. Left Side, Strong Side. During a late night practice we can start to see the change in leadership in Julius Campbell. Julius Campbell played by Wood Harris is the black players denoted “team captain”. He must struggle to work and lead with Bertier to create a cohesive team. While Coach Boone and Coach Yoast are great examples of situational leadership, I chose to show an examples of Campbell’s leadership to describe it. When looking a the scene where Betier and Campbell knock helmets late at night in front of the whole team it is a way to show how Campbell and Bertier have moved into an M3 maturity level with the team. The team is experienced and able to do the task (of cohesion and working together) but lack the willingness to take on the responsibility. The team is in D2, low competence and low commitment which calls for a high directive and high supportive (coaching) model. By showing this head hitting bond at practice it is coaching the team into believing cohesion between races is okay and what they all need to be accepting.
Theory Definition Scene Character Example Transformational Leadership
Transformational leadership is where the leader is charged with identifying the needed change, creating a vision to guide the change through inspiration, and executing the change in tandem with committed members of the group. A transformational leader is always evolving, improving, and changing. They strive for a high level of performance and have high charisma when enhancing relationships with followers. Herman Boone gives a speech to the team after a long workout that ends up in Gettysburg where the Battle of Gettysburg takes place. He begins speaking about the battle and ties it back into how it pertains to the football team Herman Boone played by Denzel Washington depicts the life of a former high school football coach who with Bill Yoast created a racial diverse football team at T.C. Williams High School in Alexandria, Virginia. He showcases transformational leadership in this speech by tying in personal experiences to make his point. He inspires his team (followers) to transcend their self interests for the good of the organization and have an extraordinary effect on the boys. He has a proactive personality and uses this scene to overcome the internal conflict of racism within the team. Being charismatic in this speech allows for the one black and one white leaders of the team, Gerry and Julius, to realize their true potential as leaders as well and help resolve the racial tension. Boone strives for high levels of performance in his team and is motivated for the need for achievement. He drives to achieve a set of standards and though this vision strives to succeed.
HTM 491 Theory in Action Template Grading Rubric
Needs Improvement 0-14 points Achieves Expectations 15-17 points Role Model 18-20 points Section Points Theory Definitions May be missing key elements or contain inaccurate definitions. Definition cells may be incomplete. Succinctly defines theory to include key elements, in student’s own words, and references course materials. Succinctly defines theory to include key elements, in student’s own words. Additional info added not conveyed in course materials. Characters as Leaders May not include the minimum of 4 characters or characters or character action may not align with the defined theory. Identifies at least 4 different characters from the film in leader or follower roles. Character actions, as described, align with the particular theory. Character choices go beyond the obvious (main characters), indicating nuanced understanding of leadership theory. Clarity of Examples Scenes may not be described clearly or examples may be too wordy. Examples may be repeated. Characters may be overused. Some examples might seem forced. Scenes are clearly described and align with the theory definition. Examples are not repeated, though characters may be referenced in more than one scene example. The scene is set up succinctly but conveying enough for the reader to recall the scene if watching the film. Theory examples are described in a manner that clearly draws out key elements of the defined theory in a succinctly worded scenes throughout. Distinguishing Theories Some examples may indicate confusion about the theories, possibly mixing up various theories, or possibly providing examples that contradict course materials. Refers to course materials to distinguish the theories from each other. Examples indicate the student can distinguish the various theories. Key elements of each theory are present throughout. An overall read of the student’s work indicates the student understands the differences between the theories as well as demonstrates ability to apply theory in action in a succinct and synthesized way. Organization & Structure All instructions followed. Submitted template with proper format and file name on time. Total Points
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