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Table 3.1.1: Stock and Flow of Heart Transplantation, 1997-2006 Year1997199819992000200120022003200420052006 New transplant patients1323402011 Deaths0103131001.

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Presentation on theme: "Table 3.1.1: Stock and Flow of Heart Transplantation, 1997-2006 Year1997199819992000200120022003200420052006 New transplant patients1323402011 Deaths0103131001."— Presentation transcript:

1 Table 3.1.1: Stock and Flow of Heart Transplantation, 1997-2006 Year1997199819992000200120022003200420052006 New transplant patients1323402011 Deaths0103131001 Retransplanted0000000000 Lost to follow up0000000000 Alive at 31 st December1355856677 N.B. There was no heart transplants carried out in 2004 Table 3.1.2: Stock and Flow of Lung Transplantation, 2005-2006 Year20052006 New transplant patients11 Deaths01 Retransplanted00 Lost to follow up00 Alive at 31 st December11

2 Figure 3.1.1: Stock and Flow of Heart Transplantation, 1997-2006 Number of patients (n) Year 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 New transplant patients Alive at 31st December 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

3 Table 3.2.1: Distribution of Patients by Gender, 1997-2006 Year1997199819992000200120022003200420052006TOTAL GenderNo. Male130220201112 Female00212000005 TOTAL132340201117 Table 3.2.2: Distribution of Patients by Ethnic Group, 1997-2006 Year1997199819992000200120022003200420052006TOTAL Ethnic groupNo. Malay00112000105 Chinese00010010002 Indian131120100110 TOTAL132340201117

4 Table 3.2.3: Distribution of Patients by Age, 1997-2006 Year1997199819992000200120022003200420052006TOTAL Age, yearsNo. 0-1900211000105 20-3902000000002 40-59110230200110 >=6000000000000 TOTAL132340201117 Mean5140163738-46-154436 SD-912217-8--16 Median5137164443-46-154440 Minimum5133151314-40-154413 Maximum5150165554-52-154455 Age=date of transplant-date of birth

5 Table 3.2.4: Distribution of Patients by Primary Diagnosis, 1997-2006 Year97989900010203040506TOTAL Primary diagnosisNo. Ischaemic Cardiomyopathy13011020019 Idiopathic Dilated Cardiomyopathy00212000106 Restrictive Cardiomyopathy00000000000 End Stage Valvular Heart Disease00001000001 Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy00010000001 Others00000000000 TOTAL132340201117

6 Table 3.3.1: Distribution of Patients by Heart Procedure, 1997-2006 Year9798990001020304052006TOTAL Heart ProcedureNo. Orthotopic Bicaval11000000002 Orthotopic Traditional022340201115 Heterotopic00000000000 TOTAL132340201117 Table 3.3.2: Distribution of Patients by Immunosuppressive Used, 1997-2006 Year97989900010203040506Total Type of immunosuppressiveNo. Steroids Prednisolone132340101015 Methylprednisolone132340201117 Calcineurin Inhibitors Neoral ® 132340101015 Antimetabolites Azathioprine (AZA)132340200116 Mycophenolate Mofetil (MMF)00001010103 TOTAL patients at notification132340201117

7 Table 3.3.3: Immunosuppressive Used at Time of Last Follow-up up to 2006 Year of follow up*200420052006 Type of immunosuppressiveNo. Steroids Prednisolone132 Methylprednisolone000 Calcineurin Inhibitors Neoral ® 167 Antimetabolites Azathioprine (AZA)132 Mycophenolate Mofetil (MMF)335 TOTAL patients at follow-up667 *Data according to year of follow up of transplanted patients

8 Table 3.3.4: Duration of Waiting Time on Waiting List, 1997-2006 Year97989900010203040506TOTAL Duration (months)*No. <502101010005 5-<1010101000104 10-<1500010000012 15-<2000010000001 20-<2500000000000 25-<3000000000000 30-<3500000000000 35-<4000000010001 TOTAL122220201113 Mean624155-20-9109 SD0165-25---10 Median624155-20-9106 Minimum623101-2-9 1 Maximum625198-37-91037 *Duration=date of transplant-date added to wait list

9 Table 3.4.1: Post Transplant Events at Last Follow-up up to 2006 Year of transplant*97989900010203040506TOTAL Type of post transplant eventsNo. Drug Treated Hypertension122130101011 Bone Disease (Symptomatic)10001000002 Chronic Liver Disease00000000000 Cataracts00000000000 Diabetes12000010004 Renal Dysfunction10001000002 Stroke00000000000 Drug Treated Hyperlipidaemia122130101011 TOTAL patients at follow-up122130101011 *Data according to year of transplant of patient

10 Table 3.4.2: Post Transplant Malignancies at Follow-up up to 2006 Year of transplant*97989900010203040506TOTAL Type of post transplant malignanciesNo. Recurrence of pre-transplant tumor00000000000 De Novo solid tumor10000000001 De Novo lymphoproliferative disorder00000000000 Skin00000000000 TOTAL patients at follow-up122130101011 *Data according to year of transplant of patient

11 Table 3.4.3: Non-compliance at Follow-up up to 2006 *Data according to year of transplant of patient Year of transplant*97989900010203040506TOTAL Non-compliance during follow-upNo.  Yes00100000001  No121130101010 TOTAL patients at follow-up122130101011 Areas of non-compliance:  Immunosuppression medication00100000001  Patient unable to afford immunosuppression medications 00100000001  Other medication00000000000  Other therapeutic regimen00000000000 TOTAL patients with noncompliance00100000001

12 Table 3.4.4: Patient Treated for Rejection at Follow-up up to 2006 *Data according to year of transplant of patient Year of transplant*97989900010203040506TOTAL Patient treated for rejectionNo.  Yes01000000001  No112130101010 TOTAL patients at follow-up122130101011 Number of rejection events  1  101000000001  2  200000000000  3  300000000000 TOTAL patients with rejection01000000001

13 Table 3.4.5: Distribution of Patients by Time of Deaths, 1997-2006 Year of discharge97989900010203040506TOTAL Time of deathsNo. <3 months (at discharge)01020110016 3-<6 months00000000000 6 months-1 year00000100001 >1 year00011100003 TOTAL patients who died010313100110 *Time=Date of death–date of transplant Table 3.4.6: Patient Survival, 1997-2006 Year of Transplant1997-2005 Interval% SurvivalSE 6 months6512 1 year5912 2 year4712 3 year4012 SE=standard error *Duration=date follow up-date transplant, if alive at discharge =date of discharge-date of transplant, if dead at discharge

14 Figure 3.4.6: Patient Survival, 1997-2006 Cumulative survival Duration in years 012345678 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00

15 Table 3.4.7: Cause of Death at Discharge, 1997-2006 Year97989900010203040506TOTAL Cause of deathNo. Hyperacute rejection00000010001 Multi organ failure00010000001 Respiratory failure secondary to septicaemia00000100001 Respiratory failure, renal function and liver failure, ARDS, septicaemia 00010000001 Septicaemia, multiorgan failure01000000001 Graft failure00000000011 TOTAL patients who died at discharge01020110006 Table 3.4.8: Cause of Death at Follow-up, 1997-2006 Year97989900010203040506TOTAL Cause of deathNo. Severe bleeding00000100001 Lung cancer, small cell type, septicaemia, bronchopneumonia 00010000001 Rejection due to non-compliance00001000001 Unknown00000100001 TOTAL patients who died at follow-up00011200004

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