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HTA on the Front Lines: Primary Care 2015 CADTH SYMPOSIUM.

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Presentation on theme: "HTA on the Front Lines: Primary Care 2015 CADTH SYMPOSIUM."— Presentation transcript:

1 HTA on the Front Lines: Primary Care 2015 CADTH SYMPOSIUM

2 A Quick Background At the Family Medicine Forum (FMF 2012) Dr. Mike Allan (AB) at his plenary address urged family doctors to be skeptical of their sources of information He pointed to CADTH as one reliable source of independent, balanced evidence and encouraged attendees to seek out this kind of information But: Most primary care practitioners were not familiar with CADTH or our work in HTA

3 Why use HTA Evidence in Primary Care? Rigorous Balanced Relevant Synthesis of large volume of research Freely available Positive experience of family physicians and primary care clinicians who have used HTA in practice “You changed my practice”

4 Primary Care Evidence from CADTH 3

5 Panel Speakers Maureen Klenk Primary Care Nurse Practitioner Dr. Paul Salomon Family Physician and Hospitalist Dr. Mark Vooght Medical Health Officer and Family Physician

6 5

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